I beg to ask the Secretary of State for India whether, having regard to the fact that a memorial signed by Lord Hobhouse, Sir Richard Garth, Sir Richard Couch, Sir Charles Sargent, Sir William Markby, Sir John Phear, Sir John Scott, Sir William Wedderburn, and others, praying for the separation of judicial and executive functions in India, was addressed to his predecessor, Lord George Hamilton, in July, 1899, and that the opinions of all the local governments and administrations in India on the subject of that memorial were submitted to the Government of India before the close of the year 1901, and that the Government of India, notwithstanding repeated promises, have not yet submitted any Report in regard to that memorial, he will now issue such instructions to the Government of India as shall ensure that no further delay is allowed to occur in dealing with this memorial.
I understand that until a very recent date, the Government of India did not regard the time as opportune for pressing this question rapidly to a decision. I will draw the attention of the Government of India to the subject, and they will no doubt let me know their views at an early date.