To ask the hon. Member of the Elland Division, as a Charity Commissioner, whether he is aware that the governors of the Yardley Charity Estates have neglected and now refuse to furnish the Yardley Rural District Council, East Worcestershire, at the request of the Yardley parish meeting, with the names of the dole beneficiaries, in order that they may publish them in compliance with Section 14 (6) of The Local Government Act, 1894; and that the accounts already furnished are not in the form prescribed by the Charity Commissioners and do not give the necessary details; and whether he will give directions to the charity governors to forthwith furnish the information desired by the parish council in compliance with the statute; and also to furnish detailed accounts for the information of the Yardley parishioners. (Answered by Mr. Trevelyan.) The Commissioners have applied to the Governors of the Yardley Charity Estates for an explanation of the matters mentioned in the hon. Member's Question, and will, if necessary, take steps to ensure compliance with the statutory requirements.