I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies what portion of the £35,000,000 Transvaal Loan has been exclusively devoted to the British population and what portion exclusively to the Boer population; and what are the purposes for which the further loan proposed to be guaranteed by His Majesty's Government is destined.
The various headings of the loan were given in reply to a Question by the hon. Member on 16th May,† but I do not think that it is possible to make the division suggested in the first part of the Question. I cannot at present add anything with regard to the new loan to my Answer to a Question on the subject on 9th May.‡
† See (4) Debates, clxxiv., 1080.
‡ See (4) Debates, clxxiv., 355.
May I ask why the right hon. Gentleman cannot answer my Question and specify the different headings which were not specified in his reply to my former Question?
I have already said I do not think it possible to make the division suggested in the first part of the Question with regard to the allocation of the moneys included in the £35,0000,000 loan. With regard to the £5,000,000 I have said I cannot add anything to what has been already stated.
But is not the right hon. Gentleman in possession of information as to the exact way in which this £35,000,000 was applied, and if so, why not give it?
Very full accounts are of course preserved of the expenditure of the £35,000,000 loan, an expenditure for which the present Government is in no degree responsible, but I am informed it would be very difficult to pick out exactly what sums were spent upon Boers and what sums on British, out of that great sum of money. Although it is difficult, I am not sure if it were easy it would be very desirable.
May I ask whether these accounts do not show that certain sums were paid for the repatriation of Boer farmers, for restocking farms, for concentration camps, and for other purposes, and what is the objection to giving the information which has been asked for, and which in my opinion is perfectly available?
As I have said, they are not matters of which we have had cognisance during our term of office. I understand that very full information as to the expenditure of the £35,000,000 loan has already been laid before Parliament, and if that is not the case it is the right hon. Gentleman who is to blame and not we. With regard to the special classification he now recommends us to make, I have said it would be difficult and I think undesirable.
I will repeat my Question this day week in order to give the right hon. Gentleman time to obtain the information. I do not care which side is responsible.
When the hon. Gentleman repeats his Question I shall only be able to repent my Answer.
Now that there is a Transvaal Government is there any distinction of population: are they not all British subjects?
[No Answer was given.]