Liquor Traffic (Local Option) (Scotland) Bill
Petition from Rotherhithe, in favour; to lie upon the Table.
Marriage With A Deceased Wife's Sister Bill
Petitions against: From Bucknall; Cleeton Saint Mary; and, London and other places; to lie upon the Table.
Weekly Rest Day Bill
Petition from London, in favour; to lie upon the Table.
Merchant Shipping (Tonnage Deduction For Propelling Power) Bill
Petitions against, praying to be heard by counsel: From Alexandra (Newport and South Wales) Docks and Railway Company; Barry Pilotage Board and Pilots; Cardiff Railway Company; Commissioners for the Port and Harbour of Galway; Cunard Steamship Company, Limited; Furness Railway Company; Irish Steamship Association; Limerick Harbour Commissioners; Llanelly Harbour Trust; Newport Harbour Commissioners; North British Railway Company; North Eastern Railway Company; Sharpness New Docks and Gloucester and Birmingham Navigation Company; and, Swansea Harbour Trustees; referred to the Select Committee on the Bill.