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Commons Chamber

Volume 178: debated on Thursday 18 July 1907

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House Of Commons

Thursday, 18th July, 1907.

Private Bill Business

Provisional Order Bills Lords (Standing Orders Applicable Thereto Complied With)

Mr. SPEAKER laid upon the Table Report from one of the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, That, in the case of the following Bill, originating in the Lords, and referred on the First Reading thereof, the Standing Orders which are applicable thereto have been complied with, viz.:—Education Board Provisional Order Confirmation (London, No. 1) Bill [Lords],

Ordered, That the Bill be read a second time To-morrow.

Ashton-under-Lyne, Stalybridge, and Dukinfield (District) Waterworks Bill[Lords]. Read the third time, and passed, with Amendments.

Great Yarmouth Waterworks and Lowestoft Water and Gas Bill [Lords] (King's Consent signified). Bill read the third time, and passed, with Amendments.

Sheffield Corporation Bill [Lords]. As amended, considered; a Clause added; Bill to be read the third time.

York (Micklegate Strays) Bill [Lords] (by Order). Road a second time, and committed.

Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 10) Bill. Reported, with Amendments [Provisional Orders confirmed]; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill, as amended, to be considered To-morrow.

Education Board Provisional Order Confirmation (London, No. 2) Bill [Lords]. Reported, without Amendment [Provisional Orders confirmed]; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill to be read the third time Tomorrow.

Selsey Water Bill [Lords]; Manchester Corporation Tramways Bill [Lords]. Reported, with Amendments; Reports to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Middlesbrough, Stockton-on-Tees, and Thornaby Tramways Bill [Lords]. Re ported, with an Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Electric Supply Corporation Bill [Lords]. Reported, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table, and to be printed.

Bill to be read the third time.

Alton Military Hospital Bill [Lords]. Reported, without Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table.

Bill to be read the third time.

Pasley Children Legitimisation Bill [Lords], reported, with an Amendment; Report to lie upon the Table.

Message From The Lords

That they have agreed to, Penrith Urban District Council Bill, with Amendments.


Congo Free State

Petition from Manchester, for protection of the Native Races; to He upon the Table.

Land Values (Scotland) Bill

Petition from Perth, against; to lie upon the Table.

Weekly Rest-Day Bill

Petition from Kilburn and other places, in favour; to lie upon the Table.

Returns, Reports, Etc

Joint Stock Companies

Return presented, relative thereto [ordered 12th June; Mr. Lloyd-George]; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 257.]

County Courts (Plaints And Sittings)

Return presented, relative thereto [Address 9th July; Mr. Herbert Samuel]; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 238.]

Post Office (Foreign And Colonial Parcel Post)

Copy presented, of the Foreign and Colonial Parcel Post Amendment (No. 8) Warrant, 1907, dated 29th June, 1907 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table.

Trade Reports (Annual Series)

Copies presented, of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series, Nos. 3860 and 3861 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.


Copy presented, of Report on the State of Brunei for 1906 [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.

Colonial Reports (Annual)

Copy presented, of Report, No. 528 (Bermuda, Annual Report for 1906) [by Command]; to lie upon the Table.

Naval Prize Money

Account presented, showing the Receipt and Expenditure of Naval Prize, Bounty, Salvage, and other Moneys between the 1st April, 1906, and 31st March, 1907 [by Act]; to lie upon the Table, and to be printed. [No. 259.]

Paper Laid Upon The Table By The Clerk Of The House

Caledonian Canal, Copy of One hundred and second Report of the Commissioners [by Act]; to be printed. [No. 260.]

Harbour, Etc, Bills

Copy ordered, "of the Report of the Board of Trade on the Birkenhead Corporation Water Bill [Lords]."—( Mr. Lloyd-George).

Civil Servants (Retirement At The Age Of Sixty-Five)

Copy ordered, "of Treasury Minute, dated the 17th day of July, 1907, stating the circumstances under which certain Civil Servants have been retained in the Service after they have attained the age of sixty-five; and of the Return therein referred to."—( Mr. Runciman.)

Questions And Answers Circulated With The Votes

Kenmare Rural Postmen

To ask the Postmaster-General whether his attention has been called to the case of Michael Shea, who has acted as rural postman between Kenmare and Bonane for twenty-four years and six months, and who has sent in his replies to questions submitted for superannuation purposes seven weeks ago but has not yet received any further notification; and whether the case will be dealt with immediately, as he has no other means of support since he was relieved of his duty through age and infirmity.

( Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) I am making inquiries in the matter. In the meantime I will see if any payment can be made to Shea pending a settlement of the question whether he is eligible for any award under the Superannuation Acts.

Birmingham Telegraph Staff

To ask the Postmaster-General whether, seeing that on 15th May, 1906, he stated that he was considering a scheme for the separation of the Birmingham telegraph staff from the postal staff, and in view of the inconveniences suffered by the junior members of the telegraph staff, he will state when the scheme promised fourteen months ago will be published and put into execution.

( Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) The staff of male sorting clerks and telegraphists at Birmingham has been definitely divided between the postal and telegraph sides of the office. Of course an officer attached to the telegraph side of the office is liable to be called upon to work on the postal side, or vice versa, if the exigencies of the service require it.

Boy Clerks

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether he will consider the advisability, in view of the importance of the points raised in the memorial which has been before the Treasury since September last, by the boy clerks in His Majesty's Civil Service, as to whether a more efficient and economical system could be devised for recruiting the clerical ranks, of referring these questions to a committee of Members of this House.

( Answered by Mr. Runciman.) I do not think the course suggested by the hon. Member necessary or desirable.

Foreign Weights And Measures

To ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs if he will remind the Foreign consuls to give, in English equivalents, the statistics as to weights, measures, and coinage which are contained in their Reports.

( Answered by Secretary Sir Edward Grey.) British consular officers abroad are already instructed in the sense of the hon. Member's Question, and in all cases where these instructions are neglected the attention of the consular officer is drawn to the matter.

Crime In Ceylon

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies if he has received representations from the Governor of Ceylon regarding the deportation of persons guilty of serious crime and of the increase in late years of the number of cases of murder and homicide; and whether he will lay upon the Table copies of correspondence on the subject.

( Answered by Mr. Churchill.) No representations on this subject have been received within the last two years. Correspondence which passed between the late Secretary of State and the Governor of Ceylon has recently been laid before the Legislative Council, and a copy will be placed in the Library of this House. It is not proposed to lay Papers upon the Table.

St Helena Prisoners

To ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that on arrival at St. Helena the Zulu prisoners wore in an emaciated condition and looked half-starved, and some of them were hardly able to walk; whether amongst these is the chief Tilonko, from whom a petition is lying upon the Table of this House setting forth that he was illegally condemned under an indemnity Act wider in scope than has ever been assented to by the Sovereign, and which is alleged to have been unjustly put into operation; and whether he proposes to take any action in the matter.

( Answered by Mr. Churchill.) It was necessary to deport these prisoners under the Colonial Prisoners Removal Act, and they therefore remain in the status of convicts; but it has always been the view of the Secretary of State that the fact of their deportation would justify their receiving while in St. Helena liberal treatment in regard to conditions of their

imprisonment, especially in the matter of dietary. He will at once call for a Report from the Governor of St. Helena on this subject, and will authorise him to make such modifications in the scale of dietary and general conditions as are possible consistently with the provisions of the law.

Colonial Audits

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury what is the estimated cost of the projected visit of the Assistant Comptroller and Auditor to the Colonial audit stations of the Mediterranean and of the East and South Coast of Africa; whether, having regard to the fact that provision for such estimated expenditure has been made by the curtailment of various programmes of local audit in the United Kingdom, it is within the competence of the heads of the Exchequer and Audit Department thus to arrange a Colonial inspection by an official to the detriment of the Imperial duties of experienced officers; whether the proposed visit has been undertaken at the instance of the Colonial Office, and, if so, why it was not planned without prejudice to Imperial audits; and whether, in view of the circumstance that during a similar tour by a late Comptroller and Auditor-General it was found desirable to visit the Holy Land and other places of non-financial interest, he can state what control is exercised by the Lords of the Treasury over official journeys of heads of departments to ensure that these shall not be extemporised to furnish opportunities of foreign travel at the public expense.

( Answered by Mr. Runciman.)The visit is undertaken in the public interest with the approval of the Treasury and the Colonial Office, and will not have the consequences suggested. I understand the facts as to a tour by a former Comptroller and Auditor-General are misrepresented in the Question.

Government Pensioner

To ask the Secretary to the Treasury whether naval, military, or civil pensioners who have commuted their pensions can revert to the position of actual pensioners; and, if so, under what circumstances.

( Answered by Mr. Runciman.) No, Sir. When a pension has once been commuted it cannot, under any circumstances, be resumed.

Infantile Mortality

To ask the President of the Local Government Board whether infant mortality among the poorer classes usually rises greatly in the latter part of the summer and early autumn; whether the mortality would be reduced if parents who are unable to pay for a doctor for their children would apply for medical relief at an early stage of the children's illness; and whether he would advise the guardians to give all facilities to such parents to obtain medical relief for the children, and not to make it a debt or offer it on condition that the parent comes into the workhouse.

( Answered by Mr. John Burns.) I am aware that there is usually an increase in infant mortality in the latter part of the summer and early autumn, especially in hot seasons, and it may be accepted, I think, that competent medical advice and treatment at an early stage of the illness would tend to reduce the mortality. I have, however, no reason to suppose that guardians are unwilling to afford medical relief for children whose parents are unable to provide it, or that persons properly entitled to receive medical relief are deterred from applying for it by the considerations referred to in the last part of the Question. If my hon. friend is aware of any cases of failure to give relief to the infants of parents unable-to provide it, and will inform me of the particulars of such cases, I will consider them.

Metropolitan Guardians' Account Audits

To ask the President of the Local Government Board whether his attention has been called to the practice of the Metropolitan District Auditor of Poor Law Accounts in issuing a restricted and inadequate notice of his audit of guardians' accounts; and whether he will consider the desirability of issuing instructions for ample and convenient notice of such audit being given locally, as is the case with the audit of the accounts of metropolitan borough councils.

( Answered by Mr. John Burns.) I do not find that I have received any complaints as to the practice of the auditor in this matter. The statutes and orders relating to this subject require that the auditor shall give notice by advertisement, in some newspaper circulating in the county, a reasonable time prior to the audit, and further that he shall give to the clerk to the guardians fourteen days' notice in writing of the time and place at which he intends to commence the audit. The auditor states chat the notice given by him has in all cases been such as is required by statute, and that special care has been exercised in seeing that adequate notice has been given. I may add that the clerk to the guardians is required, on hearing from the auditor, to cause a notice in a pre scribed form to be affixed to the gate of the workhouse and other places where union notices are usually affixed. The notice refers to the deposit of certain books of accounts for inspection by the owners and ratepayers, the holding of the audit, and the power of any owner or ratepayer who may have any objection to the accounts to attend and be heard by the auditor.

Belfast Telegraph Clerks

To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that, in September. 1906, a memorial was submitted to the telegraph superintendent at Belfast by the local secretary of the Postal Telegraph Clerks Association, asking that a staff of male clerks might be sent to the telegraph counter at the head office; and, seeing that in March the men were informed that the change would be made as soon as the duties could be arranged, whether he can state the reason for the absence of effort to carry the promise into effect.

( Answered by Mr. Sydney Burton) I will have inquiry made and will communicate the result to the hon. Member.

Boy Telegraph Messengers

To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that the boy telegraph messengers employed at the larger offices complain of their excessive hours of duty on Sunday, for which they practically receive no remuneration; and, if so, will he cause an intimation to be published in the Post Office Official Circular instructing postmasters that the boy messengers arc only to be employed on Sunday from 8 a.m. until 8 p.m., all Sunday duty previous to 8 a.m. and after 8 p.m. to be performed by adult night messengers.

To ask the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that there is a hardship at present imposed upon the adult night messengers of making a special day attendance to receive their weekly wages; and, if so, will he insert instructions in the Post Office Official Circular to the effect that at all offices where adult night messengers are employed they be either paid their wages when leaving off duty on Saturday morning, or be allowed the usual rate of overtime if compelled to put in a special day attendance for the specific purpose of receiving their weekly wages

( Answered, by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) I will have inquiry made on the subject of the hon. Member's Questions, and will inform him of the result.

Sub-Postmaster's Letter Boxes

To ask the Postmaster-General whether sub-postmasters now have letter boxes supplied and fixed free of cost; and, if so, at what date did this departmental concession come into operation.

( Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) It is still the duty of sub-postmasters to provide arid fix their own letter boxes. The question of altering the rule has been under consideration, but as the matter was brought before the Select Committee on Post Office Servants my decision has been deferred until the Committee has reported.

Telegraph Vacancies At Derby

To ask the Postmaster-General whether in view of the fact that two vacancies now exist in the telegraph department at Derby, he will direct that two of the telegraphists now performing sorting duties may be reinstated.

( Answered by Mr. Sydney Buxton.) I will make inquiry in the matter, and will communicate with the hon. Member.

American Gooseberry Mildew

To ask the hon. Member for South Somerset, as representing the President of the Board of Agriculture, whether, in view of the fact that out breaks of the American gooseberry-mildew in its highly infectious summer stage have occurred within the last few days in Worcestershire, Gloucestershire, and Norfolk, and that this disease, which has rendered the culture of gooseberries unprofitable and practically impossible wherever it Las appeared, spreads with great rapidity by the spores produced in this stage, the Board will place the outbreaks under the charge of one or more properly qualified mycologists to supervise the carrying out of those measures necessary to secure the eradication of the disease.

( Answered by Sir Edward Strachey.) The Destructive Insects and Pests Act imposes on the local authorities the duty of taking the necessary measures for preventing the spread of the disease; but the Board have been authorised to appoint two inspectors, who will supervise the administration of the Act and give any assistance in their power to the local authorities in the discharge of their duties.

Royal Courts Of Justice

To ask the First Commissioner of Works whether, having regard to the fact that at present there is at the Royal Courts of Justice one Court too few for the existing number of Judges, and that it is proposed to appoint an additional Judge, he intends to provide Courts and rooms for two Judges; and whether, at any rate, he will, during the coming Long Vacation, proceed with the construction of the Court between Chancery Court 2 and the Lord Chancellor's Court, for which plans have long been in existence.

( Answered by Mr. Harcourt.) No provision has been made in the Estimates for the current year, and it will not, therefore, be possible to make new Courts or rooms until 1108–9, or to undertake any building such as is mentioned in the last paragraph of the Question.

Bombay-Sind Railway

To ask the Secretary of State for India whether he has yet received from the Government of India the memorial of the Cutchi inhabitants of Bombay relative to the proposed Bombay-Sind connection railway.

( Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) have requested the Government of India to forward the memorial, but I have not yet received it.

India Public Works Department

To ask the Secretary of State for India whether any information exists at the India Office with reference to a scheme of reorganisation for the Public Works Department in India, which was reported to be under consideration by the Government of India two or three years ago; and whether any scheme for improving the pay and prospects of the Department has as yet been before the Secretary of State.

( Answered by Mr. Secretary Morley.) An increase of pay in the administrative grades of the engineering branch of the Public Works Department was sanctioned by my predecessor in August, 1905. I am not aware of any other scheme under consideration for improving the pay and prospects of the Department.

Royal Irish Constabulary At Newry

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that only one sergeant out of thirty-two

Year.(1.) Number of tenants converted into caretakers by service of ejectment notice under Section 7 of the Land Law (Ire land) Act, 1887, in Ireland.(2.)Number of actual evictions of tenants from agricultural holdings at the suit of landlords.

sergeants and men of the Royal Irish Constabulary stationed at Newry is a Protestant; whether such arrangement is by design or accident; and if he proposes to make any change.

( Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Inspector-General informs me that the force stationed at Newry consists of thirty-two sergeants and constables. Of this number one sergeant and eight constables are Protestants, and an existing vacancy is to be filled by the allocation of a second Protestant sergeant. The assignment of policemen to stations is a matter for the Inspector-General, and I do not propose to interfere with his discretion.

Irish Tenants As Caretakers

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland what was the number of tenants converted into care takers by service of ejectment notices under Section 7 of the Land Law Act of 1887 in each of the years 1901 to 1906, inclusive; what was the number of actual evictions for non-payment of rent throughout Ireland in each such year, and the number of farms retaken by former tenants and the number of farms retaken by new tenants in each such year, distinguishing in the case of the latter the number who came to an arrangement with the evicted tenants before they entered in possession.

( Answered by Mr. Birrell.)

This information has been extracted from Returns presented to Parliament. As regards (2) it is not possible to distinguish cases in which evictions were for non-payment of rent, but it may be assumed that the great majority were of that nature. Returns have been given from time to time containing the information asked for in the remainder of the Question, so far as regards evicted farms on the estates commonly known as Plan of Campaign estates, and I informed the hon. Member for Mid. Armagh on the 16th instant that I would offer no objection to the granting of a Return in continuation of the last such Return (Parliamentary Paper No. 173, of Session 1903). I find that similar Returns as regards evicted farms generally have not heretofore been presented to Parliament, and I do not propose to make any new departure in this respect.

Sir Robert Hudson's Cavan Tenantry

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lientenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the tenants on Sir Robert Hudson's estate, county Cavan, have signed agreements for the purchase of their holdings, and that a number of tenants who bad turbary rights also signed agreements surrendering these rights in consideration of receiving a further reduction in their instalments; whether he is aware that the landlord now proposes to give all the good turbary to those tenants who have surrendered their rights and nothing but after-bog to the others, who are unwilling under the conditions to purchase; and whether, in view of these facts, the Estates Commissioners are prepared to advance money for the purchase of the estate.

( Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Estates Commissioners inform me that since notice of this Question was given they have learnt that a satisfactory agreement as regards turbary has been arrived at between the vendor and the purchasing tenants.

Holyrood Urban District Council

To ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he is aware that the urban district council of Holywood has discovered that its late clerk, James H. Barrett, received, between the 6th December, 1900, and the 29th January, 1905, various fees in respect of transfers of grave lots; that the said James Hunter Barrett failed to account for said sums; whether he will state the circumstances under which the discovery was made, and the nature of the entries made by James Hunter Barrett in respect of the said stuns respectively; whether the council have taken any, and if so, what steps in regard to said embezzlements; does the council intend to prosecute in respect of these and other serious embezzlements by James H. Barrett; and if not, will the Government institute an independent inquiry.

( Answered by Mr. Birrell.) The Local Government Board have ascertained that the urban district council are at present considering what steps should be taken in regard to the circumstances alleged in the Question. Having regard to the possible outcome of the case, it is not at present desirable to make any statement as to the facts or to consider the question of an inquiry.

Army Meat Tenders

To ask the Secretary of State for War whether the War Office, when recently calling for tenders for preserved beef, selected a time for the delivery of tenders which rendered it impossible for Australian firms to compete; has the War Office, in reply to representations made on behalf of the Australian canners, declined to alter the date fixed; whether Australian preserved meats have ever been viewed with suspicion; whether the method of inspection of Australian preserved meat has been favourably reported on by the officer sent out by the War Office to visit the canning works; and will he direct that in future the time selected for tenders shall not be such as must necessarily give the contracts to American firms and preclude Australia from competing.

( Answered by Mr. Secretary Haldane.) The War Office have to issue tenders for preserved meat according to their requirements at the time. In the ease under comment the date for delivery of the tenders could not have been altered without seriously interfering with the turnover of the stocks held as reserves. Australian preserved meat is not viewed with suspicion. The officer sent to visit the

Australian canning works has not returned to this country, and no Report has been received from him. The time selected for issue of tenders must be governed by War Department requirements, but every endeavour will be made to meet the convenience of the "Australian market as far as it is possible to do so.

Afforestry In The Forest Of Dean

To ask the Prime Minister whether an expert forest officer will be appointed to fill the vacancy at the Forest of Dean; and whether any progress has been made with respect to the purchase by the Woods and Forests Commissioners of land in Argyll for afforestation purposes.

( Answered by Sir H. Campbell-Banner-man.) The interests of forestry will not be lost sight of in the re-arrangements which are under consideration. The purchase referred to in the latter part of the Question is still under consideration.

Questions In The House

Portsmouth Dockyard Discharges

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty how many men have been discharged from the dockyard at Portsmouth since January, 1906, who have had more than twenty years service.

188 men with more than twenty years' service have left Portsmouth Dockyard since January, 1906, but none of these were discharged on reduction.

Dockyard Discharges

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty how many men have been discharged from the dockyards at Pembroke, Devonport, Portsmouth, and Chatham since January, 1906; and in how many eases were men discharged with more than ten years' service.

The number of men who have been discharged from the dockyards named between 1st January, 1906 and the 6th July, 1907, is as follows:—On reduction, 439; other causes, 2,798. During the same period 3,538 men have been entered. Of the 439 men discharged on reduction, 434 were discharged prior to the 30th June, 1906, and only five subsequently. 308 of the men who were discharged on reduction, and 484 of those who left from other causes, had over ten years' service.

Naval And Marine Pensions

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty whether he is aware that, by printed regulations issued prior to 1878, all men joining the Navy and Marines were promised that, subject to good character, the ordinary pensions of their rating which they might earn would receive an augmentation of 5d. per day at the age of 55, and a further augmentation subsequently; that men, having reached the age of 55, have had their applications for fulfilment of this undertaking refused on the grounds that the Admiralty have no funds at their disposal for this purpose; and what steps the Admiralty propose to take to remedy the alleged grievance.

The whole of the funds annually available for the pensions referred to in the Question is expended upon them. If my hon. friend requires further information as to these pensions, may I refer him to Command Paper 138 of Session 1892?


I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty why seven submarines have been ordered from Messrs. Vickers since the present Government came into office, and none of any other firm; and whether any firm, excepting that of Messrs. Vickers, has been invited to tender for sub marines; and, if not, why not.

Messrs. Vickers were the firm who first took up submarine boat construction in this country, and they have gained much experience with these vessels. It is not known that any submarine boat suitable for His Majesty's service has been constructed in the country by any other firm; but if any shipbuilding firm should submit a design of a submarine vessel, such design would receive the full consideration of the Admiralty.

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty why the sanction of the Treasury was not first received before submarines were ordered from Messrs. Vickers without competitive tenders having been obtained or other firms invited to compete.

The hon. Member has already been informed by my right hon. friend the Secretary to the Admiralty, in reply to a previous Question on Monday last, that Treasury sanction was not required.

Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the finding of the Public Accounts Committee was to a contrary effect'

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what the approximate difference in cost is likely to be between the submarines commenced in the Government dockyards at Chatham and those ordered from Messrs. Vickers.

The work on the boats building at Chatham is not sufficiently far advanced to enable a reliable estimate to be given.

The Channel Fleet

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Admiralty what was the last date when the Channel Fleet had its full complement of fourteen battleships assembled; and how many of the fourteen battleships are absent now.

The fourteen battle- ships of the Channel Fleet have not been assembled since the battle squadron was reconstituted in March last. Two battle-ships are now absent, viz., the "Triumph," which, is in dockyard hands at Chatham, and the "New Zealand," which is preparing to proceed from Devonport to Bantry for gun trials.

May I ask why the hon. Gentleman informed me in this House on 24th June that all the battleships were assembled?

Smokeless Blank Cartridge

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War if the military authorities at Aldershot desire smokeless blank cartridge for Artillery for use in training officers and men; and, if so, if he will supply this want.

The desirability of a smokeless blank ammunition for Artillery is admitted; but although several designs have been tried, no satisfactory explosive at a reasonable cost has been found. Experiments are, however, being continued.

Military Officers In The House Of Commons

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for War whether officers in the Army on the active list are not allowed to be candidates, while occupying this position, for Parliamentary constituencies, and are compelled by a War Office regulation, or the practice of the War Office, to retire from the House of Commons on appointment to military commands: whether Peers of the Realm on the active list, and as such executive servants of the public, are entitled by the practice of the War Office to combine military and Parliamentary duties, while Members of this House are disqualified, by the practice of the War Office, from retaining their seats when placed on the active list; whether he will explain the reason of the difference made in favour of Army officers who are Members of the House of Lords to the disadvantage of Army officers who are Members of the House of Commons; and whether he intends is take any, and, if so, what steps to rectify this class distinction.

There is no regulation against an officer becoming a candidate for a seat in the House of Commons, nor is it the practice of the War Office to intervene in this matter. If, however, he is elected, ho remains on the active list but is placed upon half-pay. An officer is required to vacate his seat on being appointed to a command, because it is considered that the work of a Member of this House would engross too much of an officer's time, and that consequently the interests, comforts and efficiency of the troops placed under his command would thereby suffer. These rules are not applicable to Members of the House of Lords, as they cannot divest themselves of their duties as such. Hence an officer who is a Member of the House of Commons occupies a somewhat more favourable position under these rules than one who is a Member of the House of Lords, in that while being retained on the active list he is relieved from the performance of all military duty and is thus enabled to devote his whole time and energy to his legislative duties.


said that that was very delightful for military men. He asked whether the Government were seriously considering the rectification of such a state of things, whereby a military man in command was excluded from the House, while a military man who was a Member of the other House had full right of discussion there, and possibly could move a vote of censure on the Ministry and then proceed to take his pay from the War Office.

Treatment At Zulu Prisoners At St Helena

I bog to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies whether the Minute of the acting Prime Minister of Natal, sent to the Governor, and printed on page 13 of Cd. 3563, in which it is inferred or stated specifically that the Zulu prisoners in St. Helena will be under the supervision of a staff of warders armed with rifles, that they will be confined in rooms with iron bars fixed on the windows, three or four men being in one room, and that they are to receive no groceries except salt, is accepted by His Majesty's Government as being equal to the standard which they had in mind when they consented to the removal of these men from Natal; whether in. view of the different conditions of life, climatic and otherwise, between St. Helena and Natal, His Majesty's Government consider that the dietary scale set out on page 11 of this paper, showing that the food is to consist almost exclusively of mealie meal, is satisfactory; and whether His Majesty's Government propose to make any representations to the Natal authorities for a revision of the scale and for the addition of groceries other than salt.

I beg also to ask the Under-Secretary of State for Colonies whether the twenty-five Zulu prisoners recently deported from Natal to St. Helena are regarded as political prisoners; what are the conditions of their captivity; what are their rations; to what privations, other than the loss of freedom, are they subjected; are those who are chiefs accorded treatment commensurate with their superior rank of life; and how far does the Home Government regard itself responsible that they shall be treated in accordance with the traditions that prevail in this country.

I beg further to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether his attention has been drawn to the fact that on arrival at St. Helena the Zulu prisoners were in an emaciated condition and looked half-starved, and some of them were hardly able to walk; whether amongst these is the chief Tilonko, from whom a petition is lying upon the Table of this House setting forth that he was illegally condemned under an indemnity Act wider in scope than has ever been assented to by the Sovereign, and which is alleged to have been unjustly put into operation; and whether he proposes to take any action on the matter.

It was necessary to deport these prisoners under the Colonial Prisoners Removal Act, and they therefore remain in the status of convicts, but it has always been the view of the Secretary of State that the fact of their deportation would justify their receiving, while in St. Helena, liberal treatment in regard to conditions of their imprisonment, especially in the matter of dietary. He will at once call for a Report from the Governor of St. Helena on this subject, and will authorise him to make such modifications in the scale of dietary and general conditions as are possible consistently with this provisions of the law.

Fighting In The New Hebrides

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has any official news of the fighting in the New Hebrides; and whether he will furnish any details.

I have to refer the hon. and gallant Member to the Answer which I gave yesterday to the hon. Member for the North-Western Division of Lancashire.

Imports Of Arms And Spirits Into The New Hebrides

I beg to ask the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies whether he has any official information showing that vessels chartered under the French flag have recently left Sydney carrying arms, ammunition, and spirits for importation into the New Hebrides.

Can the right hon. Gentleman give the result of the inquiries he promised to make two months ago?

asked if British subjects were not placed at a great disadvantage by the delay in the issue of the Proclamation, as they were prohibited carrying arms, ammunition, and spirits.

Concessions In China

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has discussed with Sir Ernest Satow the question of concessions in China; whether any settlement has been arrived at with the Chinese Government; and, if so, can he state the nature of it to the House.

(Sir EDWARD GREY, Northumberland, Berwick)

The Answer to the first part of the hon. Member's Question is in the affirmative, but we have so far arrived at no general settlement with the Chinese Government regarding concessions in China. Negotiations are proceeding separately with a view to the settlement of each out standing case.

Egyptian Postage

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether, seeing that the total correspondence passing through the Egyptian Post Office in 1906 increased to 58,000,000 as against 50,770,000 in 1905, and that since the introduction of the penny postage the correspondence exchanged between Egypt and the United Kingdom and British Colonies has increased by 60 per cent., he will now endeavour to induce the Egyptian Government to place Egypt on an equal footing as to postal rates with the United Kingdom and the Colonies.

As the penny postage already exists I do not under stand to what difference the hon. Member's Question refers.

Yes, it is the case there is a slight difference due to the rate of the exchange.

Galapagos Islands

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he can make any statement with regard to the British subjects kept in a state of servitude in the Galapagos Islands.

It has been found impracticable for His Majesty's Consul at Guayaquil to go in person to the Galapagos Islands, owing to the considerable time necessary for the journey He has been instructed, therefore, to send a trustworthy agent to the islands, with power to bring away all those who wish to leave. Some time must elapse, however, before the result of his mission is known, as no ship leaves for the islands till the beginning of August and the journey there and back takes about five weeks.

Egyptian Educational Service

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether the increase recorded by Lord Cromer of over 100 per cent. in the European personnel in the Egyptian secondary schools and higher colleges in the years 1896–1906, and the decrease of 25 per cent. in the Egyptian personnel in the same department in the same period, are due to a falling-off in the number of Egyptians educated for such posts; and, if so, whether he can explain how such a falling-off in the educational provision made under the supervision of the Minister of Education by the British Adviser has taken place.

The demand for secondary and higher education, and the development of it, has been increasing more rapidly than the supply of Egyptian teachers; measures are in hand to remedy the deficiency as far as it is possible.

Newfoundland Fisheries

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether it is intended to submit the questions in dispute in reference to the Newfoundland fisheries to arbitration; and what arrangements are to be made to cover the forthcoming fishing season.

I am unable to give any information at the present stage of the negotiations, but I hope to be able to make a general statement on the subject before the end of the session. It is now under discussion between the Governments concerned.

asked as to the bearing of the Clayton-Bulwer treaty on these negotiations.

said it was difficult to establish any analogy between the two cases.

Assault On A British Telegraphist At Odessa

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has received any in formation with regard to the assault on Mr. T. Hutchinson, a member of the staff of the Indo-European Telegraphs, who was beaten on the head in the Deribasovskaya, one of the busiest thoroughfares in Odessa; and, seeing that Mr. Hutchinson obtained no satisfaction from the local police, what action he proposes to take in the matter.

I have not yet received any report respecting this incident from His Majesty's Consul General at Odessa, and am therefore at present unable to reply to the second part of the hon. Member's Question, but I will make inquiries.

San Thomé And Principé

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is yet in a position to lay Papers before the House with regard to the conditions of labour in the islands of San Thomé and Principé.

There are no Papers on the subject referred to by the hon. Member for Hereford which could be usefully laid before the House. I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to the hon. Member for Orkney and Shetland and circulated with the Votes on Friday last.ߤ


I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether in the ease of persons now entitled to a remission of income-tax on earned incomes, but who have already filled up for this year a return to the Income-Tax Commissioners, a supplemental application form for the lower rate

ߤ See(4) Debates, clxxviii, 1906
will be supplied, or, if not, whether collectors of income-tax will be instructed to give any and what facilities to such taxpayers to make a demand for the lower rate.

It is proposed to supply supplemental forms to persons who have already made returns for the current year, and who may appear to be entitled to relief in respect of earned income. If anyone so entitled should not receive such supplemental form within the next month, he should apply to the surveyor of his district, who will see that the omission is repaired.

Savings Banks Balance Sheets

I beg to ask the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he can state why, as the Savings Banks Act of 1901 gave effect to the recommendation of the Select Committee of 1902 that publication of the balance sheets of the savings banks should be discontinued, effect has not been given to the recommendation of the same Committee that the rate of interest to depositors should be reduced, with the object of relieving the general taxpayer from the burden of making good the annual loss in the income accounts of the savings banks.

Before the late Chancellor of the Exchequer brought in his Bill for giving effect to the recommendations of the Select Committee, the question of reducing the rates of interest was discussed in Committee of Supply, on the l5th March, 1904.… The right hon. Gentleman then expressed his concurrence in the Committee's view that Parliament should not be called upon permanently to vote money for the purpose of paying to savings bank depositor's a higher rate of interest than could be earned on the investments. But he pointed out that financial conditions had changed since the date of the Committee's inquiry so as to justify the hope that, without any reduction of the rate of interest payable, the annual deficiency might be reduced and possibly be extinguished. I understand that his decision not to alter the rate of interest was generally approved. Owing partly

†See(4) Debates, cxxxi, 1153 ct seg.
to the increased earning power on new investments and partly to certain changes effected by the Act of 1904, the total deficiency on the income of the two savings banks funds, which in 1903 was £183,690, had been reduced in 1900 to £129,361. And the reduction would have been greater, but for the inclusion last year of a special non-recurrent charge of about,£21,000. I see no reason at present for departing from the policy of the last Government.

Trustee Savings Banks

I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he is aware that, in the year 1880, there was a deficiency estimated by Mr. Gladstone at £3,565,000 in the Trustee Savings Banks, the amount being arrived at by valuation of the securities held; that the deficiency was provided for by the creation of a terminable annuity to run for twenty-eight years, the term being afterwards extended to 1917; that the cost of making good this deficiency has been borne, and is now being borne by the taxpayers in general; and that the same method of valuation would reveal a new deficiency, quite apart from the old, in the Trustee Savings Banks, and a deficiency of over £10,000,000 in the Post Office Savings Bank; and whether, regard being had to the circumstances, he will consider the expediency of making provision for reducing and finally extinguishing these deficiencies (if they exist) by setting up terminable annuities, as was done in 1880 in the case of the Trustee Savings Banks.

I am aware that the Trustee Savings Banks deficiency annuity was created in 1881 to make good an estimated depletion of the assets of the Trustee Savings Banks Fund, which had been caused primarily by the practice, pursued in earlier years, of paying interest out of capital. The fund has not been allowed to incur any further deficiency from that cause, as since 1876 every deficit on the annual income account has been made good by the Votes of Parliament; nor has a similar deficiency ever been incurred by the Post Office Savings Banks Fund. I am not prepared to ask Parliament to take the same steps for making good any deficiency which might appear upon an arbitrary valuation of the securities as were considered necessary when there had been a real inroad upon the assets of the fund.

Police Persecution Of Ex-Convicts

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been called to a statement made by William Page to the stipendiary at the West Ham Police Court, on Tuesday, 25th June, when he was sentenced to three months for stealing a roll of oilcloth, that he had been going straight until a constable informed his employer that he was an ex-convict, the result being that he was dismissed from his work, which caused him to steal the oilcloth; and whether it is the duty of police constables to inform employers as to whether any of their employees have been sent to prison.

I am making inquiries into this case. I shall be glad if the hon. Member can furnish me with the name or number of the officer concerned, or the name of the employer, and then perhaps he will put down a further Question.

Factory Inspection

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been drawn to Table 8 in the Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for 1906, wherein it is shown that the number of names of outworkers received are greatly in excess of the number of visits made by the medical officers of health in Sheffield, Belfast, Worcester, Ipswich, Gloucester shire, West Ham, Westminster and other j areas; and what steps he proposes to take to make this inspection efficient.

Yes, Sir. This table was included in the Chief Inspector's Report by my directions, with a view to the improvement of the present conditions. The steps that have been taken by me to improve the administration of the Home Work provisions of the Factory Act by the local authorities have been to issue a circular on the subject to the authorities and the medical officers calling their attention to the importance of a thorough administration of the Act, and secondly to propose that the matter shall be discussed at a conference with medical officers of health which it is intended to hold at the Home Office in the autumn.

Medical Officers Of Health And Factory Inspection

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been drawn to the fact, as shown in the Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for 1906, that 634 medical officers of health still neglect to perform the statutory duties imposed on them by the Factory and Workshop Act to report to the Home Office regarding their ad ministration of that Act; and how long the Home Office proposes to allow this neglect to continue.

The great majority of the medical officers who have failed to send in reports, viz.: 477 out of 634, are in Ireland. Under the Irish Public Health Law, medical officers, other than the few superintending medical officers, are not required to make any report to the local authority, and I am advised that it is doubtful how far in consequence any obligation is placed upon them by Section 132 of the Factory Act. As I have already stated, a special circular was sent out last year by the Home Office calling the attention of local authorities and medical officers to their duties in regard to home work—and I propose to communicate specially this autumn with those local authorities from whom no reports are received for 1906. I may add that in many districts from which no report is sent, the Factory Act has little or no application and the omission is comparatively unimportant.

Inspections Of Outworkers

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been drawn to the figures in the Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories, showing that in 1905, in the borough of Stepney, the medical officer reports only thirty-two inspections of outworkers out of 8,998 persons notified to be such in the two half-yearly Returns, and that the same medical officer reported no inspection in 1904; and why, in view of these facts, he has not authorised an independent inspection at the expense of this borough under Section 4 of the Factory and Workshop Act, 1901.

I am aware of the figures referred to and am communicating with the borough council on the subject. I am advised that it is doubtful whether the powers under Section 4 of the Factory Act cover a case such as this. But, in any event, for the Factory Department to assume in this and similar cases the duties in respect to home work which the Act imposes on local authorities would be to add greatly to the work of a Department already more than fully employed. The whole question of home work is now under the consideration of a Select Committee of this House, and pending their Report I cannot see my way to make the consider able change in the administration of these provisions which is suggested by the hon. Member.

I imagine that is so; but there are difficulties arising out of dual administration.

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether his attention has been drawn to the fact, as shown in Table 8 of an Annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories for 1906, that in 2,194 cases, on the showing of medical officers of health, employers were.discovered to have sent in to the district council no list of outworkers as provided by Section 107 of the Act, and that of these no fewer than 753 remained un-remedied, a substantial increase being thus shown in the neglect in this respect over last year; whether his attention has also teen drawn to the increased number of defects remaining unremedied as regards work being given out to be done in unwholesome premises, and allowing wearing apparel to be made in premises infected by scarlet fever or small-pox; and whether he can inform the House what steps the Home Office is taking to reduce the number of these cases of negligence on the part of so many medical officers of health.

I am aware of the figures to which the hon. Member calls attention. Taking all the figures which relate to outworkers' lists together, the Returns for 1905 seem to me to point to an appreciable increase of activity on the part of the local authorities in regard to the collection of these lists. 2,500 more lists were received, and 18,000 more names of outworkers, and the fact that nearly 700 more failures were discovered than last year, shows, I think, that the officers of the local authority are following up these cases more care fully than before, and perhaps also compiling the Returns for the Homo Office more carefully. I may call the attention of the hon. Member to the fact that the number of prosecutions taken by local authorities for failure to send in the lists is more than double that of 1904. As regards action under Sections 108 to 110, I do not think any trustworthy inferences can be drawn from the figures referred to in the Question, for the reasons mentioned in the introduction to last year's Return. I have already stated, in Answer to a previous Question, the action taken by me with a view to improving the administration of the home work provisions of the Act by the local authorities.

Sunderland Hair Dressers' Closing Order

I beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department if his attention has been called to an application made to the Corporation of Sunderland by the local hairdressers' association for a closing order, under The Shop Hours Act, 1904, the petition for the same having been signed by 104 of those interested out of a possible 118, and the subsequent ballot vote revealing sixty-seven for and twenty-five against, but, by adding twenty-nine who had not voted, the corporation refused to put in force the Act, as the two-thirds required had not been obtained; and, if so, whether he can make any promise as to introducing legislation having for its object the remedying of the defect indicated, namely, the adding of all those who do not vote to the minority.

I know nothing of this case except what is contained in the newspaper extracts with which my hon. friend has been good enough to supply me. I do not gather from them that the non-voters were added to the minority, nor is there any requirement in the law that they should be so added. What is required is that the town council should be satisfied that the occupiers of two- thirds of all the shops to be affected approve the order. This two-thirds majority is not shown prima facie as the result of the voting in the case in question. Whether the town council could take any further steps to satisfy themselves in the matter I am not in possession of sufficient information to judge.

Aged Workmen And The Workmen's Compensation Act-

I beg to ask the Prime Minister if he is aware that in Sunderland and district large numbers of old men are being paid off, due to the coming into operation of the Compensation Act; and, if so, can he state whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce any legislation having for its object the mitigation of the hardship and suffering likely to ensue on account of such dismissals.

I beg to answer this Question on behalf of my right hon. friend. I have no information other than that furnished by the hon. Member as to what has taken place at Sunderland. But I may remind him that on Report stage of the Workmen's Compensation Bill, I proposed the insertion of a clause which would have gone far to safeguard old men against the risk of losing their employment, and I pressed for its adoption on the ground that the Depart mental Committee, whose views I shared, considered that without such a safeguard there was real danger of old and infirm workmen being prejudicially affected by the new act. That clause was left to the free decision of the House in pursuance of a promise given in Committee, and it was, unfortunately, in my opinion, rejected by 211 votes to 133. I think the hon. Member voted in the majority against it.

Brighton Unemployed Funds

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether he is aware that some of the funds placed by him at the disposal of the Brighton Distress Com- mittee are being used by them to provide cheap labour for a weaving firm in Haworth, Yorkshire; and whether he intends taking any action in the matter.

I understand that the Distress Committee, in exercise of powers conferred upon them by the Unemployed Workmen Act, 1905, have assisted the removal of two families to Haworth, for the purpose of enabling them to take advantage of an opportunity of obtaining permanent and remunerative employment in certain mills in that town. The whole of the cost of the removal has, however, been borne by the rate contribution account, and no part of it has been defrayed in the manner stated in the Question. The entire amount paid to the Committee out of the Parliamentary Grant has been expended in the provision of temporary work in Brighton.

Remission Of Surcharges

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board whether the Local Government Board are prepared either directly or indirectly through their powers of remission of surcharges, to sanction a local authority becoming its own insurer under The Workmen's Compensation Act, 1906. by such authority instituting a fund and paying into it each year a sum of money to be applied to the payment of claims under this Act, instead of such authority insuring with an insurance company.

I am advised that under ordinary circumstances a local authority would not be empowered to form such a fund as that suggested. It would not be in accordance with the practice of the Local Government Board to sanction recurring illegal expenditure, either directly or by the remission of surcharges, nor do I think that they could properly do so.

Croydon Vaccination Case

I beg to ask the President of the Local Government Board if his attention has been called to the case of a boy who died in Croydon on the 29th April last as the result of vaccination; if he is aware that the case was investigated by Dr. Copeman, of the Local Government Board; that the child had sores on the head, face and arms, and lingered in agony for three months; will he say if he is still supplying public vaccinators with the same class of lymph; and if he will lay Dr. Copeman's Report upon the Table.

I am aware of the case referred to, though J do not know that the child lingered in agony for three months, nor had I been informed of his death. The ease was investigated by Dr. Copeman and several medical men. Twenty other cases were vaccinated with the same lymph as this child, and, so far as was ascertained, the case in question was the only one in which the child subsequently had sores. These sores appear to have been, in fact, "bromide rash," and to have been due, not to vaccination, but to doses of bromide of potassium administered by the mother on account of the fits from which the child suffered. It is estimated that 178 grains of the drug were given to him. Dr. Copeman's Report is a confidential document, and I could not undertake to lay it on the Table.

Does the right hon. Gentleman consider a death rate of 5 per cent. in vaccination cases trifling.

The right hon. Gentle man has spoken of one in twenty as if it were a trifling matter.

Secondary Education Code

I beg to ask the President of the Board of Education if he can now state when the new Code and the new Regulations dealing with secondary schools will be circulated among Members.

The Secondary School Regulations were circulated on the 2nd July and the Code on the 5th July.

Clerks To Surveyors Of Taxes

I beg to ask the Secretary to the Treasury if a Departmental Committee has been appointed to inquire into the alleged grievances of the clerks to surveyors of taxes; if not, whether it is intended to appoint such a Committee, or what steps it is proposed to take to investigate the case made by these clerks.

No such Committee has been appointed, but the Chancellor of the Exchequer received a deputation from the officers referred to some time ago, and their representations are now under his consideration.

Belfast Trade Dispute

I beg to ask Mr. Attorney-General for Ireland whether his attention has been drawn to the prosecutions arising from the trade dispute in Belfast, when local magistrates interested in the dispute have appeared upon the bench and given sentence; whether his attention has been drawn to the case of Edward O'Reilly, charged before a resident magistrate and a local justice with riotous behaviour and fined the maximum penalty of 40s., supplemented, however, by a proviso that he should give bail himself in £4 and find two sureties in £20 each to keep the peace, and in default of finding such bail that he should be imprisoned for three calendar months; whether it is customary that justices, in addition to imposing the maximum penalty provided by statute, should impose a further punishment by having recourse to their powers under their commission; and whether, in view of the whole circum stances of the case, he will take steps to secure a revision of the sentences passed by local justices in connection with cases that have arisen out of the Belfast dispute.

Before the right hon. Gentleman answers the Question, may I ask if he is aware that one of those sentenced connected with the strike has a record of eighty-three previous convictions, seventeen of which were assaults on the police, and that another had against him eighty-two convictions?

I do not see how this arises out of the Question, which refers to one particular individual.

The Question asks whether the sentences passed by local justices in connection with cases that have arisen out of the Belfast dispute may not be revised.

According to the information I have received, the local magistrates in Belfast have taken very little part in cases connected with the labour dispute. The Belfast police courts are invariably presided over by a resident magistrate, and in no case have local magistrates sitting alone dealt with prosecutions arising out of the strike. I am informed that the facts connected with the case of Edward O'Reilly are as stated in the Question, and that neither of the magistrates who acted in that case has the slightest interest in the labour dispute. I have no power to secure a revision of sentences passed by magistrates, but the Lord-Lieutenant has power to mitigate punishment in such cases, and I have no doubt that any petition presented to His Excellency would receive full consideration. I understand, however, that an appeal has been lodged in the particular case in question, and the matter is there fore sub judice.

asked whether it was not a fact that magistrates who had interest either direct or indirect in the subject matter of the dispute were disqualified from sitting and adjudicating.

That point does not arise. The Attorney-General has said that the magistrates had no interest either direct or indirect in the dispute.

Nazareth Roman Catholic Industrial School, Belfast

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland if he has yet taken any steps towards releasing the two Protestant boys, William and Samuel Welsh, from the Nazareth Roman Catholic Industrial School, Belfast, who are detained there against the expressed wish of their father, who is willing and able to maintain them.

The children referred to were committed to the Nazareth Lodge Industrial School on 4th August, 1906. It was proved in evidence that the children's mother had died shortly before, and that the father had left the children with his own mother saying that she could do what she liked with them as he was going to work his passage to Canada. The grandmother was unable to support the children, and they had been subsisting on charity. Certificates of baptism of the children as Roman Catholics were produced and attached to the records of the Court, and it was stated that the father himself was of that religion. I have received from a solicitor an application for the release of the children, but up to the present no evidence has been adduced that the father is now a Protestant or that, in fact, he desires the release of the children. If such evidence should be forthcoming, I will give the case full consideration.

Will the right hon. Gentleman further inquire into the facts?

I have learned that the father wanders about without a shirt. From that I draw no inference.

Irish Evicted Tenants

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether any communication has been sent to those evicted tenants whose applications for reinstatement have been refused by the Estates Commissioners; and, if so, what is the nature of the communication.

It is the practice of the Estates Commissioners to inform an evicted tenant that his application has been rejected when such is the fact. The Commissioners do not use any set form of communication in these cases; the nature of the communication depends upon the circumstances of the case.

Ruan Disturbances

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland whether he has any information respecting a conflict between the Irish Constabulary and a party of moon lighters at Ruan, near Ennis, on Sunday night; whether any shots were exchanged; and whether any arrests were made.

On Sunday afternoon last between five and six o'clock two policemen were escorting a man who is under police protection when several shots were fired from a wood through which the road passes. The police fired two shots in return, and at once entered the wood in the direction from which the shots appeared to come, but failed to discover the offenders. No one was injured.

Navigation Works (Ireland) Bill

I beg to ask the Chief Secretary to the Lord-Lieutenant of Ireland when it is proposed to proceed with the Navigation Works (Ireland) Bill.

This Bill will be proceeded with at the earliest opportunity, but I am not in a position to name a date.

Creation Of Peers

I beg to ask the Prime Minister will His Majesty's Government agree to have printed and distributed the articles of impeachment on which this House impeached the Earl of Oxford in 1715 for recommending the creation of twelve Peers, and also the Reports. made from time to time to this House during his consequent two years imprisonment in the Tower.

(Sir H. CAMPBELL - BANNERMAN, Stirling Burghs)

This is an historical inquiry the facts of which can be discovered by any one who has the time to explore the records of the times in which impeachments and executions were freely resorted to. My hon. friend is not quite accurate in saying that the Earl of Oxford was impeached for recommending the creation of Peers. He was impeached on many other counts more serious than this. The creation of Peers was the sixteenth count in the indictment. I presume that my hon. friend does not desire to revive that method of controlling the Government of the country, and I think we had better leave the documents to the historian and the archaeologist.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that The Times was not published in 1715 and that the Earl of Oxford was impeached on a charge of misdemeanour, which was not proceeded with, and that the sentence of two years imprisonment was for having recommended corruptly and improperly to the other House the making of new Peers?

I have not bestowed so much time on the matter as my hon. friend apparently has, but I have examined cursorily the documents, and I do not find that there is any imputation of corrupt creation of Peers. The impeachment turns on at least fifteen other counts as well as this, and it is not, therefore, exactly a case in point.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the precedent in which the Duke of Buckingham was impeached for selling a Peerage for £10,000 to a gentleman named Lord Roberts? A most interesting case.

One archaeologist after another comes before me with interesting cases, but I do not think they will affect my estimate of the circumstances of the present day.

Radiotelegraphic Report

I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether he will, in the public interest, afford the House some opportunity of discussing the Report of the Radiotelegraphic Committee, in view of its importance to the defence and commerce of the Empire.

I do not think I can alter the decision I have announced to the House on this subject.

asked whether the public interest would not be serve by giving the opportunity for discussion.

It is a matter of opinion. The Committee was not appointed on the motion of the Government; it was appointed to please my hon. friend, and he has had his Committee.

asked if it was the intention of the Government to deal with a matter of such grave financial importance without affording the House the opportunity of discussion.

We proceed upon our own discretion and responsibility in the matter, and we are supported by the Report of the Committee.

asked if the right hon. Gentleman was aware of the fact that the Committee, with the exception of his own official supporters, demanded a rediscussion, in view of facts made public for the first time.

reminded the Prime Minister of the evidence accumulated, and asked if there was any intention to advise a revision of the Convention.

We propose to ratify the Convention upon our responsibility and taking our view of the situation.

Sugar Convention

I beg to ask the Prime Minister whether, in view of the variety and complexity of the subjects to be debated on the Foreign Office Vote, a short sitting may be allocated for discussing the recent departure in the policy with regard to the Sugar Convention, announced by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs.

No, Sir, I see no advantage in a discussion at this stage. The proposals of His Majesty's Government respecting the Sugar Convention are known and are being considered by other Governments who are parties to the Convention. Till the result of this consideration is known at is not possible for the Government to make any further statement.

Business Of The House

We propose before taking the Criminal Appeal Bill to-morrow to take stages of the Telegraph (Money) Bill and the Post Office Sites Bill, for these are somewhat urgent. The latter is non-contentious, and the Amendments to the former are agreed upon, so that they will not occupy much time. On Monday the first business will be a Motion for allocation of time to be given to the Evicted Tenants Bill. Proposals for that purpose will be placed on the Paper to-night. On Tuesday and Wednesday the Evicted Tenants Bill will be taken in Committee. On Thurs day Irish Estimates—the Chief Secretary's Vote and the Vote for the Agricultural Department. I am not prepared, how ever, to say in what order they will be taken. I do not think it matters much which comes first.

Supply 17Th Allotted Day

Considered in Committee.

(In the Committee.)

[Mr. CALDWELL (Lanarkshire, Mid) in the Chair.]



Motion made, and Question proposed, "That a sum, not exceeding £128,735, be granted to His Majesty, to complete the sum necessary to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on 31st day of March, 1908, for the Salaries and Expenses of the Office of His Majesty's Secretary of State for the Home Department and Subordinate Offices."

said it might be convenient to the Committee that he should intervene with a brief statement of the work of his Department on the industrial side. He regretted that the statement had to be made at such a brief interval after the production of the Chief Inspector of Factories' Report, but in face of the complaints continually made of the debate coming on so late in the session he had tried to expedite it. Starting with mines, the subject which chiefly interested those who were concerned—both employers and employed—was the eight-hours day. He hoped shortly to introduce a Government Bill providing that there should be an eight-hours day in mines, and that fact eased his duty on that occasion. The whole subject of safety in mines was still under consideration of a Royal Commission; and, although that did not prevent the Government from taking any measures which might seem necessary for further securing the safety of minors, he thought it best in view of differing opinions as to methods, especially of dealing with ventilation and explosives, to wait until they got the authoritative and considered opinion of the Royal Commission in regard to that question. Another question referred to the Royal Commission related to the sufficiency of the inspectorate of mines. Personally he had come to the conclusion that there should be a distinct mines branch in the Home Office. It appeared to him that this was necessary, but the question was so intimately concerned with the organisation and strength of the mines inspectorate throughout the country that he thought it best to wait for the deliberate opinion of the Commission before anything was done. He hoped that the Commission would report without much delay, but ho thought it possible that they might see their way to an interim Report in order to expedite a settlement of this part of the question. It must be a matter of great satisfaction to the Committee that His Majesty had intimated his intention of establishing a medal for gallantry in saving life in mines. Such a recognition supplied a long felt want. Passing to the Report of the chief inspector of factories and workshops, he regarded it as a Report of great interest, a proof of the admirable work done by the official staff, bus also of the heavy and perhaps the excessive labour of the present staff of inspectors. The one thing disturbing to his mind was the increased number of accidents. This matter necessarily attracted, and would continue to receive, serious attention. To what the increase was owing was, to some extent, a matter of speculation. Partly it was perhaps owing to an increased use of mechanical power and increased number of factories, and partly to improvement in the reporting of accidents. Among the general causes suggested was the loss active supervision by employers consequent on their being covered by insurance. This was always one of the dangers which it was foreseen might accompany legislation on the lilies of the Workmen's Compensation Act, and without attributing any special blame to employers, it was but human nature that there should be a relaxation of vigilance when there was no financial responsibility. On the other hand, on reading the Report it was evident that some of the inspectors were impressed, he would not say with the in creasing, but continued carelessness on the part of the men. Constant familiarity with danger appeared to blunt the sense of danger; and that in itself created a trade danger, which the Home Office understood, and as far as possible endeavoured to provide against. It was recognised that there must be continued and increased diligence on the part of the inspectorate. Perhaps it would be well that he should mention a certain number of subjects discussed last year so as to show that the Government had been giving to them the promised attention. With regard to fish-curing, that he understood would be raised by the right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean later on. In regard to African boxwood poisoning, he had directed inquiries to be made. That form of poisoning had been added to the schedule of the Workmen's Compensation Act as an industrial disease. Anthrax had troubled him a good deal, for there had been a considerable increase in the number of cases, and it was very difficult to find a reason for it. He had thought, perhaps, the increased activity in trade might show a greater amount of wool handled, and in some measure ac count for the increase in cases of anthrax; but the figures did not point to that conclusion. As regarded Persia, the decrease in the number of cases had been from fifteen to nine, but there had been a decrease in the importation of Persian wool from 3,000,000lbs. in 1905 to 832,000lbs. in 1906. As regards East India the figures were for 1905 thirteen cases and for 1906 twelve, while the importation of wool rose from 39,400,000 lbs. in 1905 to 46,378,0001bs. in 1906. Thus there seemed to be no relation between the amount of wool handled and the number of cases of anthrax; but the Home Office were doing everything in their power to investigate the subject, to stimulate inquiry, and to encourage the taking of precautions. A meeting of manufacturers and officials of the Department had been taking place to consider the whole question, and had not yet terminated. He could only hope that science would suggest an absolute remedy for this terrible disease, but if not, at any rate the Department would endeavour by all known methods to safeguard work men. Then he came to the question of poisoning by anilin and nitro and amido-derivatives of bezene; a Committee had been inquiring into that matter, and such poisoning had been added to the schedule of the Workmen's Compensation Act. A question on which the chief inspector laid considerable stress last year was that of sanitation and the hours of work in the fruit-preserving industry. The hours of work were still too long. Under the new Fruit Preserving Order, which had just been published, an improvement had been effected as regards sanitation, and it was now ordered that no woman or young person under sixteen engaged in this industry should be employed before six in the morning or after ten at night, and in the case of young persons ten hours must elapse between the end of work on one day and the beginning of work on the next. He hoped that by the issue of that Order very material improvement would be effected. The question of time-cribbing was also raised last year. He thought it would probably be agreed that there had been an improvement. Prosecutions had been undertaken and fines had been increased. In all 949 cases had been taken against ninety-one employers and thirty-four employees, and the result had been largely to increase the fines. An important advance made was that the co-operation of the police had been secured in five important centres —namely, Oldham, Accrington, Rochdale, Hyde, and Ashton-under Lyne. They had had great difficulty in persuading local authorities that they had a responsibility in this matter. All he could say -was that every effort would continue to be made to suppress this dishonourable practice, and the Government would be prepared, if necessary, to deal with it by legislation. He passed on to the question of dock inspection. A body of inspectors" had been organised, and great improvements had undoubtedly been effected. Fourteen higher grade inspectors' assistants were engaged in the work, and their work had been fruitful of very excellent results. A circular had been issued to shipmasters, shipowners, and shipbuilders with regard to the new regulations, and 6,692 irregularities had been discovered. The number of prosecutions might seem very small in relation to so large a number of irregularities, but it was obvious that shipmasters and owners were unfamiliar with the regulations, and now that they had been warned they would no doubt adhere to them better in the future. Those were the leading subjects on which he was pressed last year, and he hoped the Committee would consider that the Department had been following them up with energy and not without practical success. Perhaps it was due to his Department that he should review briefly the main lines of duty which imposed such severe work upon it. At the present time they were conducting, or others were conducting on their behalf, many important inquiries. There were four Royal Commissions still at work—Commissions on Safety in Mines, on Vivisection, on the Metropolitan Police, and on the Care of the Feeble-minded, the reference to the last having been extended to the administration of the Lunacy Acts—and a number of Depart mental Committees. He included the Committee on the Truck Acts, the Mines (Eight Hours) Committee which he was glad to say had finished its labours and reported, and the Committee dealing with Industrial Diseases, which, thanks to the extraordinary zeal of his hon. friend the Member for the Cleveland Division and his colleagues, had added eighteen types of industrial disease to the schedule of the Workmen's Compensation Act, and thus redeemed the promises made last year on the subject. They had had Committees of inquiry into the ambulance system of the metro polis, into the prevention of accidents in building operations, and into the best means of determining wages due when paid by measurement or weight of material handled or produced. He was glad to be able to say that the last-named Committee had come to a unanimous conclusion, and he hoped on the Report which would be presented they would be able to settle the vexed question which had disturbed the minds of his predecessors for the last fifteen years. Then they bad dispatched a Commissioner to Australia and New Zealand to investigate the results of legislation with regard to wages boards, home work, and shop hours in those Colonies. He mentioned all these, not for their intrinsic interest, but to show the House that all these Commissions and Committees imposed a very serious labour upon his Department. What between secretarial work, serving on Commissions and Committees, giving evidence before them, and the work of communications on the various subjects being considered, these inquiries entailed constant and daily labour on the Department. He would also remind the House in passing that last year's legislation had materially interfered with the energies of his Department, which had been responsible or guilty for adding nine Acts to the Statute Book, including the Work men's Compensation Act, and others of minor importance, such as the Betting and the Copyright Acts, but which entailed great labour. He would now pass to the other work of the Department and summarise what had been done on the industrial side. Two sets of regulations had been made, first in regard to paints and colours containing lead, and secondly with regard to locomotives in factories. Four sets of regulations had been issued in draft; first, as to the manufacture of hemp and jute with a view to the diminution of dust; secondly, in regard to the handling of horse hair, to guard against anthrax; thirdly, with regard to the heading of yarn (in the preparation of which lead compounds had been used); and fourthly, with regard to the casting of brass. In addition, three sets of draft regulations were in course of preparation relating to the use of electricity in factories, aniline and di-nitro benzol processes, and tinning and enamelling. In five more cases inquiries wore proceeding with the same object, viz., steel-grinding, East India wool, lucifer matches, building operations, and earthenware and china. They had also sent out many circulars, three only of which he would mention. They had sent out an important circular to Coroners dealing, among other things, with the new Notice of Accidents Act, and the representation of trade unions at inquests, a second large circular to employers calling their attention to recent legislation, and a third circular to medical officers of health with regard to the employment of women before and after childbirth. He now passed to Orders. They had made one Home Work Order and two Particulars Orders, one relating to a number of manufactures, of which the most important was boots and shoes, and one to not-making, pea-picking, etc. A third relating to the brass trade was also under consideration, and they had been in communication with the employers and with the workmen's representatives in regard to it. In addition they had received, as a result of local and other inquiries, eight important reports. One related to exhaust ventilation for the removal of dust, and they were about to start another with regard to the conditions of labour where a high degree of humidity was found in combination with a high degree of temperature. They had had an inquiry into an important case at Moreland's match factory, and it showed that the accident was due to causes which preceded the special regulations which had since been brought into force. There had also been inquiries into accidents and the fencing of machinery in the cotton districts, and as to the incidence of anthrax from the use of horse hair and bristles, Hon. Members had further had a report giving preliminary statistics of accidents and poisoning. This was a new departure which he thought would be of some convenience. They had now a Return of the previous year's accidents and poisoning cases early in the year instead of waiting for their publication in the Report of the chief inspector. That Return had been laid on the Table this year for the first time. There was one other subject with which he thought it necessary to deal. Last year, with the sanction of the Treasury, he increased the factory department staff by adding four inspectors, three lady inspectors, and four inspectors' assistants. He thought that was not bad for a start. He had also fulfilled his promise of going into the question of the position of the factory inspectors' assistants. He considered that a material and not unsatisfactory advance had been made, and he believed the result would be to encourage a very deserving class of public servants. New duties had also been allocated to them. He did not say that they had arrived at a final arrangement in the matter, but the whole of the higher grade assistants had now other duties than they used to perform in connection with docks, time-cribbing, and other matters. That was a beginning, at any rate. One of the assistants had been promoted to the rank of inspector. Fourteen of the higher grade inspectors had had duties allocated to them in connection with dock inspection. When he considered the added field of inspection, he found it impossible to be satisfied with the present condition of affairs. The staff at present comprised 110 inspectors, including the headquarters staff; thirteen lady inspectors; one inspector and four assistant inspectors of textile particulars; and forty inspectors' assistants; making a total of 168. That was a large body, but when one remembered that there were 106,000 factories and 142,000 workshops in the country, and considering other figures relating to their field of work, it was clear that a staff of 168 persons, however zealous, could not possibly cover the multifarious duties cast upon them under the Factory and Workshop Act. Not only was the field too wide for the labourers to deal with, but year by year the work was increasing in complexity and in difficulty. Year by year the need made itself felt of men of the highest possible intelligence, qualification, and training. A further increase was necessary in justice to the staff and in justice to the industrial population. The chief inspector was preparing statistics with regard to the five main divisions into which the country was divided, and the 47 districts into which it was subdivided in order to arrive, as far as possible, at an accurate idea of what was essential at the present time. As soon as this bad been done the question of the increase of the staff would be considered. He had already taken steps in regard to this matter. The Chancellor of the Exchequer was not present and he had not been in any official communication with him at the present time, but he had had some conversation with him on the subject. He had to report that the conversation was of an extremely friendly character, and it encouraged him to hope that there might he an increase in the number of inspectors on the staff. That was really all he had to say at the outset of the question, but he thought it best to draw the attention of the Committee to certain details of the work which had occupied them during the last year. He wished, however, to show the Committee that the discussion last year had borne its fruit, and he only wished he could show a better record. He did not, how ever, think it was a bad one. He could only say this on their behalf, that the work of the Department last year showed an increase of twenty per cent. All, therefore, he could say was that they had been continually in a state of activity up to the limit of their means. He would. also like to remind the House that out of the twenty months in which he had had the honour of holding his office fourteen had been in the session of Parliament. That, of course, involved costly and sometimes disastrous interference with Departmental work, because not only was there legislative work to be done, but there had to be constant attendance at the House and all that that attendance meant in the way of interruption to a Home Secretary. He was sorry to put it so high, but there was no doubt that each session did bring to the Home Secretary hundreds of questions with or without notice, and of late activity in regard to these queries had been unusual. There, had, however been in the last twelve months continuous and concentrated work in the sub-departments of the Home Office, but undoubtedly with no autumn session there was a i better prospect before them this year I and they would do their best.

said the first part of the statement of his right hon. friend in regard to the industrial work of his Department dealt with the mines, on which other Members meant to speak. He thought he could leave to his hon. friends the discussion of the steps which should be taken to secure greater safety in mines and of improvements in regard to the inspectorate both as to mines and factories and workshops. He had no doubt the hon. Member for Leicester would follow him upon the latter point. There also ho would not intervene except to say that it was impossible to read the annual Report of the Chief Inspector of Factories and Workshops for 1906 without seeing the effect already of the additions which had been made in the women's departments in giving them power to do that work which they so wished to do. Those additions gave them power to cope with arrears of work by al lowing members of the staff to be detached for separate inquiries and separate duties. There were two points in connection with industrial disease with which, however, he would like to deal. There was an allusion in the Report to the International Conference at Berne, but the matter was so completely discussed in the House of Lords on the Motion of Lord Lytton that he did not think they would be likely to raise any new points if they discussed it that day. Therefore he did not propose to do so. The point which Lord Lytton had at heart was one form of industrial poisoning which was not so important as others which had been mentioned, namely, yellow phosphorus poisoning in the match trade, and he named it that day chiefly because we had proceeded in this country in recent years to deal with the matter, and perhaps hold ourselves up to the contempt of other nations, by stating that we had adopted a particular course which would put an end to industrial poisoning without prohibiting the use of the dangerous material itself used in the industry. At the International Conference at Berne we told the other Powers that we could deal with phosphorus and lead poisoning by means of special rules and special regulations and that we could stop phosphorus necrosis by these special precautions. Unfortunately at than moment there was the outbreak of phosphorus necrosis to which his right hon. friend had alluded in his speech. His case was 'that there were efficient commercial substitutes for the use of lead or phosphorus. Of course the Committee knew that the "strike-on-the-box" matches were made from safe phosphorus, and it was the "strike-anywhere" matches from which the danger arose. If there was an efficient substitute it should be used. There was a French patent which had this result, and there was also a German patent which the Government of that country bought up and presented to the trade. Another substitute was used in the matches of Bryant and May, who used to be offenders in this respect, but whose matches were now safe. It was a commercial substitute, because it had been found that the use of yellow phosphorus was not necessary for cheapness. If they could also find a commercial substitute for the use of lead it became incumbent upon them to put a stop to those horrible forms of disease and suffering which were placed before them year by year in this Report. Before the International Conference at Berne, there was a prohibition against the use of yellow phosphorus in matches in France, Germany, Holland, Denmark and Switzerland, and Italy had now also decided to take that step. In the United Kingdom reliance was placed upon special rules, and revision of these was under consideration. As to anthrax, there was no reason to discuss it, because there had been no retrogression of policy, but in the case of lead poisoning there had been a retrogression in policy. The Report of the Departmental Committee on compensation for industrial diseases in the pottery trade showed that they came to a negative conclusion as to one of them, although but for a single word it might be taken for an affirmative one. They said that after much anxious consideration they had arrived at the conclusion that potters' rot was a trade disease sufficiently distinguishable and specific to employment, but they said they could not recommend the immediate addition of this disease to the schedule. That was the conclusion arrived at, that it was a trade disease sufficiently distinguishable and specific to employment, but they could not recommend the immediate addition of this disease to the schedule. It was a curious fact that the Staffordshire Sentinel, which was the journal of the pottery trade both of masters and men, published the opposite conclusion in large type, and four or five days were allowed to elapse before the contradiction was allowed to become public, which looked as though there must have been some changes made at the last moment. However that might be, potters' rot was not to be treated as a disease for compensation. The other disease of the potter's trade was a very clear cause of horrible suffering which had been reduced and could be remedied by the action of this House. The reports showed that there was an increase in lead poisoning, not in the potteries only, but generally. From the Report of the Home Office the cases of lead poisoning which were the subject of Reports through the Home Office in 1905 were 209, while in 1906 they were 280. Some time ago the employment of women in white-lead making was entirely prevented, but in spite of the prevention the poisoning of women in white-lead works was rising rapidly. That subject was discussed at great length in the reports, and the statement upon the subject by the inspectors was that their attention had, as usual, been more claimed by cases of injury through lead than by any other cause, and the deplorable incidence of plumbism among girls, in transfer making and in glass sign enamelling. Then there were the special reports of Miss Paterson on "Plumbism among women in subsidiary processes in white-lead works and amongst girls painting tape measures." The chief inspector, Miss Anderson, pointed out that—

"making transfers was a very serious cause of cases of plumbism among young girls."
As also was the enamelling of glass signs, which she stated was—
"equally dangerous, that it was not a skilled occupation, and young girls were generally employed."
Miss Vines stated that there were seven cases of lead poisoning, six of them girls under twenty, from one transfer works in the Staffordshire potteries in fourteen months, and, in addition, there was a girl of fifteen who died suddenly under suspicious circumstances. She went on to show that there was—
"in 1906, as compared with 1905, in earthen-; ware and china works, a rise of twenty-three cases, of which four, or one more than in 1905, were fatal. In the present year there has been a further increase in fatal cases."
Miss Vines, the special woman inspector, stated that—
"the extremely high temperatures in dipping and ware-cleaning, and the heavy straining nature of the work done by the women engaged in lead processes contributed to lead poisoning, and expressed opinion that great heat predisposed to plumbism."
That view was confirmed by high medical authority. The horrible amount of suffering and the great increase of fatal cases was accompanied by something which the Return did not shew, namely, an alarming increase in infant mortality, and an alarming increase of still-births. The statements as to infant mortality were terrible. The statements began with this. In Tunstall, where they were surprised at the present infant mortality, they gave cases of the effect of the cleaning of the dipping house boards which were coated with lead glazes, and the wiping up of the tubs, and the Inspectors declared that the work was quite unsuited to women and girls. Then followed the reports of the medical officers of health in all the pottery towns for the previous year, which were terrible reading. The infant mortality, 1,100 or 1,200 deaths a year, was largely attributed by the medical officers to the women being employed in the china and earthenware works. The general statement made by the Home Office was that—
"this high mortality is undoubtedly largely due to the extensive employment of married women in the earthenware and china works."
When they came to the reports of the medical officers they found the medical officer for Longton describing it as—
"a regular slaughter of the innocents every year;"
The medical officer for Hanley as—
"high infantile mortality;"
The medical officer for Stoke said—
"the infantile death rate was higher than for the previous two years … the rate for England was lower … the borough compared very unfavourably with it, and with that for the larger towns."
The medical officer for Tunstall referred to the—
"high rate of infant mortality, and said surely some remedies ought speedily to be brought to bear."
The medical officer for Burslem said—
"how unfavourably in the matter of infantile mortality Burslem compared with other districts."
The medical officer for Fenton drew attention to—
"the large proportion of deaths among young children."
Those were the official facts, and they were getting worse. The service of the Lead Fund Committee was named, but this subject could not be left to private individuals. One defect was pointed out in the earthenware and china rules with regard to the washing of the overalls and the clothing of those employed. That, he imagined, was a matter that could be attended to without legislation. It was a defect in the order and not in the law. And then there was the necessity of clearing up the "moist conditions." But, the larger points that were dealt with by the chief medical inspector in his statistics of the lead-poisoning cases could not be explained away in the manner in which he attempted to do. In the Report there was a footnote which explained the unsoundness of these statistics. In admitting the fatal cases and discussing them more in detail, the Chief Inspector used some words that he would like to mention to the House. With regard to the tinning and enamelling of hollow vessels, the words of the chief Medical Inspector were—
"All the workers at this process become infected."
That was a terrible admission, and he believed that in Germany, in this matter, they were far ahead of us. A Question was asked by his hon. friend the Member for Bradford on the 22nd March with regard to the number of fatal cases, and it was stated that there had been four fatal cases in the china and earthenware trade as compared with one in the previous year. There had been four in two months, six in the first six months and now seven. This proportion of fatal cases in the china and earthenware industry was the subject of a Question, and his right hon. friend the Secretary of State honestly announced—
"I do not think any explanation can be given of the number of deaths for this year."
As; to the use of leadless glaze, Miss Vines in her report made an observation with regard to it which he regretted, because the process had answered most successfully. On page 218, dealing with lead-less ware, she said—
"I am told that by the use of leadless glaze all or most of the characteristics of earthenware would be at once destroyed."
That was simply not the case. Anyone who had visited the leadless glaze works at Bristol would there see that the real characteristics of earthenware were preserved by the leadless process, even in the cheap ware. Of that there could be no doubt. She quoted a manufacturer as having said—
"It rests with the public. If they demand a leadless glaze they would have to forego brilliant and beautiful colours."
Then she went on to say that an eminent potter had reported—
"Tender souled people talk about leadless glaze.… but there is less than one-fifth as much made in Staffordshire that there was five years ago."
In the use of leadless glaze it was not necessary to forego the use of the most beautiful colours, and they could have the most perfect dinner and tea service with the use of leadless glaze. He would undertake to show Members of the House articles which were as beautiful as anything ever produced in the history of the world—English objects produced within the last year, all absolutely leadless, and all the most difficult colours accomplished— vermilion, scarlet, Indian red, etc.—thus showing what, by experiment and taking trouble, could be done. Those who had been engaged in this agitation for years to overcome the objections to leadless ware had succeeded in getting what they wanted, at the usual cost, though with a great deal of trouble, he admitted. There was a body of opinion among manufacturers against the leadless glaze, and they had to insist upon getting what they asked for; it involved some trouble, and they had to wait some time. It might be that the quality and colour of the leadless ware were the result of peculiar care. When once they induced manufacturers to undertake its production it was probable that they bestowed greater pains upon and watched more closely the manufacture under a new process, where they were trying an experiment. Of course, it was very difficult for private individuals to meet statements as to the deterioration of leadless ware, because they had to consider the treatment it received. For instance, if it were used for certain tooth powders or washes, its colour might be affected by the strong astringents or acids brought to bear upon it. He was happy to think that Miss Vines herself partly answered her quotations. She said "supineness" and "apathy" had been shown in "experimenting." If there had been a falling off it had been in the orders from the Government Departments. He should very much doubt, after the Leadless Glaze Exhibition at the Church House last autumn, that there had not been an increased demand on the part of the public for this ware, though great difficulties had been thrown in their way. He was going to do a very foolish thing, and he was going to do it deliberately, which was invariable where foolish things were done; he was going to criticise a distinguished Civil servant. He knew that attacks on Civil servants were deprecated because they were not present to defend themselves. In this instance the official was most hard working, most talented, and most artistic and imaginative. There was a lecture given by Mr. Burton on the 30th April at the Society of Arts, which was reported at the time, and there was mother report of it in the Journal of the Society of Arts published on the 7th June A distinguished Member of the House was in the chair. Mr. Burton was one of the greatest of English potters as regarded knowledge of the trade and its conditions. Mr. H. H. Cunynghame, of the Home Office, was present at the lecture, and he made a speech with regard to pottery. The chairman had spoken of lustre ware, beautiful specimens of which Mr. Burton had exhibited. There was nothing controversial in Mr. Burton's lecture, and he never used the word "lead." He had the two reports, that which was taken at the time and the official corrected report, and the word "lead" did not appear. Having been called upon by the chairman to take part in the discussion, Mr. Cunynghame said—
"He took it that the beautiful pieces exhibited were heavily leaded and could not be produced without lead."
The full report ran as follows—
"Some years ago … there was a movement on foot, conducted by philanthropic people, who urged that the use of lead in pottery should be forbidden, because a certain number of the potters were poisoned. It was thought by those who were advising the Government that it was possible to use lead without danger."
He did not think that was the view of those who advised the Government at that time, because the Home Office offered totally to prohibit the use of lead to an extent over 2 per cent. That percentage scarcely meant the use of lead at all, and the ware would be almost leadless. Mr. Cunynghame went on to say—
"Wiser counsels now prevail."
He did not understand that there had been any admission on the part of the Home Office that there had been a change of policy, except as to the possibility of obtaining local assent sufficient to carry their rules. Then Mr. Cunynghame further said that he would not—
"rashly press changes which … would ruin a national industry.… It was impossible to produce the finest class of work without the use of lead. In the beautiful specimens exhibited by Mr. Burton a considerable amount of lead glaze had been used, and it would, therefore, be a thousand pities if anybody pressed upon the industry a total prohibition of that material, which, with discrimination, could be used with perfect safety."
To speak of "ruining a national industry" was a terribly exaggerated statement. According to those of his way of thinking it was without foundation; and according to those who might think it had some foundation, it was a great exaggeration, even from their point of view. Then Mr. Cunynghame took the general position that "the most dangerous chemicals could be used with perfect safety," if with proper precautions. That was a policy to which he and others took exception. Mr. Burton in reply said that, although—
"most of the pieces exhibited were leaded, beautiful results could be obtained with both.…The old Persian lustre was made on leadless glaze, and some of his pieces were on leadless glaze."
The report at the time was—
"You can obtain very beautiful results with a leadless glaze, but not the same results."
The results might be different, but it took a skilled eye to discover that lead had been used, and often an analysis had to be resorted to. He would not detain the Committee further upon that point. The Home Office had published a table giving a list of manufacturers to whom they offered advantages for using leadless glaze, glaze under 2 per cent., and glaze under 5 per cent. In the year 1898 the Home Office addressed a communication to all the Departments and sent them reports in favour of leadless glaze and advised them that—
"In making or renewing contracts leadless glaze ware should be specified."
He did not know whether Mr. Cunynghame advised that policy or not, but that was the policy at that time. Even the War Office was forced by the action of the Home Office, against the wishes of the manufacturers to place this stipulation in the contracts which were operative from the 1st February, 1900, for three years. The manufacturers alleged that certain articles could not be supplied in leadless glaze, but the "War Office in those contracts insisted absolutely upon leadless glaze, although it was argued that there would be delay. That, of course, was the ordinary excuse made when a customer insisted upon some change in the manufacture of an article. In 1901 the Office of Works and the Treasury sent out a circular in favour of leadless glaze, and in that year an Answer was given as to the use of leadless glaze by the Post Office, in which it was stated that the Postmaster-General hoped to overcome the difficulty so that none but insulators treated with leadless glaze would be used. In this instance there had been retrogression, because he found that a report had been received from the late Chief Engineer proposing to discontinue the whole use of leadless glaze. The highest scientific authority which the Government could consult on this matter was of opinion that there was no ground for retrogression. He knew that the Postmaster-General was entirely upon their side in this matter, although he had great difficulty in inducing certain permanent officials to believe that leadless glaze was as good as others. There had in this matter been retrogression all round at the War Office, and the Admiralty, although the Home Office and the Treasury had told them to use leadless glaze in all their contracts. The only Answer given on this subject since the present Government came into office was given by the Chief Commissioner of Works, against whom he had not the slightest complaint, because he had taken every step that was possible to secure the object in view. His reply was—
"The advice of this Office has not; been sought lately by the Departments mentioned."
That was a retrogression, because formerly the other Departments were willing to seek advice from the Office of Works in making contracts. The Office of Works had taken steps to bring up to their leadless level the refreshment departments of all Offices. There was a Home Office list given of the firms complying with the leadless, the 2 per cent. and the 5 per cent. standards on page 181 of the Report, but it should not be overlooked that there were a good many firms manufacturing leadless pottery who did not come to the Government at all in this matter and who did not appear in this large list of firms, which gave a very wide field of choice. He apologised for having detained the Committee so long upon this question of dangerous processes, but he had done so because he felt that it was one in which they had gone backward instead of forward. Another matter he wished to allude to concerned the emergency processes. The fruit and fish-curing exemptions were notoriously admitted to be very dangerous exemptions from the law. Those exemptions were bitterly opposed in 1895, and also in 1901, when the Factory Bills were before the House. His right hon. friend had said there had been an improvement as regarded jam, though he admitted that the hours were dangerously long. He had said there was to be a new Jam Order, but that would not limit the hours in a very great degree, because it allowed work between 6 a.m. and 10 p.m. which were long hours. He and others also fought the previous Jam Order in this House, and they discussed it until a very late hour, but they were beaten. The Report now showed that everything they prophesied then had come true. Women were working from 6 a.m. to 10 p.m. on four days a week, and on five consecutive days sometimes. Young Persons were working from 6.0 a.m. to 9.30 p.m. in these horrible places in July, and the inspectors pointed out that these long hours were "unnecessary." That was exactly his contention. The Report stated —
"All concerned are distressingly over-worked. There is confusion resulting from the multiplicity of exceptions and unlimited hours of work. In no instance is this limited exactly to cleaning and preparing fruit, and something additional is always done. The greatest difficulty is found in ascertaining that the Order of the Secretary of State is being observed. Illegality is frequent, though evidence sufficient to base a prosecution on, is not established."
With regard to the fish-curing exemption they were told in the Report—
"The time is not ripe for further comment upon the condition of the fish-curing industry."
In the Report of the Midland Division they were told that there were—
"no complaints in respect of fish-curing except in regard to emergency processes at Grimsby."
That was the very point. There seemed to be a curious concealment about this matter, and in Scotland the annual Report informed them that the fish-curing establishments at Aberdeen were much better on account of the efforts of the sanitary authority at Aberdeen, but very bad elsewhere, although "elsewhere" was not explained. There had been Reports from Medical Officers in Scotland on this subject called for by the action of the Home Office. He asked for those Reports not long ago, and they were refused — quite properly, no doubt—on the ground that they would be very costly to print. That statement was not accompanied by the usual intimation that those interested could see the Reports. He had not seen them and they had not been seen, so far as he knew, by anyone outside the Home Office. He was sure that they were Reports which under proper discretion should be shown to anyone interested in the question. Some action had been taken for the purpose of preventing the extraordinarily long hours worked by women in the making-up departments of florists' shops in London. Several hon. Members interfered, and expressed themselves hostile to the action taken by the women inspectors. In the Report it was pointed out that the women were working fifteen hours a day. They also worked on Sunday. He could not conceive why they should work these hours, and if the inspectors believed that their intervention was required, that should hardly be made a matter of complaint. He would suggest that the blame here, as in the case of dressmaking, lay with those who gave orders which could not be executed in the time allowed without involving a great deal of distressing over-employment of women who were not regularly employed all through the year. It was a case in which the public sinned through ignorance, and the more public attention was called to the real cause the better it would be for those concerned. He thanked the Home Secretary for the form in which the Particulars Order had been finally issued. He thanked the right hon. Gentleman also for the inquiries to which he had referred, almost all of which had been thoroughly beneficial. Insurance under the Compensation Act had been the subject of a promise of two inquiries. He had read with the greatest admiration the evidence given by the Under-Secretary of State (Mr. Herbert Samuel) before the smaller one. The larger issue in connection with that question would have to be inquired into. He would not enlarge on the reasons which made the inquiry necessary. The only other inquiry to which he would refer was one to be held in regard to the fair wages clause. Questions had recently been asked in this House as to the possibility of interference to prevent preference being given to non- unionist firms. If that inquiry was held it should not be confined to an inquiry into facts which were the subject of inquiry some years ago by a Committee of this House, but it should deal with the larger questions which had been raised.

said the Home Secretary was mistaken in stating that there had been an objection raised to the taking of this Vote earlier in the year. That was not the point to which objection had been taken. The point was that this year the factory inspector's Report was not published until 11th July and that they were asked to discuss it to-day. Last year the Report was published a day earlier and the Home Office Vote was taken on 1st August. He and his friends would be only too delighted if the Home Secretary would let them have the Report a few weeks earlier, but what they did object to was that this important document of 400 pages which was delivered to members last Friday morning should be discussed that day.

said that if he had known there was an objection to the Vote being taken that day, he would have made representations at once in order that a more convenient day might be found. He thought it was known that the Vote was coming on that day. Questions had been asked several times as to when the Report would be published and he had the impression that hon. Members wished the Vote to be taken that day.

said that his complaint was that whoever was responsible for fixing the date for the discussion of the Home Office Vote had not the courtesy to inform the Labour Party when it was coining on. The Prime Minister's announcement last Thursday was the first information they had that the Vote was coming on that day. The usual procedure in such a case was to fix the dates in consultation with those who were specially interested in particular Votes. It was perfectly well known that the Labour Members were very much interested in this discussion, but no approach was made to them and no agreement was come to. He did not blame the Home Secretary himself, but it was to be hoped that in future years the same mistake would not be made. In his criticisms he would confine himself to the question of factory inspection and the organisation of the factory inspection staff. The time at his disposal would not enable him to say the nice things he would like to say of part of the work of the right hon. Gentleman's staff, and if what he had to say took the form mainly of criticism, the right hon. Gentleman could understand that behind his criticism there was a great deal of appreciation. He was very glad to hear the admission of the Home Secretary that the dual control of certain things provided for by the Factory and Workshops Act had broken down. He and other Members had predicted years ago that it would break down, and they thought that the Home Office should make itself absolutely responsible for those things. He ventured to make an appeal that medical officers of health, if they were really going to be allowed to exercise any authority under the Factory and Workshops Act, should be removed from the control of local authorities. If the medical officer was the servant of a small local authority, the members of which were in so many instances interested in the property and in the malpractices that went on in connection with home work, how could it be expected that either the medical officer or the local authority would carry out the law in the same way as the Home Office acting through national inspectors would do?

asked whether that remark applied also to large local authorities.

said he could give the names of large local authorities as well as small local authorities which had acted in this objectionable way. He was extremely sorry that the Home Secretary in appointing the Committee on Home Work had not put any outsiders on it. No women had been appointed on it.

pointed out that nobody but Members could sit on Select Committees. Such a Committee was inevitable sooner or later because so many novel proposals had been made to deal with sweating in the homes of the workers. The Committee, however, did not take the place of any inquiry that might be necessary on the subject, but was appointed with a view to considering legislative action to solve the difficulty.

thanked the right hon. Gentleman for his explanation. He did not want to pursue the subject very far, but he would urge one point. If legislation was to be proposed after the Select Committee reported, he thought an inquiry into sweating and the conditions of sweating should have preceded the appointment of the Select Committee. In his opinion the Home Secretary had put the cart before the horse. The importance of the question of inspectors could not he over-estimated. His right hon. friend had brought before the House some very important points. He wanted to urge upon the Committee that a very large part of the failure of the administration of the law was owing to the inefficient machinery they had created for administering the law. Last year he pointed out that very foolish distinctions existed between what were known as inspectors and assistant inspectors. First of all, he called attention to the fact that the monthly circular's, full of important information, were withheld from assistant inspectors. Nobody had been able to explain this except by the "class" reason that the inspector was a superior officer to the assistant inspector. The efficiency of the work was thus impaired by some edict of the Department according to which assistant inspectors were not put in possession of the material which was necessary to efficiency. There was absolutely no reason why there should be this distinction. Then he wished to know why assistant inspectors were not more frequently asked to attend inquests. Last year there were 1,116 fatal accidents, but only on six occasions were assistant inspectors called in to assist at inquests, and in four of those cases the inspector was present as well. A very serious boiler explosion took place in South London, resulting in the death of two men, but, despite the fact that the two inspectors' assistants in the district were practical engineers, one having been a marine engineer and a boiler maker, neither of them was called to put his knowledge and experience at the disposal of the State and of the people affected. South London was one of the most industrial districts of the country, and yet experienced assistant inspectors there were given duties to perform which any schoolboy might do. It was perfectly true that the right hon. Gentleman had somewhat improved the position with regard to lead-poisoning, but there had been eighty-five eases of lead-poisoning in coach-building, an increase of 50 per cent, in 1905. An inspectors' assistant was able to go into a coach-makers' place and advise the proprietor regarding the precautions he was taking, but, if an actual case of poisoning occurred, the assistant could no longer act. He had no status, and the ordinary inspector had to be sent for to go over the work with which the assistant had been charged. There was also the question which he asked the right hon. Gentleman regarding the power of inspector's assistants to enter factories. The right hon. Gentleman replied that it depended upon the district superintendent inspector. He was bound to say he did not quite understand what that reply meant. The warrant of inspectors' assistants entitled them to enter workshops, and, when the higher grade assistants were created, their new warrants entitled them to enter factories. How could inspectors' assistants, without that amended warrant, be entitled upon the order of a superintendent inspector to enter factories? As a matter of fact, they did not enter factories, and, so far as they could find out, no such order as he had referred to had been issued. Lady inspectors, with infinitely less experience, entered factories, and made most valuable reports. Why should not inspectors' assistants have the same facilities as the lady inspectors who had less experience in precisely the same sort of work? The question very seriously affected the existence of overtime in both factories and workshops. Inspectors' assistants might see lights in what appeared to be a workshop, but which might be a factory. They never quite knew whether they were entitled to enter. In the first blush of his enthusiasm an inspector's assistant would undoubtedly enter, but at last he began to settle down, and, because he was often thrown back from the door of a factory, he ultimately ceased to be an efficient inspector for detecting overtime in workshops.

said that as a matter of fact four inspectors' assistants were engaged in the work of factory inspection, and there was no finality about the change.

said he was coming to that. He hoped his criticisms would help the right hon. Gentleman to come nearer to perfect finality. If the right hon. Gentleman would seriously inquire into the evil effect of inspectors' assistants being hampered in this way, he felt perfectly certain he would discover a state of mind in assistant inspectors which he would see it was his duty to remove by changing the conditions under which they did their work. The right hon. Gentleman last year told them that the position of inspectors' assistants was an anomaly which could not be maintained, and he had undoubtedly done something to make changes. He had for instance, enabled some inspectors' assistants to visit docks, but if there happened to be a warehouse at the dock using machinery precisely the same as was used in the docks as part and parcel of the dock work, he could not enter. He was bound to pass that factory; and the ordinary inspector had to tread upon his footsteps. Certain inspectors' assistants were undoubtedly allowed to examine and inspect for time cribbing, but under what conditions? They might enter a factory before or after the legal hours, but they were not allowed to be inside during them. Another improvement which the right hon. Gentleman had made was very limited in its scope. The other day he allowed three inspectors' assistants to sit for an examination, and one passed. That was a most inadequate way of meeting the promise he gave last year, seeing that there was much leeway to make up. If the right hon. Gentleman looked at the Civil Service Commissioners' Report he would find that the difference between the three in marks was infinitesimal. Surely he was treating the matter in a petty-fogging way in dealing with it as he had done. He nominated three inspector's assistants to sit for this examination, and then although they had evidence that they would all be competent inspectors, yet two were rejected and one was passed. It must be remembered that this was not an open examination of outsiders. It was a test imposed upon men who, after ten or fourteen years service, were chafing under the limitation imposed upon them in regard to their service of the State. That was a very inadequate fulfilment of the promise that the right hon. Gentleman gave a year ago. Owing to the short time he had had to examine this Report he was in some difficulty, but he thought he was correct in saying there was no account given as usual of the number of miles travelled by factory inspectors and of their inspections, If this information was in the Report it was not in its old place. It was a very serious omission, and he could not see why it was made except to avoid showing the very serious defects in the organisation of the staff. The right hon. Gentleman himself had said that those figures were an indication of the way in which the staff was organised, and the greater the number of miles travelled the more the inefficiency of the organisation of the staff was shown. He also complained of the artificial distinctions which existed in regard to the staff, and said that the failure to visit factories was becoming very alarming. It appeared that 6,700 had not been visited since 1904, and as many as 14,500 wore not visited in 1906. That was a reduction of 500 on 1905, taking the figures from the Blue Book, and he did not think that such a reduction showed that there had been any praiseworthy effort made. There was unnecessary duplication of working, owing to inspectors for different purposes being sent to the same place, and he knew of a case where three Government inspectors visited the same building and there were four local inspectors visiting it as well. Their duties were quite separate, and not one of them could do the work of each other's department. The right hon. Gentleman complained about his Department being overworked, but it appeared that all Departments were overworked, and he thought that a great deal of labour night be saved if this one were more soundly organised. Nor was he convinced that this Department had got the best material for its purpose. Better material was to be had to carry on its work, and it was possible to set about getting that material in a better way. If he had had any doubt on that subject it would have been dispelled by a recent visit abroad where he went into the question of the appointment of factory inspectors in the countries which he visited. They were admirably organised, and did their work in an admirable way. These countries did not adopt the superficial and artificial plan of selecting men by an examination which had nothing to do with the work which they would be required to perform. The Return of the staff and the occupations of its members before appointment which had been presented to this House on his Motion was very interesting, and showed that there was a change in 1900 and 1901 in the tests imposed upon the candidates for inspectorships. Before that date the lists of candidates were practically one long repetition of "engineer," "engineer," "engineer." When they came to 1901 and 1902, however, they got a different class of men including analysts, university men of different degrees, a schoolmaster, a confidential clerk in a linen factory, a manager, science lecturers, electrical engineers, and others. A paper on English literature was set to test the capacity of men to protect the lives of people working where machinery was in operation. One of the questions was "How does the Shakespeare Comedy resemble and differ from the Ben Jonson. Illustrate your answer.'' Such a test was absurd unless it was so designed to select factory inspectors from the class possessing social distinction. 'The right hon. Gentleman had done something to meet them, but, taken as a whole the organisation of the factory department no longer commanded confidence. The Factory and Workshops Act required stiffening and supplementing at a good many points. The condition and organisation of the staff, the administration of the Act, and the alterations required in the law might very well be made the subject of inquiry by a committee of experts in order to guide the right hon. Gentleman in his future action. He was satisfied that there would be a recommendation that more assistant inspectors should be created, and that there ought to be a system under which they should be passed up in accordance with the efficiency they showed in administering the powers conferred upon them. Another point which he thought would be recommended was that the walls between the different portions of the staff should be broken down so that it should be a coherent whole, and so that the members might rise to the position to which they were entitled. The local superintendent inspectors should have more power than they now had to give directions as to how their assistants should occupy themselves. A complete change also should be made in the examinations now imposed on inspectors so as to bring them into closer touch with industrial life and life in the workshops. The head of the Department should not be a medical officer of health. He believed an impartial inquiry would recommend such changes, and if the changes were made he felt perfectly certain that the taxpayers' money would be saved, that the Department would be more efficient and better men would be found to go on the staff. In spite of the improvements made by the right hon. Gentleman he still thought it would be possible to make much greater improvements.

said he desired to associate himself with every word of appreciation which had been uttered with regard 10 the action taken by His Majesty in connection with the mining industry. For a long time his attention had been directed to this matter, but in his most sanguine moments he never anticipated that His Majesty would have taken the action he had. He had also been much interested in what the right hon. Gentlemen had said with regard to the Eight Hours Bill, and hoped that it would be soon introduced. He also rejoiced in the statement that it was the right hon. Gentleman's intention to reorganise the Home Office, and that a purely mining section was to be established. He ventured to express the hope that in the reorganisation of that Office, with especial reference to mining, the right hon. Gentleman would give particular attention to considering the desirability of having a direct representative of labour attached to the Home Office staff. He had always felt that both the workmen and the Home Office lost considerably by having no direct connection between the miners and the administrative Department. He, however, rose for the purpose of dealing with two questions of first importance to the miners of this country, and of Wales in particular. He had recently received the very important Report of Mr. Atkinson and Mr. Lewis on the colliery accident in Genwen, and was particularly impressed with the way in which the inspectors reported. The point on which they thought there was a direct considerable and serious breach of the rules was the fact that—

"The firemen reported that if they found gas and cleared it out of the way they did not enter it upon their report, and the finding of the gas was never reported. General Rule 4 requires a report specifying where noxious or inflammable gas, if any, was found present. It seems evident that the manager took no steps to ensure full compliance with this rule. No record of persons allowed to have lamp keys was kept, as required by Special Rule 183. The main separation doors between the intake and the return air currents consisted of a wooden door and a canvas sheet, whereas Special Rule 73 requires that all main doors are double."
The inspectors very properly took proceedings against the colliery owners in consequence of the violation of the rules, and they were convicted and fined £5 and costs. What he desired to ask was, what earthly advantage was it to proceed against the colliery owners, and inflict a fine of that character? Was there no power in the hands of the Home Office to bring greater pressure upon colliery owners to conform to the rules, and to inflict heavier penalties than a fine of £5 and costs? In addition to that Report he had received one from the Miners' Federation, who always sent their own people to these inquiries. In their Report they spoke with much greater certainty upon this matter. But in the Home Office inspector's Report there was a strong case for the Department to do something to bring greater pressure to bear upon these who were responsible for sending men into eternity without a moment's notice. In this connection he found himself face to face with the interim Report of the Committee which sat to inquire into the question. In that Report they said with reference to the two explorers who were killed by after-damp in the return airway, that it was possible, or even probable, that if suitable appliances had been at hand and had been resorted to without delay, they might have been rescued, but the organisation of the rescue work was so defective that it was not known that those men were missing until several hours after they had gone into the return airway. In the exploring work two men gave their lives in the attempt to succour their comrades, but no arrangements had been made in any of the mines of this country by which exploring could be made safer. His Majesty had done well in instituting a decorative order, but surely in these days of science men ought not to be called upon to risk their lives in attempting to succour their fellows when with the appliances that now existed rescue work could be conducted under safer conditions. The adoption of rescue appliances was not a new suggestion. In the interim Report of the Royal Commission he found that during the year 1881, an apparatus was used in connection with the explosion at the Seaham Colliery, Durham, and in connection with the Killingworth disaster in 1882. Since then nothing had been done to perfect the apparatus until interest in the matter was revived by the construction in 1900 of an experimental gallery for testing life-saving apparatus, by Mr. Garforth, at Messrs. Pope and Pearson's Altofts Collieries, in which the state of a mine roadway after an explosion was reproduced on a small scale in order to accustom men to the use of the apparatus in conditions such as were likely to be met with underground. In the event of an explosion, anything which facilitated the rapidity and safety with which the ventilation could be restored and the after-damp removed, must contribute towards the saving of life. Most of the deaths were caused by after-damp, and men were frequently alive for a considerable time after the explosion occurred. He ventured to submit to the Home Secretary that to talk of the invention being too cumbersome for a man to carry on his back when looking through a mine for his fellows was to miss the point altogether. That might be so, but a man with this appliance on his back would be able to make for and put up the doors that had been blown down by the explosion, and so give a current of air in the mines which would assist greatly in the saving of life. The question of the use of such apparatus was among the matters considered by the Royal Commission on Accidents in Mines (1880–1886), and after commenting on the services rendered by the "Fleuss" apparatus on the occasions referred to, they recommended that—
"Arrangements should be made for the establishment of centres in mining districts, where additional appliances for succour and relief, and also special appliances for exploring purposes, should be maintained in an efficient condition, so as to be ready for use at the shortest notice."
They added that—
"It is most desirable that facilities should be afforded for the instruction of men in the use of special auxiliary appliances for exploring purposes.
That recommendation had not been given effect to, because the right hon. Gentleman had no object in bringing pressure to bear on colliery owners to realise their responsibility on this question. What other Governments could do the British Government could do, in mercy to these men who risked their lives. In some Continental countries greater attention had been given in recent years to the question of breathing appliances. In Austria their provision had been made compulsory; in Germany, though no regulations had been made by the Government on the subject, a great deal had been done voluntarily, and many of the larger collieries were provided with sets of apparatus. In France, as a result of the Courrières disaster, the question was referred for inquiry to a special commission, and as a result of their Report, a decree was issued in April. 1907, by the Minister of Public Works, making the provision of breathing appliances compulsory in French coal mines. If the French Government thought it desirable to take such steps, our Government ought to exert themselves, and not rest satisfied until these inventions had been perfected, even at the expense of the nation. He was quite aware that a Royal Commission was now sitting, and that they had not gone further than the following—
"After fully considering the results of experience here and abroad, we are of opinion that the question is ripe for further development in this country, and demands the serious attention of the industry. We have considered whether it would be desirable to make the provision of any of these appliances compulsory, and we have come to the conclusion that sufficient advance has not been made in this country to justify such a course at present."
He thought that showed the attitude taken up by the Royal Commission. He had three esteemed colleagues on that Commission, and he desired to pay full deference to their judgment; but he would say to the Home Secretary that if the coal owners between now and the time when the final Report had been presented had not perfected the whole system of rescue appliances at their own expense, he should bring pressure to beat on the Royal Commission to do something more than consider the question of making compulsory the provision of rescue appliances throughout the United Kingdom He ventured to submit these proposals from South Wales and Monmouth, where they had sufficient cause to regret the long list of explosions. He suggested that if they did not possess the power they should seek it, to penalise either colliery managers or owners who through their negligence, had been responsible for loss of life in the mines of the country; and, secondly, if it was found in practice that the colliery owners did not respond to this recommendation of the Royal Commission, and voluntarily agree to establish at the collieries these rescue appliances, for use in a mining disaster, something should be done to take the matter out of the category of recommendation, and to make such provision compulsory on all colliery owners in the United Kingdom. Undoubtedly, a large number of colliery owners when they saw these statements would feel their responsibility, and provide the appliances voluntarily; but if some of them proved indifferent to the claims of humanity, he hoped that the Home Secretary would bring the influence of his high office to bear upon them, so that if unhappily an explosion occurred, which God forbid, they would not have to regret the loss of brave rescuers, as in the two cases he had quoted, where the men went into the mine to save their fellows and were sent into eternity, simply because there were not the rescue appliances, and because the conditions at the colliery were such that they were not able to explore.

said the hon. Member who had last addressed the House complained of too little notice of the date of the debate and of too little time for the study of the Blue-book which reached him only on Thursday. In some respects he was more fortunate than the hon. Member, but in some he was less so. For though he knew earlier of the date of the debate he did not receive a copy of the Blue-book until Monday. The hon. Member for Leicester had referred to the examinations for inspectors of factories and had thrown ridicule on literary subjects being included in the test. His own experience of these matters ranged over a considerable number of years, and he felt convinced that higher education and culture, though not indispensable, were most likely to make the inspector an efficient officer. He could not help thinking that a University education was no drawback to an inspector of factories, but was calculated to make him a more efficient public servant. Before he passed to the main theme of the industrial conditions referred to in the Blue-book, he wanted to say a word about the children in prisons. He was not going to trespass on anything which would entail legislation. His right hon. friend had certain powers under the Youthful Offenders Act for the framing of regulations. The right hon. Gentleman had told them in the speech to which they had listened with so much interest and pleasure, of the numerous circulars and orders which he sent out under his powers, conferred by the Act of 1901. Having these powers to frame regulations under the Youthful Offenders Act, would it not be in the power of his right hon. friend to ask local authorities to treat children under sixteen years, who were under arrest, better than they were being treated at present, and not put them in gaol? Children arrested in London and in some other large towns after the police courts had risen for the day, were, in default of bail, detained in police stations until the following day. If arrested on Saturday, they might be lodged in cells until the following Monday morning. During 1905, thirty seven children under ten years, eighty-six between ten and thirteen, and 293 between thirteen and sixteen years, slept in police stations, prior to admission to the remand homes. In Manchester, however, boys under seventeen and girls under eighteen were never detained at police stations, but lodged after arrest in the Boys and Girls Refuges. It should be remembered that out of a total of 2,518 convictions for non indictable offences, registered against juveniles under sixteen, during 1904, 554 were for contraventions of police regulations, 1,132 for offences against the Vagrancy Act, while out of 450 cases of stealing, 432 were for stealing fruit, and plants. The present procedure whereby youthful delinquents were brought before the ordinary Courts, and were sentenced by magistrates accustomed to judge hardened offenders, needed reform. Passing from that, he would draw his right hon. friends attention to the figures in the Blue-book showing the increase in the number of accidents. The increase in the number of fatal accidents had been 5 per cent., and of accidents of all sorts 11.5 per cent. There had been an increase in the number of electrical accidents, though there had been no increase in the number of persons employed. The increase of electrical fatalities was 4.66 per cent. There was an increase of deaths from lead-poisoning, the total of deaths being thirty-three the percentage increase being 1030 per cent.; the total number of these cases was 632, or an increase of 40.6. The increase in the number of cases of anthrax was twenty-two, or 4.18 per cent. It was difficult to assign these figures to any one cause, but among the causes which must be taken into account was the looseness of control due to the voluntary system. He would urge the right hon. Gentleman to consent to the abolition of a system under which they had to ask people to do certain things which they had no right to enforce. Whether they considered electrical works or laundries, or bronzing in lithographic works, or dry cleaning, he could prove that the voluntary principle had continued to be a serious source of accidents. The administration of the law was lax, and they wanted in the hands of the Minister power to enforce what was required. For instance, on page 187 of the Annual Report for 1906, Miss Tracey said—

"Where machinery is used, the dangers of it appeared but little recognised, and in several cases my suggestions as to protection were not carried out for the avowed reason that they were not compulsory."
This had reference to laundries in institutions, but he would not labour the point, because it was one with which every hon. Member was familiar. He would pass to electrical works. He must say how grateful and how glad he was to hear from his right hon. friend the Home Secretary that at last there were in draft certain rules which he proposed to issue to these electrical works. It was a matter in respect of which he had been agitating for a considerable number of years. He wanted to quote three sentences from Mr. G. Scott Ram, who was electrical inspector. Mr. Ram, on page 262 of the annual Report for 1906, said—
"In my previous Reports I have described a number of the various dangerous conditions of electrical plant which I have come across during the year. I have again a similar selection to bring to your notice."
After describing the death of a man from shock, in which he had received 230 volts through his body to earth, being unable to release his hold of the lamp until the current was switched off Mr. Ram went on to say—
"I described and commented upon an exactly similar fatality in my last year's Report. There is little, if anything, new in the nature of the accidents, and any comments which I make upon them must necessarily be in the nature of repetition of the remarks I have nude in former Reports."
He noticed that Mr. Scott Ram made that kind of apology, and it was with great pleasure that he heard that the right hon. Gentleman was going to frame some new regulations. Again, Mr. Scott Ram said—
"This switchboard was apparently satisfactory so far as the working platform was concerned, but the various passage ways in connection with it were a series of death traps.⤦. three bare and unprotected bus bars at 6,000 volts. The floor of this passage way was of iron, and the clear width was about 18 inches ….No means of access was, however, provided for getting to these plug switches other than along the passageway described. Even assuming that the attendant should safely reach the plug switches there was no room for him to work them,…. there was exposed live metal within 3 or 4 inches of the handles, and the bus-bars were, of course, close to; (the combined arrangement being such as to offer a great and totally unwarrantable risk in operation.")
He read that quotation because one of the recommendations made by the Departmental Committee appointed ten years ago was that passages and gangways should be covered with an insulating mat and kept in an efficient state of insulation. Mr. Ram described another case—
"An undesirable feature, not unfrequently met with, was also present here, namely, apparatus, requiring occasional handling, fixed on the wall of the other side of the passageway. In this case some of it was arranged in a particularly dangerous manner. Some high pressure switch fuses for instrument transformers were fixed on the back wall at 6 feet from the iron floor. In order to handle them a man would have to stand with his back towards the live terminals of the main portion of the switch-board, one of which was so placed that he would almost certainly touch it with the back of his head when handling the switch fuses. It is difficult to account for the apparently reckless want, of thought in cases such as this, where the danger is so obvious and of such serious kind, i.e., sudden death to the unwary attendant."
Another of the same Committee's recommendations was that in all switchboards the main switches should be insulated or arranged in such a way as would render it impossible for any person to touch them. He gave those two illustrations to show how necessary it was that this danger, which had been the cause of an increased number of deaths, should be placed under more strict regulations. He noticed that Miss Deane and Miss Slocock had made a special report on bronzing in which they said—
"We have seldom found the voluntary Special Rules satisfactorily carried out."
"We have found bronze dust lying thickly all over and around the machine, and powdering the hands, faces, hair, and clothes of the workers."
Then they described a new bronzing machine which they said was expensive, but the cost would be quickly repaid, not only in the bronze which would be saved, but in time and greater efficiency in the work and the safety of the workers. He hoped the right hon. Gentleman would consent to pass special regulations for bronzing in lithographic factories, and those people who were good enough to provide themselves with this expensive bronzing machine need not necessarily comply with the more stringent regulations. In Germany they had special rules dealing with this trade, and he would remind the right hon. Gentleman that Inspectors Miss Deane and Miss Slocock reported upon this point that they—
"look upon it as a serious feature in conditions of industry, requiring more attention than has been given to it."
With regard to dry cleaning there was a circular in the Report in which his right hon. friend expressed some pious opinions which were admirable, but they were only pious opinions and nothing else, and they were expressed by his Committee which sat in 1896. All sorts of recommendations were made that the women and girls should wash their hands and be provided with wet sand and other materials for putting out fires, because there was great danger of the benzine igniting. The Memorandum went on to say—
"It is desirable that women and young persons should be periodically examined by the Certifying Surgeon."
Then, if it was desirable, why, in the name of common sense, was it not made obligatory? That brought him to the Report of the Under-Secretary's Committee on industrial diseases to be scheduled for the Compensation Act, an interesting, and a valuable contribution to the industrial literature of that House. But there were one or two important omissions in that report. One of them had been dealt with by the right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean, and the other was the dangers incurred by naphtha. Last winter, in replying to the speech of the hon. Member for West Ham, the Under-Secretary rather poohpoohed the idea that there was any danger from naphtha. He wanted to deal with this question because Professor Glaister brought two cases of death from naphtha before the Committee. He would like to call attention to Miss Paterson's report in 1899, in which she said—
"I visited a number of them (workers in naphtha) in their homes and also the doctors near two large factories employing a large number of girls, and learned that a reduced state of health is looked on as the usual result of such employment."
Later on in 1902 Miss Paterson reported—
"I have had interviews with a number of workers, and have heard from them much of the varying symptons of anæmia, shortness of breath, palpitation, headache, with some pain and functional disturbances."
Why had naphtha been rejected by his right hon. friend? He had stated that when a man died from naphtha in the cases quoted it was considered to be an accident, and in other cases where the girls had suffered he understood that the Committee's position was that there was no definite illness and nothing which could be called chronic, which was specifically attributable to this substance. There was another case in the Glasgow Western Infirmary under the care of Dr. Finlayson, which was reported in the British Medical Journal—
"At that lime he was unconscious and lay breathing heavily,… he afterwards became very restless and almost maniacal, he tried to get out of bed, saying that he was late for his work. He vomited several ounces of greenish fluid.… For the most part the patient continued exceedingly restless, with diarrhœa and vomiting at intervals."
"The necropsy, made by Professor Muir, showed that the lower portions of both lungs, were consolidated, of a reddish grey colour, and at parts coated with a thin film of fibrin. In the upper part of the left lung there were a number of small ragged cavities where the lung tissue was beginning to break down; both lungs showed signs of an acute bronchitis."
Any material used which was capable of producing such results as those ought certainly to be scheduled as dangerous. On this matter he wished for a moment to analyse the position of the Committee. If it was true that the man died from naphtha poisoning, and that it was an accident, let them compare it with anthrax. It had been held in a Court of law that anthrax poisoning was an accident, yet anthrax was scheduled in the Workmen's Compensation Act. There was all the more reason why they should schedule naphtha, whose evil effects had never been held by a Court to be an accident. The effects which were produced in workers connected with the naphtha trade should surely make the trade rank as a "dangerous trade" in which compensation should be given. He begged his right hon. friend to consider this case. If he did so in the way suggested he would earn the gratitude of a very large and increasing number of workers using this substance. Workers in naphtha were denied special protection; for the want of it they got ill, and were then denied compensation.

said the reasons which had been urged by the hon. Member for Leicester against the present method of appointing factory inspectors applied equally to the method of appointing mining inspectors. During the past year he had asked the Home Secretary several Questions on this subject. From a Return with which he had been supplied he found that in regard to the mining inspectors there had been four separate examinations. Two applicants were exempted from examination, and he wanted to know why they were exempted. He found also that out of six cases where there were examinations only one nomination was made. He wanted to know how many applicants there were. There were fifteen separate examinations in respect of assistant-inspectors, but out of six cases there was only one nomination. Two applicants were exempted from examination. One man had acted as assistant inspector twenty-two weeks before he sat for examination. In his own district there were men who held the necessary certificate, and had sent in applications with the view to becoming colliery inspectors, but none of them had been allowed to sit for examination. He would like to get an explanation why they were not examined. He was against the system of selection and nomination. He contended that more efficient inspectors would be obtained if their qualifications had previously been ascertained by examination. Many men who had done practical work in the mines were prevented by the present system from obtaining positions as mining inspectors. Ho called attention to the terms of the contracts under which the clothing for prison warders was made, and stated that a complaint had been made that the regulations required in regard to work for other Government Departments were not complied with in the case of the Home Office. In the case of the Post Office the contractor undertook that all garments should be made in his own factory, and that no work should be done at the houses of the workpeople. Any infringement of that condition, if proved to the satisfaction of the Postmaster-General, rendered the contractor liable to a penalty not exceeding £100 for each offence. The clause in the contracts for work done for the Homo Office was not, in his judgment, so satisfactory, and he hoped that the right hon. Gentleman would introduce into future contracts a clause similar to that in the Post Office contracts for clothing. If the right hon. Gentleman could do so, he would remove much friction which existed at present, and they would be in a position of knowing that there was no danger from infectious disease and unfair conditions of labour.

said he desired to call attention to a matter which he hoped would receive the sympathetic consideration of the Home Secretary, namely, the question of the police charges levied on the cab industry in London. He did not think many hon. Members were aware of what these charges were, nor could they know that the industry at the present time was not in such a flourishing condition as it was some years ago when the charges were first instituted. Since those days there had been introduced the competition of the "tubes," motor cabs, and motor omnibuses. These new modes of travelling had had a prejudicial effect on the cab industry, and yet the charges to which he was referring remained the same as before. The driver's licence cost 5s., the plate licence £2, and in addition there was the Inland Revenue wheel tax of 15s., making £3. The money was applied to payment of an inspecting staff; but, inasmuch as inspection was as much, if not more, in the interest of the public as in that of the cab drivers, it would be only fair that the public should contribute a share. In 1905 the revenue from cabs and omnibuses, including motor omnibuses and cabs, was £40,000, and the expenditure £39,000. He appealed on the ground of common fairness on behalf of horse drawn cabs, which were now subjected to keen competition, for a considerable reduction in the charges.

said the speech of the right hon. Gentleman was one of the most encouraging they had had on the Home Office Vote since he had been in the House, and they were very grateful for the work he had done. The right hon. Gentleman had referred to the inquiries which were going on, and they looked forward to his having opportunities of dealing with the matters which were being inquired into. He wished to refer to the inquiry with regard to the humidity in the cotton cloth factories. The question had been brought before the right hon. Gentleman's notice, and he wished to express his extreme pleasure that he had responded to their requests in such a speedy manner. They were fully confident of their case, and if the employers, when they were brought together, could not agree, they would have to persist in it. It was also highly gratifying to know that the staff had been increased, and one remark by the right hon. Gentleman led them to believe that there was room for still greater increase. The right hon. Gentleman said he had not consulted the Chancellor of the Exchequer, but in this case there would not, he imagined, be much difficulty, because the Chancellor of the Exchequer had been in the position of Home Secretary, and no doubt had full knowledge of the requirements of that department. This, coupled with the earnestness with which ho knew the right hon. Gentleman would make his requests, should be sufficient to get for them a grant which would enable a big increase to be made in the staff. The annual Report proved that the Inspectors required more help; their districts were too large, and they had too many factories and workshops to attend to. Proper inspection could not be attained unless there was some further increase. It was for that reason that in the cotton district they had asked for outside assistance in the matter of time cribbing. They felt that the employers were defying the inspectors and that the staff could not meet the urgency of the case. Hon. Members might not understand what time cribbing was. Some of the people in the cotton mills were paid by the piece and some by the day. The engine was started some few minutes before the time and was kept running some minutes after the time, and all this extra work was put in in many cases without pay. From the point of view of physique alone, this time cribbing ought to be stopped. Of course, so far as individual members were concerned, the Operatives Associations could not be responsible, but they discouraged the practice of working during the meal hour in every possible way. There might be cases where the operatives were somewhat to blame, but the employer was solely responsible for the engine being started and stopped at the proper time. So far as that was concerned, no stones could be thrown at the operatives. The inspector for the South-West Division reported as follows on the question—

"Very little that is new can be said on the subject which in its generally accepted term refers solely to cotton mills and to their practice of running the engine and machinery a few minutes both before and after the legal periods. For this the employers alone can of course be held responsible, though up to now at any rate many of the employed, being on piecework, had not been averse to the practice, and where it had been checked complaints had been heard of the consequent reduction in money earned. There are signs, however, now that the more recent Rotation carried on by the Operatives Associations will have the effect of leaving those dishonest employers who continue to crib time without any sympathiser."
They were glad to notice that from the Superintendent Inspector in their district. He would like to call the attention of the right hon. gentleman to p. 136 of the Report, where there was a reference by the Inspector. He said—
"Mr. Lewis (Manchester), Mr. Crabtree (Oldham), and Mr. Clark (Bolton) each write strongly on the prevalence of this offence in their districts, whilst Mr. Taylor (Blackburn), and Mr. Rogers (C.C.F.) report more favourably on theirs."
The Superintendent Inspector therefore went out of his way to give two quotations from the inspectors who reported favourably, whilst he did not give a single sentence of the three men who condemned the practice seriously. He asked whether there ought not to be as much attention called to the condemnation of the practice as to those cases where it was said there had been an improvement, and whether the Chief Inspector should not at least do what he could in his report to discourage it by giving prominence to the condemnation of it. Then there was another point with regard to the number of prosecutions. There were eight districts, affecting thousands upon thousands of operatives, 'millions of spindles and hundreds of thousands of looms, but there had been only 886 cases reported, and the fines and costs totalled only £1,149, an average of 16s. 4d. in fines and 9s. 7d. in costs. Those who knew the cotton mills in the last few years know that these fines could be made up in a day by running excessive time. It was absolutely nothing to a man who had thousands of spindles and looms running overtime for three hours a week to be fined a paltry sum of 16s. 4d. in each case. So far as fines were concerned, the question would have to be dealt with in a more severe manner. If in a mill there were 150 operatives being employed illegally cases should be brought in regard to them all, and not merely in regard to twenty, and if the magistrates exercised any leniency it should be in regard to the whole number and not merely with regard to a half dozen or so. They had to thank the right hon. Gentleman for having obtained the assistance of the police through the watch committees in checking time cribbing. The method they suggested and which the right hon. Gentleman had accepted was that the police, who numbered roughly 1 to 1,000 of population, should, if they found on their rounds a mill going before or after the proper time, report the matter to the inspectors. Any policeman in Lancashire could tell without going into the mill whether a mill was running for production or merely for trying purposes. The Home Secretary had asked as many watch committees as would to adopt this policy, but they thought he might move a little further in the matter and extend his inquiries. There were a number of watch committees where there were no borough police, and they, as well as the watch committees where there were borough police and the county authority at Preston, should receive the Home Office circulars. They had to complain that in this connection they did not think the inspectors were taking kindly to the police coming into the business. They had this from people who were in the towns and who had to make reports. He would give a case which occurred within the last two month. In April of this year the police saw and heard the machinery full at work at 5.55 in Royal Mills, Oldham. The assumption was that the mill had been running some minutes then. Information was sent to the inspector, but he suggested that it would be better if he tried to catch them himself. It was a firm which was known to be guilty of the practice, and he suggested that it would be better if he went and saw what he could do on his own. He went and caught them, but he only took out twenty-six summonses, though ho might have taken at least eighty. The management were very obstinate, and denied it. They said it was an odd case which the inspector had happened to come across. This was the usual excuse of employers who did all they could to prevent inspectors doing their work efficiently. There was in a mill what was called a Moss crop indicator, and this machine indicated the correct time. Reports were made frequently that the mill was running overtime, and both the inspector and the police had discovered it, but still the indicator only gave the correct time. The secret was found out afterwards and before the case was tried, but still the inspector did not proceed. It was found that the indicator would only indicate at sixty strokes a minute of the engine, and in order to deceive the inspector the engine was run at fifty-five strokes a minute till the correct time. Surely in such a case the inspector ought to have been as severe as possible, and to have taken more than twenty-six cases. The result was that fines of 20s. and costs in ten cases were inflicted, the costs only being required to be paid in the others. What was the language of the inspector? He said he thought the firm ought to be more careful because they knew of the fact as to the working of overtime, He said he did not want to be hard with them, but he wanted it to be known that the Factory Act must be carried out. Coming to the case of the Clough Mills, Shaw, the House would rind it reported that the inspector only brought thirteen cases where he could have brought eighty. While these proceedings were going on a notice was found posted up behind. a door to the effect that if certain classes of workpeople left the mills before the engine stopped they would be discharged without notice. It was well known that this firm had been caught by the inspector and prosecuted, and yet the notice was put up. The chairman of the bench stated that he thought the inspector had dealt very leniently with defendants by bringing only thirteen summonses. He thought it was very lenient, as they had attempted to hoodwink the inspector, and the firm had been brought before the Court several times. His correspondent said he must frankly confess that he was of opinion that the inspectors were against the police being called upon to have any thing to do with this time cribbing business because they believed it might take some of the authority from their hands. He could truthfully say on the most reliable information that already in Oldham the sanction given to the police to assist in the work of detecting time cribbing had materially tended to make their limited companies more honest in loyally carrying out the Factory Acts, as in the space of time in which the police had been employed they had had considerably less complaints than formerly. He thought the police should be brought in to assist the inspectors. There was a machine for checking the action of the engines, and he thought the employers had had sufficient time given to them to improve this state of things. He thanked I the Home Secretary for his promise, and on their part they would give him all the encouragement they could in their several districts.

(MR. HERBERT SAMUEL, York- shire, Cleveland),

replying to some of the points advanced during the debate, said that his right hon. friend entirely agreed with the hon. Gentleman who had just spoken as to the evils of time cribbing. It was certainly a mean action on the part of employers to steal the workmen's time, as was being done notoriously in many mills in Lancashire. A difficulty in the matter was that of securing cumulative fines. In one case, for instance, where twenty. six charges were made against a firm the magistrates imposed fines in respect of only ten. The factory inspectors had now definite instructions no longer to take only one or two cases but to take out a number of summonses in every case. As to the provision of an automatic indicator of the running of the engines, that was a matter for legislation. The right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean had raised three questions—the questions of lead, fruit preserving, and fish curing. On all these points the Home Office had within the past twelve months taken action. It was no doubt lamentable that the figures in lead poisoning again showed an upward tendency. Every case meant a terrible amount of human suffering, and it was but a poor consolation to say that compensation would be paid. The number of cases last year was 632, against 592, a considerable increase; but it should be noted that in 1899 the number was 1,258, and in the year after that 1,058, so that they had, at any rate, the consolation of knowing that the average number had been reduced by something like 50 per cent, since that time. Although the reduced figures might give some satisfaction, they in no sense afforded any reason for the relaxation of efforts to stamp out industrial diseases. The condition of things could not be described as satisfactory until they had been reduced to an absolute minimum. The Home Office had endeavoured during last year to cope in various ways with this question. They had made regulations for the safety of workers in the trade of grinding paints and colours. Regulations were in draft dealing with the processes of tinning hardware. The whole china and earthenware trade regulations were about to be overhauled, and it was hoped they would effect a large reduction in the cases of lead poisoning. The draft of a new Order dealing with the fruit-preserving industry had been published. Should the new Order be criticised on the ground that it did not go far enough in regard to the hours of labour, it should be remembered that in the case of the fruit-preserving and fish-curing industries the powers of the Department were limited by the form in which statutory exemptions were extended to these industries, and that though the Secretary of State might impose conditions to qualify those exemptions ho could not make conditions which nullified them. The fish-curing industry was being made the subject of a special inquiry with a view to deciding as to the best mode of revising the regulations. The inquiry would specially include the question of sanitation, which was one of great gravity. The chief inspector of factories would personally visit a number of these fish-curing factories before long, and when he reported, the Home Office hoped to have a scheme to deal with the whole situation. The medical officers' reports referred to by the right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean were exceedingly voluminous, and would need condensation to make them proper for publication, but such portions of them as could properly be published would, he hoped, be published with the Report of the inquiry. The Departmental Committee on Compensation for Industrial Diseases regretted that they could not recommend the scheduling of fibrosis of the lungs, although it was a disease which could be definitely traced to certain industries. He recognised from the beginning that the scheduling of this disease would meet with grave objection, not only from the employers, but also in the interests of the employed. The initial stages of the disease usually extended over several years, and in the early period it was indistinguishable from ordinary cough or bronchitis, and the result of scheduling it would be prejudicial to workmen, who might lose their employment on mere suspicion that they were developing the disease, the employers finding that they would be unable to insure them. This view was supported by the witness who attended on behalf of the Sheffield grinders, who urged them not to schedule the disease. Dr. Haldane took the same view, and said that to schedule the disease would be disastrous to the tin miners of Cornwall. Dr. Oliver, one of the greatest authorities on dangerous trades, took the same line, and said that on the whole it was not to the advantage of the workmen that this disease should be scheduled. With regard to the opinion of the hon. Member for Berwickshire that they ought to have scheduled poisoning by naphtha, on the ground that it was clearly an industrial disease, if the Committe had thought it was an industrial disease and that it incapacitated the worker from his work they would have scheduled it, but they took a good deal of evidence and had come unanimously to the conclusion, after visiting a number of india-rubber factories where the naphtha poisoning was alleged to take place, that there was no industrial disease due to naphtha. The inference they had drawn from the medical evidence he had quoted was that the poisoning attributed to the naphtha was due to carbon bisulphide.

said that in cases of lead poisoning they had cases of chronic illness, and he himself had produced cases of almost exactly similar chronic illness from naphtha poisoning.

said they could not find it. They took evidence, and Dr. Oliver said in reference to the question of naphtha poisoning in india-rubber works that, while there might be some inconvenience caused to some of the workers, there was no incapacity lasting for the week that was necessary to qualify for compensation, duo to this cause. There was very much more evidence to the same effect. He had dealt with it at some length because it was an important point, and if there was a naphtha disease, they would be deservedly open to censure if it were not scheduled under the Act; and if it could be shown that the disease existed, he had no doubt that the right hon Gentleman would add it to the schedule. The other points which had been mentioned would be carefully noted by the Department. As to accidents due to electricity, regulations were now being made which had taken a long time to prepare. The hon. Member for Leicester had raised two points—one a large one and the other a small one. The small one had reference to the omission of mileage statistics from the factory inspector's report. These had been omitted because they could draw no conclusion whatever from them. If the figures were small, it might be stated that they showed that the districts were well organised. If they were large, they might be held to prove how hard was the work,of the inspectors, and the large amount of inspection they did. In 1905 the mileage was 944,000 miles; in 1906 the figures showed a reduction to 935,000 miles—a very small decrease. The number of visits paid—which was of much more importance—in the course of the year showed an increase from 372,000 to 382,000. The rest of the hon. Member for Leicester's speech was devoted to the point that the inspector's assistants had not got sufficiently large functions, and were not given the work to which their qualifications entitled them. As far as he understood the hon. Member, he advocated that the two branches of the service should be amalgamated more or less, and that the same functions should be given to all classes of factory inspectors. But he would point out that the work of factory inspection was very various and required various qualifications. The inspectors had to investigate difficult questions in safeguarding complicated machinery; they had to administer elaborate and detailed codes of special safety rules; they had to conduct cases in Court and examine and cross- examine witnesses; they had to write full reports on the condition of the various industries with which they had to deal, and they had to deal with scientific questions of humidity, temperature, and so forth. There was also a great deal of much simpler work, such as the inspection of workshops and other matters. It was held by the Home Office that it was not desirable to employ men at comparatively high salaries and of a high standard of education to do the simpler work of inspecting workshops and other places, while a class of men could be obtained with economy to the State at a lower salary—men of lower educational qualifications, but who could do this simpler work. The latter, however, would not be so well qualified to take cases into Court or deal with the higher branches of inspection. There were 140,000 workshops which urgently needed inspection, and if they took the inspectors' assistants from that work someone else would have to replace them, and they would have to get the more highly paid and more highly educated inspectors to do the simpler work. It might be asked why did not a non-commissioned officer do the work of a commissioned officer, or a second division clerk in the Civil Service the work of a first division; clerk. The assistant inspectors were able men, but in the view of the Department the work of the higher grade was more; suited to the men who were members of that higher grade. He much regretted to hear the hon. Member deride the edu- cational standard by scoffing at questions on Shakespeare and examinations of that kind, and he apparently held the view that the qualification for these inspectorships should be technical and not educational.

My contention was that education should be technical and scientific, and not literary.

The hon. Member might say the same thing about Army examinations in subjects which have nothing to do with warfare.

said the same ridicule might be cast on the examination papers for entrance into the Home Civil Service or the Indian Civil Service. The questions asked often had little direct relation to the work which the successful candidates would be required to perform. The examinations of Civil servants in various subjects was to ascertain that the candidates were men of a high educational standard. He should have thought that the hon. Member himself, who in his own life showed the immense importance he attached to wide culture, would be the last to lower the educational standard of any branch of the Civil Service. In nominating for examinations they endeavoured to obtain, as a rule, a combination of educational and technical qualifications. In conclusion, he would just deal with two or three other points which had been raised by hon. Members. The hon. Member for Sunderland had complained that all the persons who applied for posts as inspectors of mines were not allowed to attend the certificate examinations. He did not think there was a hall large enough to hold all the candidates for inspectorships. at one time. It would appear, he often thought, that the constituents of hon. Members were divided into two classes— those who wanted to be factory inspectors and those wanted to be mine inspectors. It would be ridiculous to assemble all the scores of hundreds of candidates for mine inspectorships when perhaps there were only one or two vacancies to fill. The rule was to nominate three or four of the candidates with the highest qualifications, when a vacancy was to be filled. In his own view it was not desirable to have merely qualifying examinations, and there ought to be competitive examinations for these posts. The question had also been raised as to the form of contract for clothing. He would take care that it was carefully looked into to see if it was possible in any way to improve it. The hon. Member for Marylebone had raised the question as to the charges imposed by the Home Office on omnibuses and hackney cabs. He would be only too glad to reduce, even to abolish, many of those charges, but it was purely a question of finance and of ways and means. When the Select Committee not long ago reported on the subject they recommended the abolition of the charge of £2, his right hon. friend carefully considered the question, but the condition of the Police Fund was such that it was already trembling on the verge of a deficit. It was purely a matter of balancing accounts, and the Police Fund could not afford to lose the amount which now went to the public expenses of the police in respect of cabs and omnibuses. He was exceedingly grateful to the Committee for their appreciation of the work done by the Department during the last twelve months, and he could assure the Committee that their activity in relation to the very important matters entrusted to their charge would continue.

said he wished to express his hearty appreciation of the action of His Majesty in regard to the granting of medals for life-saving in mines. He thought it only right that some reward should be given to encourage that kind of gallantry. He noticed that the Home Secretary had stated that he intended shortly to introduce a measure dealing with the eight-hours question. Of course, he could not deal with that subject now, but he took it that the right hon. Gentleman was only going to introduce it this session in order that it might be proceeded with at a later date. With regard to the Report, he was sure they all regretted to see an increase in the number of accidents. He did not know whether the Home Secretary had formed any opinion as to whether that was due to the increased tendency to adopt mechanical power or to the fact that accidents were more rapidly and regularly reported than in the past. It was quite possible that the Workmen's Compensation Act had something to do with the result. He regretted the increase, and felt certain that the Home Office would do all they could to render accidents as few as possible in the future. He noticed from the Factory Report that there had also been an increase in the number of industrial diseases. He should not have mentioned the subject but for the remarks of the hon. Member for Berwickshire, who seemed to think that the pains and penalties which would accrue in consequence of the Compensation Act would make the employers more careful. He had observed in other occupations that if people knew they were insured they wore not always so careful as they otherwise would be. [Cries of "No."] He desired like other hon. Members that there should be as few accidents as possible, and that every precaution should be taken by the Home Office to reduce the number. He would also like to know when the Home Office expected to receive the report of the Commission on the Metropolitan Police. That Commission had been sitting a very long time, and such a splendid body of men ought not to be kept in suspense. The right hon. Gentleman had paid a thoroughly well-deserved compliment to the able and most efficient and hard-working officials of the Department over which he presided. He also wished to offer his congratulations, because he was perfectly certain that no Department last year had harder work to perform than the Home Office. The number of inquiries taking place there, and the amount of legislation undertaken by that office, had thrown a great amount of work upon the officials, and he congratulated them upon the way they had got through the work and the excellence of the work they had done. He trusted that this year they would not have an autumn session, because, quite apart from the fatigue and inconvenience to hon. Members, his sympathies were with those officials in the Government Departments who would have an extra amount of work thrown upon them in addition to the ordinary administration of their office. It was quite impossible for a Minister properly to administer his Department if he had to be in the House of Commons for about ten months in the year. With regard to the Berne Conference, the right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean said that he had not dealt with that subject because it had been fully dealt with in the House of Lords. The debate in the other Chamber was, however, an exceedingly short one, because their Lordships were waiting to take up a bigger subject. One of the subjects considered at that Conference was the night work of women. The right hon. Baronet the Member for the Forest of Dean thought that when the first Conference took place the Home Office were very much to blame for not giving a freer hand to their representatives. The Under-Secretary found at the second Conference that upon this subject it was desirable they should move cautiously. He should like to know whether any arrangement was come to at the second Conference with regard to the prohibition of white phosphorus and whether Japan had come into the Conference or not. They must have unanimity in the matter or they would have to leave it alone. He had always found that if they prohibited the use of white phosphorus in this country, they would inflict a great hardship upon manufacturers unless at the same time they prohibited its importation from abroad. He thought they were very wise not to proceed too rapidly in the matter. In the past they had succeeded in this country in dealing with this question by strict regulations as to ventilation, cleanliness, and the separation of the dangerous processes, and by an examination from time to time of the workers, and in that way they had practically succeeded in stamping out the disease. He thought that by carefully carrying out good regulations they would be able to secure the end which they all desired without prohibiting the use of white phosphorus. With regard to the night labour of women he was glad to notice that some arrangement had been arrived at. In reference to the question of laundries he would like to know whether the convent laundries were accepting voluntary inspection. He did not for a moment think that voluntary inspection was equal to compulsory inspection, but he was anxious to see some better system adopted. He took a great interest in this matter because when he was at the Home Office they were very anxious to try the voluntary system of inspection pending fresh legislation, and he should like to know whether those religious and conventual houses where laundry work was carried on had submitted to any inspection and whether they were still willing to receive that inspection voluntarily. With regard to the administration of the Aliens Act he noticed that the statistics were furnished in an entirely different form, and were very much clearer. They could not, however, compare them with former years because they were drawn up on different lines from those issued by the Board of Trade in the old days. MR. Haldane-Porter's first Report showed that very great care had been taken in the compilation of these statistics, and he thought this would be the first of many Reports which would justify the appointment of so able an official. By the alteration which had been made in the number they had admitted many undesirables. He wished to refer to the question of the expulsion of aliens under Section 3, which dealt with persons convicted of offences for which a man was liable to be sentenced to imprisonment, without the option of a fine. No less than 418 recommendations were received by the Home Office, and some of those were still undergoing terms of imprisonment. Over 310 cases came up for the Home Secretary's decision, and expulsion orders in those cases had been issued. He was glad to notice that the operation of the Act was having some effect in reducing the alien prison population, and he hoped the Returns would show that in future years they would have a very small number of criminal aliens in the home prisons. The figures were very encouraging this year, but he had hopes that they would see a still further reduction in future years. There was one other question he would like to put to the Home Secretary, which, owing to lack of time the other night when the Home Office Vote was discussed, he was unable to ask. His question related to the Kynoch case. He wished to know in the first place what was the position of the Home Office, the War Office, and the Admiralty in the matter, and, in the second place, whether the 3.000 tons of cordite supplied by Messrs. Kynoch to the Army and Navy— And, it being a quarter-past Eight of the clock, and there being Private Business set down by direction of the Chairman of Ways and Means under Standing Order No. 8, further Proceed-was postponed without Question put.

Midland Railway Bill Lords


Order for the Second Reading read.

Motion made, and Question proposed,

"That the Bill be now read a second time."

said the time had more than arrived when sleeping accommodation should be provided for third-class passengers by all the railway companies where it was provided for first-class passengers. He was satisfied from personal observation that it would be quite possible to construct third-class sleeping carriages for the long journeys to the north in such a manner as to occupy only about half of the space now given to first-class passengers. If that could be done, the companies had no reason to complain of the request now being made, because such an arrangement would harmonise with the general conditions on which fares were fixed, the first-class fares being generally double the third-class fares. He represented a part of Scotland which was some 700 or 800 miles from London, and he was continually receiving complaints, especially from people who had to travel for business purposes, in regard to the want of third-class sleeping accommodation. He had spoken to railway managers and others on this subject, and the reply was, "Oh, these sleeping carriages, even the the first class, do not pay us." He was aware that the first-class passenger traffic, except the suburban traffic, did not pay, but it took the railway companies fifty years to find out that the first-class passengers were travelling at the expense of the third-class passengers. Experience had shown that the better the third-class passengers were treated the more traffic the railway companies had. He did not wish that Railway Bills should be thrown out because the companies did not provide third-class sleeping accommodation, but he hoped the companies would take this matter into serious consideration. He acknowledged that some assistance had already been given by the Board of Trade, and he would be pleased if they would take some stronger step to compel the companies to do what was right to all classes. The railway companies should remember that the third-class passengers formed the bulk of the people who travelled, and that it was from them the profits were received. The Midland Company had in the past been in advance of other companies in introducing reforms, and he hoped that they would show a good example in this matter.

urged that the Board of Trade should put pressure on the railway companies to provide third-class sleeping carriages. The Department, in tendering advice to the railway companies, might suggest that they should consult the hon. Member for Sutherland shire who had made the subject of third-class sleeping accommodation a special study; in fact although it would be a loss to this House, he would advise the companies to engage the hon. Member as their professional adviser in the construction of the accommodation required; as he seemed to have a patent for the purpose in his pocket.

said that if the railway companies did not soon yield on this point their Bills would be opposed. He thought the railway companies had treated the third class passengers very unfairly. They should have considered the subject more sympathetically than they had done. He was convinced that the the railway companies would be studying their own interest if they provided third-class sleeping carriages. The present conditions were particularly hard upon women and children who travelled at night. At stopping places the doors were opened and the draught which came in could not be in the interest of the health of the travellers.

said the Board of Trade always endeavoured to induce the railway companies to supply third-class sleeping accommodation, and personally he believed they would not find it a losing matter. Perhaps his hon. friend the Member for Sutherland would introduce a Bill and take the sense of the House on the subject.

I have tried for years to get a place for a Bill in the ballot and have always failed.

Question put, and agreed to.

Bill read a second time, and committed.

moved that it be an instruction to the Committee to omit Clause 30 and any other references to the abandonment of a portion of the Cromford Canal. He said there was an important question of principle involved in Clause 30. The Midland Railway Company proposed to obtain statutory power to close Butterley Tunnel and to isolate eight and a quarter miles of Cromford Canal, together with a largo reservoir. The canal was in Derbyshire, and if this part of it were isolated a certain number of factories, quarries, and mines would be cut off from the canal system of the country. It was most important also to bear in mind that the water from the Butterley reservoir would be cut off from the canals which joined lower down. The railway company proposed to construct certain conduits for the water. The Midland Railway Company acquired the Cromford Canal in 1870 by buying up the Matlock Railway Company, who were the owners of the canal, and in so doing they undertook a statutory obligation to keep the canal in repair. The tunnel had subsided by reason of coalmining operations underneath. The Midland Railway Company had power to buy the coal, and that power had been partly but not fully exercised. The Board of Trade sent down an inspector recently to report on the state of the canal, and also whether the traffic conditions justified the closing of the tunnel. He reported that the canal was not in a very good condition. The report also stated that the traffic conditions were such as to justify the company in endeavouring to get statutory power to close the canal. He was sorry the terms of reference did not permit the inspector to inquire into the question how that state of things had come about. He would tell the House why the traffic had so much diminished. He asserted that the railway company had killed the traffic on the canal The tunnel was closed from 1889 to 1893, and it was also closed from 1900. It was perfectly obvious that no one would erect factories, or wharves, or build boats to be put on a canal where the conditions were so risky. Neither had the railway company adopted modern methods for the working of the canal. The figures in the Board of Trade inspector's report showed how the traffic on the canal had been killed since it came into possession of the railway company. For each of the three years previous to 1870 the average tonnage was 158,000 tons, while for the last three years it was only 43,000 tons. The House would want to know why the railway company had been permitted to keep the tunnel closed since 1900. It would be obvious to the House that the small trader could not fight the great railway companies, and further, the railway company had carried at low rates for the traders and done carting free. He had read the Bill and he did not see any proposal to continue to cart the traders goods free, The question of the water was a most important one. The railway company had no property in the water of the canal; the water used to flow through the tunnel, and it was vital to the existence of the Erewash and Nottingham Canals which joined it at the east. It was proposed by the Bill to construct conduits, but he was informed by the people who wanted the water that the proposal was utterly inadequate. The Railway Company in addition used for their own purposes and sold the water which ought to go down the canal. The railway company simply first killed the traffic and then neglected the ordinary repairs, so that the condition went from bad to worse; they were very astute in the matter. Ho should have done all this if he had been the manager of the railway company, but he did not think the House ought to buck him up in his conduct. Was the railway company to be permitted to allow this tunnel to remain in its present condition simply because it would cost a lot of money to put it right? The company, having bought the Matlock Railway and the Cromford Canal, ought not to be allowed to take all the profit, out of the railway without having any of the liabilities with regard to the canal. There was another important consideration. At the present time there was a Royal Commission sitting on the question of the canals and waterways of the country, and in view of that fact he thought the conduct of the company was little short of impudent. The canal was not important in itself, but it was an important feeder, and reached a part of the country that was well situated for constructing reservoirs. If it were closed important gathering grounds for water would be cut off. For those reasons he hoped the House would pass the instruction which stood in his name, and which he begged to move.

seconded. He said it was impossible to consider the general question of waterways without being convinced that for some cause or other water traffic and canal business had been skilfully encouraged abroad and skilfully and scientifically discouraged and almost killed here. There was no secret about the cause and history of it. Ostensibly with the idea of running canal barges as adjuncts to trucks on railways, but really with the intention of eventually closing canals and removing from railway trucks the competition of canal barges, canals had been acquired by railway companies in a most daring manner. Railway companies in the past had come before the country and assented to the upkeep of the canals, and in this case the bargain was that the railway company should be allowed to buy the length of private railway and the canal if they kept the canal and the works of the canal in good working order and condition. They were to preserve the supply of water and keep the canal open to all traffic and promote the proper interests of traffic along the canal which was the central link in the canal system of the country. Owing to the stoppage in the tunnel, the coal traffic and the traffic of other canals had been adversely affected. The company thus, in allowing their own property to be damaged, had seriously damaged other people. He was there on behalf of the Nottingham Corporation to second the Motion chat it should be an instruction to the Committee to delete from the Bill the clause dealing with the Cromford Canal. The Midland Railway Company were putting up a mere pretext to abandon it. The opponents did not want to damage the prospects of this Bill, but he trusted that that House would wait until they had the report of the Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways before passing this clause, so that they could see whether that body was in favour of keeping open or closing the canal. If that course were adopted the Midland Railway Company could come to the House with a Bill later to insert in their statutes this clause which it was now proposed to delete.

Motion made, and Question proposed,

"That it be an instruction to the Committee to omit Clause 30 and any other references to the abandonment of a portion of the Cromford Canal."— (Mr. Brunner.)

appealed to the House to allow the Bill to go forward so that it could go upstairs and be decided on its merits. If anything was done to-stop the Bill here the rights of the case would never be known. One hon. Member had said that the canal was subsiding owing to the coal having been extracted, and suggested that the railway company should buy the coal themselves, which according to the first speaker had already been consumed. The company's proposals were carefully explained to the Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways, and that Commission decided to leave the-matter to the Board of Trade, and the latter had held an inquiry, and generally concurred in the application now made. In 1890 part of the tunnel fell in and it took four years to repair it; but notwithstanding the repairs, and that the greatest precautions were taken, in 1894 the tunnel fell in again. He did not think under those circumstances that this was a matter upon which any company should be compelled to lay out any great sum of money. The canal would cost. £250,000, properly to rebuild and repair and was not worth the trouble and expense. Although there were nine petitions against the Bill in the Upper House, and after a full inquiry the House of Lords passed it. He hoped the hon. Member would not persist in stopping an inquiry, and he for one should vote against any proposal to do so.

hoped the instruction would be carried. The hon. Member who had just sat down had said that it was very difficult to put this canal into proper working order, and that it took four years to repair when the tunnel fell in in 1890, but he omitted to state that the cost was less than £7,500. It took four years because the company were unwilling to carry out their statutory obligations; now, because the canal was not a financial success they asked to be relieved of their obligations altogether. The report of the committee showed that the railway company had done everything to discourage the canal traffic. When they took over the canal the traffic was 140,000 tons per annum, and it was now only 30,000 to 40,000 tons. When the company took over the canal statutory obligations were imposed upon them to keep sufficient water in the canal to maintain it in a navigable condition. This they had not done, and hence traffic was diverted from the canals. The borough of Loughborough had for years sent the residuals from their gasworks by canal, and if the Cromford Tunnel were closed and the railway company absolved from keeping the canal open for traffic, it would cost the ratepayers of Loughborough £100 a year for carting the residuals from their gas works.

thought it would be a dangerous precedent if Parliament allowed this railway to get out of its engagements in the manner proposed. Parliament made a great mistake when it allowed the railways to buy up and control so many canals. They controlled nearly one-third of the canal system of the country, and their control was very much to the disadvantage of the canals. This company was bound to maintain this canal, and why it should be allowed to get out of that obligation he did not know. It had neglected its duty, and he thought it had done so wilfully. Far worse expenditure had taken place in regard to other canals, where there was a subsidence of thirty feet, but still they had been built up. If they allowed this canal to be closed and the water supply cut off, they would soon have the Great Northern Railway wanting to close the Nottingham Canal, and instead of extending our canal system as we ought, we should find it was being curtailed. If this canal was allowed to be cut in two in the way proposed the millowners and quarry-owners would be left at the mercy of the railway company. In one case it had already so operated that a quarry-owner had lost a contract for the supply of stone owing to the high rates charged by the railway company, with the result that the order for the stone went to Norway. It was to the advantage of the railway companies to prevent canal traffic going on in order to get that traffic on to their own lines. Canal traffic was far cheaper and of great advantage to the country, and anyone conversant with the canal system on the Continent would never consent to any further cutting down of the canal system in this country. It seemed to him a bold stroke on the part of the Midland Railway Company to appeal to Parliament to close a canal while the Royal Commission on Canals and Waterways was inquiring into the advisability of reconstruction and extension. He hoped the House would delete Clause 30.

said that no attempt had been made to prevent this Bill from going upstairs, hon. Members having very wisely decided to fight the question on one clause and allow the remainder of the Bill to go up in any case. There was a great principle involved in the question of the waterways and canals of this country, and the House ought to protest now against their being destroyed although they had not done so in the past. Ever since 1851 the policy of the railways had been to obtain possession of and to close the canals of the country and to prevent competition. Goods could be carried much more cheaply by water than by any other method, although railways could carry them faster, and it ought to be the policy of the House to keep these waterways open for the use and benefit of the trade and the people. He had expected to hear someone who represented the railway company state what the company was prepared to do for the public in return for Parliament allowing them to get out of this obligation, but no offer whatever had been made, although the company wished to be relieved of a great expenditure which they undertook for a concession they got from Parliament. He trusted under the circumstances that the House would eliminate the clause.

said the question before the House was whether the Midland Railway Company should be compelled to maintain this canal from end to end. At about the middle of the canal there was a tunnel a mile and three-quarters in length, and owing to a subsidence it had fallen in, and at this point the traffic was absolutely blocked. In other places the water in the canal was no longer at its ordinary level. It was not denied by the company that they were under statutory obligations to maintain the canal and keep it open for navigation during its entire length. But at intervals since 1889 the canal at this part had been closed owing to the subsidences which had taken place, and since 1900 the tunnel had been entirely closed. Apart from this, the company had showed no particular anxiety to keep the other portions of the canal open for navigation; they had neglected to keep up their reservoirs: and had allowed one to fall to one-third of its natural capacity. In this connection repeated complaints had been made to the Board of Trade, pointing out the serious manner in which trade was handicapped, and the Board of Trade took advantage of certain powers they possessed. Under the Railway and Canal Traffic Act they appointed Sir William Matthews to make an investigation, and had received a Report from him that had been presented to the House. He thought this question ought to be very carefully considered, and the Board of Trade had given it the most careful consideration. They could not ignore the fact that there was a most important Royal Commission sitting at the present moment to inquire into the question of waterways and canals which ran between them. It so happened that this canal constituted a very important part of the canal system of the country, and though only fifteen miles in length, it was a feeder to a system which ran to Nottingham, Derby, and the Humber. Having regard to all these considerations, the Board of Trade did not propose to offer any objection to the acceptance of this instruction. Question put, and agreed to and ordered accordingly.

Ordered, That, in the ease of the Midland Railway Bill [Lords], Standing Orders 82, 211, 236, and 237 be suspended, and that the Committee of Selection have leave to appoint the Committee on the Bill to sit and proceed upon Wednesday next. —( The Chairman-of Ways and Means.)


(Civil Services And Revenue Departments Estimates)

Postponed Proceeding on Question; "That a sum, not exceeding £128,735, be granted to His Majesty, to complete-the sum necessary to defray the Charge which will come in course of payment during the year ending on the 31st day of March, 1908, for the Salaries and Expenses of the Office of His Majesty's. Secretary of State of the Home Department and Subordinate Offices, resumed."

(MR. CALDWELL (Lanarkshire, Mid.) in the Chair.)

said there was a Motion in his name for the reduction of the Secretary of State's-salary, his object being simply to draw his attention to the volume of evidence given before the Royal Commission on vivisection. That volume contained revelations of the most startling kind, and it was perfectly clear that the law of 1876. was habitually disobeyed, and in some cases flagrantly violated; in the operations of vivisection the motives of humanity seemed to be very little realised and hardly even to influence the operators. As the right hon. Gentleman was aware, a very large body of opinion was being directed to this subject, not only in this countr