I beg to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer whether his attention has been directed to two cases heard at the last Liverpool transfer sessions in which the Liverpool justices by a majority decided to sanction the enlargement of two public houses belonging to Messrs. Peter Walker and Co., Limited, on condition that the owners forewent the £1,600 compensation awarded to them on the same justices' award in respect of an extinguished beerhouse licence in another part of the city and in addition paid the tenant of the same £250; and whether he will consider the case of such bargaining in connection with next year's Licensing; Bill.
My right hon. friend has asked me to answer this Question. I have no information of these particular cases other than that contained in the Question, but I am aware of the difficulties in which licensing justices find themselves in the matter of the conditions under which they may consent to the alteration of licensed premises, and the point is already under consideration in connection with the proposed legislation.