Order fir the Second Reading read.
in moving the second reading of this Bill, said it was a very beneficial measure, and it also had come down from another place. There were three clauses in the Public Health (Scotland) Act which the Bill sought to amend. These clauses had been found by the local authorities to be so restricted in their character that they had defeated their own object which was to encourage the notification of infectious diseases. In recent years there had been an increased interest in the curative treatment of consumption, and it was thought by those competent to judge in the matter that an incidental benefit which would be obtained by the relaxation of the provisions of the clauses in the Public Health Act to which he referred in that the local authorities would be encouraged to take steps to bring consumption within the range of the Notification of Diseases Act. This Bill had been cordially welcomed. There had been no suggestion of opposition to it in any direction; it was greatly desired by the medical profession and the public health authorities in Scotland. Motion made, and Question, "That the Bill be now read a second time," put, and agreed to. Bill committed to a Committee of the Whole House for To-morrow.—(Mr. Sinclair.)