Motion made and Question proposed, That the statement of the estimated income and expenditure of Greenwich Hospital and of Travers' Foundation for the year 1907–8 be approved." —( Mr. Lambert.)
upon this raised the question of the Greenwich Age Pensions. He complained that the Naval Vote governing this question was guillotined with other Votes, and, as far as he understood, a similar course had been taken for many years, in consequence of which this important question had not been able to be discussed in the House. He pointed out that thousands of pensioners were without the pensions to which they considered themselves entitled, and it was a deep and serious grievance amongst them, particularly in the naval ports. Inasmuch as the question of the income and expenditure of Greenwich Hospital forming the Resolution now before the House must include money the subject of these pensions, he wished to know whether he would be in order in rsising the question at the present time, though this being the end of the session, and it was then a late hour, the time was unquestionably very inconvenient. It was the first opportunity he had had of speaking about the matter in the House. If he was precluded from discussing the matter now he would be glad if the Civil Lord would give an assurance or endeavour to arrange that the Vote should not be guillotined next year, so that a proper opportunity might be given to the many Members who were interested in the question of discussing the matter.
said that was a matter which rested with the Prime Minister and the Patronage Secretary. All that he had to do was to ask the House to approve of expenditure which the Admiralty believed had been used to the best advantage. Question put, and agreed to. Resolved accordingly.