asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether he can give the House any further information as to the missing cutter belonging to His Majesty's Ship "Perseus" in the Persian Gulf; whether he has had an official Report to the effect that the cutter had been in action with an Tangistani dhow; and whether he can state to the House what steps were taken in order to have a complete and thorough search for the missing cutter?
A further telegram has been received from the Commander-in-Chief, East Indies, in which mention is made of certain rumours respecting the fate of the missing cutter, but there is no definite information. With regard to the second part of the question, there is no information beyond that published in the Press on the 1st instant. All the adjacent islands and coasts in the Persian Gulf have been thoroughly searched by four ships and two launches, but no trace has been found of the missing vessel, though it is practically certain that if the boat was wrecked off Sheikh Shuaib some wreckage would have been found. Further inquiries are being made, and a reward of 2,000 rupees has been offered for reliable information.