The following Papers, presented by His Majesty's Command during the Recess, were delivered to the Librarian of the House of Commons during the Recess, pursuant to the Standing Order of the 14th August, 1896:—
1. Trade Reports (Annual Series)—Copies of Diplomatic and Consular Reports, Annual Series, Nos. 5040 and 5041;2. Africa (No. 1, 1913)—Copy of Correspondence respecting the affairs of the Congo;3. Africa (No. 2, 1913)—Copy of Further Correspondence respecting Contract Labour in Portuguese West Africa;4. General Enrolment in the Argentine Republic (Miscellaneous, No. 4, 1913)—Copy of Laws and Regulations respecting general Enrolment in the Argentine Republic, enacted in 1911;5. Panama Canal Act (Miscellaneous, No. 5, 1913)—Copy of Note addressed by His Majesty's Ambassador at Washington to the United States Secretary of State, 28th February, 1913, on the subject of the Panama Canal Act;6. National Health Insurance Commission (England)—Copy of Order, dated 18th February, 1913, made under Section 78 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, by the Insurance Commissioners, entitled the National Health Insurance (District Insurance Committees) Order, 1913;7. National Health Insurance Commission (Wales)—Copy of Order, dated 24th February, 1913, made under Sections 78 and 82 of the National Insurance Act, 1911, by the Welsh Insurance Commissioners, entitled the National Health Insurance (Further Payments to Approved Societies)(Wales) Order, 1913 (No. 3);8. Railway Accidents—Copy of Summary of Accidents and Casualties as reported to the Board of Trade by the several Railway Companies in the United Kingdom during the three months ended 30th September, 1912, together with Reports of the Inspecting Officers of the Railway Department to the Board of Trade upon certain accidents which were inquired into;9. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries—Copy of Agricultural Statistics, 1912, Vol. XLVII., Part II., Return of Produce of Crops in England and Wales, with Summaries for the United Kingdom;10. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries (Veterinary Qualifications) (Departmental Committee)—Copy of Minutes of Evidence taken before the Departmental Committee appointed by the President of the Board of Agriculture and Fisheries to inquire into the requirements of the Public Service with regard to Officers possessing Veterinary Qualifications, with Appendices and Index;11. Colonial Reports (Annual)—Copy of Report, No. 751 (East Africa Protectorate. Report for 1911–12, with a Return of Land, Industrial, and Mining Concessions for the year ended 30th June, 1912);12. Australia—Copy of the Navigation Bill, 1912, of the Commonwealth of Australia, reserved for the signification of His Majesty's pleasure;13. East India (Statistical Abstract)—Copy of Statistical Abstract relating to British India from 1901–2 to 1910–11. Forty-sixth number;14. East India (Attempt upon the Life of His Excellency the Viceroy)—Copy of Correspondence relating to the attempt upon the life of His Excellency the Viceroy and Governor-General on the occasion of the State Entry into Delhi on the 23rd December, 1912;15. Irish Land Commission—Copy of Return of Advances made under the Irish Land Purchase Acts during the month of March, 1912;16. Evictions (Ireland)—Copy of Return of Evictions in Ireland for the quarter ended 31st December, 1912;17. Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction for Ireland—Copy of Twelfth Annual General Report of the Department for the year 1911–12;18. Railway and Canal Traffic Acts, 1854 to 1894—Copy of Twenty-fourth Annual Report of the Railway and Canal Commission, with Appendix;19. Judicial Statistics (England and Wales)—Copy of Judicial Statistics for England and Wales, 1911. Part II. (Civil Judicial Statistics), edited by Sir John Macdonnell, C.B., LL.D., Senior Master of the Supreme Court;20. Factory and Workshop Acts, 1901 and 1907, and Notice of Accidents Act, 1906—Copy of Preliminary Tables of cases of Industrial Poisoning, Fatal and Non-Fatal Accidents, and Dangerous Occurrences in Factories, Workshops, etc., during the year 1912;21. Factory and Workshop (Accident to a Gasholder at Ilkeston)—Copy of Report to the Secretary of State for the Home Department, by A. G. Drury, M.I.C.E., Engineering Inspector, Local Government Board, on the causes of and circumstances attending the accident which occurred to a Gasholder at the Ilkeston Corporation Gas Works on the 8th January, 1912;22. Ecclesiastical Commission—Copy of Sixty-fifth Report from the Ecclesiastical Commissioners for England, with an Appendix;23. Historical Manuscripts (Royal Commission)—Copy of Report on Manuscripts in various Collections. Vol. VIII. The Manuscripts of the Honourable Frederick Lindley Wood; M. L. S. Clements, Esquire; S. Philip Unwin, Esquire;24. Petroleum Spirit (Departmental Committee)—Copy of Final Report of the Departmental Committee appointed to inquire into and report on the sufficiency of the existing Regulations relating to the storage, use, and conveyance of Petroleum Spirit. Report. Volume II. of Minutes of Evidence and Appendices. Ordered, That the said Papers do lie upon the Table.