asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that the Macroom (No. 2) old age pension sub-committee granted a pension of 5s. a week to Daniel Duggan; that this man assigned his farm and effects to his son thirteen years ago, reserving only to himself an annuity of £7 10s. a year and a room in his son's house; and that the pension officer, after Duggan was for some years in unquestioned receipt of his pension, has now appealed against the further grant of it on the ground that his income exceeds the statutory limit; will he explain how £7 10s. and the use of a room can be made to, exceed £31 10s. per annum; and, in the circumstances of the case and seeing that Duggan is now eighty-eight years of age, will the Local Government Board have his pension at once restored?
An appeal has been lodged in this case, but the papers relating to it have not yet been received by the Local Government Board. I am not, therefore, at present in a position to reply to the hon. Member's question.
There is a Royal Commission appointed for half-past four. I propose to leave the Chair from now (12.20) till then unless some message should arrive from the Lords, which would necessitate an earlier meeting. In that event, I will have the bells rung throughout the House, so that hon. Members may know that I am about to take the Chair, and that business is to be resumed.Sitting accordingly suspended.At half-past Four the House resumed.