Ordered, That a Select Committee of Nine Members be appointed to inquire into the Wages and other Conditions of Employment of the principal classes of Post Office Servants, of the unestablished sub-postmasters, and of such of the smaller classes as the Committee may think necessary; and, having regard to the conditions and prospects of their employment and, as far as may be, to the standard rate of wages and the position of other classes of workers, to report what alterations, if any, are desirable:
Ordered, That Mr. Boyton, Mr. Brady, Mr. Dawes, Mr. France, Mr. Gilmour, Mr. Holt, Sir John M'Callum, Mr. Orde-Powlett, and Mr. Tyson Wilson be Members of the Committee:
Ordered, That the Committee have power to send for persons, papers, and records:
Ordered, That Four be the quorum.