asked whether the London and North Western Railway Company have at present a number of agents engaged in purchasing cattle in Ireland with a view of diverting the traffic to suit the company; and whether special facilities are given to such cattle at their lairages, much to the detriment of the ordinary cattle dealers?
I have no means of knowing by whom or on whose behalf cattle are purchased in Ireland. No case of preferential treatment such as is suggested in the latter part of the question has been brought to my notice, but if the hon. Member will communicate to me the information upon which the question is based I will have inquiry made.
asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that the cost, inconvenience, and trouble arising out of the twelve hours' detention of cattle at the wharves is increased by the officials and men in charge of the lairages and offices not allowing cattle out after their twelve hours' detention, and in many cases thereby missing their markets; whether his attention has been called to a case which occurred at the Merklands Wharf, Glasgow, on Saturday, the 15th February, when a consignment of cattle belonging to a Mr. J. O'Donel arrived there and were detained till 12 o'clock midnight on Sunday, and as a result a special train which had been chartered to convey the cattle to Forfar, and was in waiting, had to be cancelled and the cattle arrived too late for market; and whether he will make inquiries into this case and see that fair treatment is given to the dealing men regardless of the interest of railway companies and their servants?
I have inquired into the case to which the hon. Member refers. The cattle were landed about mid-day on Saturday, 15th February, and could have been removed at midnight, but I am informed that no application for a permit to remove them was made to the manager of the wharf until 11.30 the following morning. The permit was issued at once when application was made, and I can find no evidence of any such unfair treatment as is suggested. No other complaint of the kind has been brought to my notice.