asked what are the respective numbers of 11.2 guns per 1,000 bayonets available for the Expeditionary Force, the Special Reserve, and the Territorials; and whether any and, if so, what reduction of horse batteries have been made in the past year, or has been arranged for?
The reference to 11.2 guns is not understood. The proportion of guns to 1,000 rifles, sabres and lances in the field units of fighting formation is as follows:
Expeditionary Force | … | 5.94 per 1,000 |
Territorial Force | … | 3.71 per 1,000 |
The Special Reserve, with the exception of the Irish Horse, is not organised for employment as field units. Three batteries of the Irish Horse, is not organised for verted into Field Batteries.
Is it not the fact that other countries have 11.2 guns; and is it not the fact that one of the officers purchasing vehicles and horses has resigned as a protest against—
That does not arise out of the question.