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Unemployment Benefit

Volume 50: debated on Wednesday 19 March 1913

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asked the President of the Board of Trade why Arnold Warr Smith, employed in the building trade and insured under Part II, of the National Insurance Act, who gave notice on the 24th January last at the Camberwell Labour Exchange applying for unemployment benefit, has not yet been paid; and whether his attention has been called to the fact that this man applied each day for a month while unemployed and then obtained a few days' employment and again became unemployed, and that he has failed to obtain any part of the money due to him?

The facts stated as to this man's claims are not quite correct, but it is the case that a regrettable delay has taken place in authorising the payment due to him. I can only explain the delay by the great pressure of work arising from the very large number of claims to benefit at the outset in the London district, which apparently caused the claim to be mislaid. Payment has now been authorised and will be made to-morrow.

Does the right hon. Gentleman consider that this unfortunate man has had to walk very many miles to obtain that payment, and has been put to more than necessary hardship, and will the Government consider whether some compensation should not be given to him?