asked the Chief Secretary the names and addresses of the persons who held a licence or certificate under the Licensing Acts, and who were reported by Mr. Commissioner Maxwell in the Castleisland election petition for allowing treating to take place upon their licensed premises; and if the Attorney-General for Ireland brought the report before the licensing justices, as provided by Sub-section (8) (b) of Section 38 of the Corrupt and Illegal Practices Act, 1883?
The report of Mr. Commissioner Maxwell in the Castleisland election petition was made on 8th September, 1908. Having regard to the lapse of time that has taken place, the enumeration of the names and addresses of the licensed traders referred to (and which can be found on reference to the Report of the Commission) does not appear to be necessary. There is no record of the report having been brought by the Attorney-General before the licensing justices.