asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to an award of G. Stuart Robertson, pursuant to Section 80 of the Friendly Societies Act, in the matter of the dissolution of the Midland Great Western Railway of Ireland, made 23rd September, 1912, according to which certain funds were to be paid out to the general body of the members of the society on conditions therein stated; if he can state what is the cause of the delay in paying out these sums; and when the terms of the award will be carried out?
After the award in question the funds of the Midland Great Western Railway Benefit. Society, to which it is presumed the question refers, had to be realised, and by virtue of the terms of the award actuarial calculations had to be made in order to ascertain the amounts due (a) to members in receipt of permanent sick pay, (b) to the other members individually, and 2,200 accounts had to be prepared. This has all now been completed and the cheques have been drawn for signature by the trustees. It is hoped that these will reach the members within the next few days. I understand that there has been no unnecessary delay.