asked whether the coheirs of the late Robert P. Hope have offered to sell to the Estates Commissioners the lands of Crowpark and Ballynafeeragh, county Meath, which they now propose to sell in lots; whether the Commissioners had those lands inspected; and, if so, what was the value put on each section of those lands?
The Estates Commissioners some years ago intimated to the owners the estimated price which they would be prepared to advance under the Irish Land Act, 1903, for the purchase of 286 acres of the untenanted lands of Ballynafeeragh, Crowpark, and Townpark North, on the Hope Estate, Trim, county Meath, should the owners institute formal proceedings for sale under the Act, but no such proceedings were instituted. It would be contrary to the Commissioners' practice to make any statement as regards the price they may offer for lands until such price has been accepted by the owners.
asked whether the Congested Districts Board have yet issued an offer to the Marquess of Sligo for the purchase of his estate in county Mayo, or when they will be in a position to do so?
The Congested Districts Board decided at their last meeting upon the price and the terms of the offer to be issued for the estate referred to. The offer will be issued in the ordinary course.
asked whether the Estates Commissioners have yet taken any steps to complete the sale of the Mahony congested estate at Mountcollins, in the county of Limerick; and, if not, will he explain the cause of delay?
I am not in a position at present to add anything to the replies given to previous questions asked by the hon. Member on this subject.
asked whether any negotiations for the purchase of the untenanted lands at Cappananty, near Bruree, in the county of Limerick, have recently taken place between Captain Lyons, the owner of them, and the Estates Commissioners; if so, whether any agreement for their purchase has been arrived at; and, in the event of the Estates Commissioners having agreed to buy the lands, how soon will they apportion them among deserving applicants in the district?
I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given to his previous questions on this subject.