asked whether the out-relief disbursed by the Nottingham Board of Guardians has increased by £29 a week in consequence of applications by insured persons entitled to sickness benefit under the National Insurance Act who have not received such benefit from their societies; and what steps the Government propose to take to protect the interests of the unfortunate tax- and rate-payers in this behalf?
I have no information as to any increase in the out-relief disbursed by the Nottingham Board of Guardians, nor am I aware of such delay in paying sickness benefit to insured persons in that city as the hon. Member suggests, though I should be happy to make inquiries into any specific cases which he cares to bring to my notice. Even if there had been such delay (of which I have had no evidence), I fail to see why an occasional delay in paying sickness benefit to persons, who would before have had no sickness benefit at all, should be the cause of any increase in the expenditure on out-door relief.
Does the right hon. Gentleman dispute the fact that there has been an increase?
I have examined the facts, but I shall be very glad if the hon. Gentleman can give me any additional fact.