asked whether the President of the Board of Trade is aware that the Hugarian Government have given Mr. Hetherington, lately a lace manufacturer in Nottingham, who has removed his factory to Raab, in Hungary, a cash grant of from six to seven hundred a year for five years towards the expenses of buying, transferring, and establishing machinery, subject only to the stipulation that after the lapse of a reasonable period only native labour shall be employed; and whether the Government proposes to take any steps to prevent the gradual transfer of important branches of British lace-making to the Continent of Europe?
In accordance with my promise to the hon. Member on 5th November last, I have obtained a report from His Majesty's Consul-General at Buda Pesth, who states after inquiry at the Hungarian Ministry of Commerce, that a lace factory under British management, which I assume to be that referred to in the present question, has been established at Raab in Hungary, and receives the benefits of the advantages accorded to new factories in certain cases. The advantages include in this instance an annual cash grant of 16,000 koronas, or about £660 for five years, but I have no information as to the precise conditions attached to the grant. So far as I am aware, this is the sole British lace making enterprise in Hungary. I do not see how it would be possible to prevent British manufacturers availing themselves of any inducements offered by the Hungarian Government for the establishment of factories in Hungary.
Is it not possible to keep the British manufacturer at home by not taxing him to death?