asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether his attention has been called to a meeting of leading bee-keepers from various parts of England, held in London on the 1st March, at which further investigation into bee diseases was strongly advocated, and a resolution unanimously passed to the effect that, considering that the present knowledge of bee disease is so meagre, no legislation will accomplish any good purpose until more light and information on the subject are forthcoming; and whether his decision to reintroduce the Bee Disease Bill of last Session has been altered or modified in consequence of such meeting and resolution?
I have seen a report of the meeting to which the hon. Member refers. It appears to me that the resolution adopted by the meeting was based upon a misunderstanding; the primary object of the Bee Disease Bill which was before the House last Session was to enable the Board to obtain more light and information on the subject of bee disease. I hope next week to reintroduce the Bill, some parts of which have been redrafted in order to meet objections which were made on points of detail.
Would the hon. Gentleman tell us what is the precise nature of this bee disease?
Perhaps the hon. Member would wait until the introduction of the Bill.