asked whether the Secretary to the Treasury is now in a position to make a statement about the special medical scheme under the National Insurance Act of the Scottish Clerks' Association?
The special medical scheme of the Scottish Clerks' Association is an arrangement whereby the member calls in his own doctor, who renders his bill in the usual way to the patient; the Association refunds the amount of the bill in so far as it does not exceed a certain fixed sum per visit. The Commissioners are legally advised that this scheme is not a system within the meaning of Section 15 (4) of the National Insurance Act. The Association formally applied for approval of the scheme as a system on the 20th December last and was informed on the 8th January that the application could not be considered as the scheme was not a system within the meaning of the Sub-section.
Cannot the right hon. Gentleman say, in view of the deputation to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, whether there is any change in the position?
I do not think there is any change in the position. I think there are suggestions, which may fructify, of the desire of the Scottish Clerks' Association to be in combination with the ordinary system.
Does the right hon. Gentleman not think that this is a suitable scheme for making what is called "own arrangement" under Sub-section (3)?
I should not like to answer that in the form of question and answer.