asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether, with a view to increasing the seating accommodation of the Chamber, he will consider the advisability of placing cross benches on the floor of the House, as is already done on the floor of another place?
Although the demand for such accommodation appears recently slightly to have increased the First Commissioner regrets that he is not able, in view of what has hitherto been the generally expressed opinion of the House, to adopt my hon. Friend's suggestion.
In view of recent events, are not cross benches more necessary than ever?
I have said so in the answer I have given, "the demand for such accommodation appears recently slightly to have increased."
Will the hon. Gentleman suggest to the First Commissioner of Works that there should be some recommendation whereby the whole of the scats in the House might be considered as part of the House?
I do not think the question of which seats should form part of the House is one for the First Commissioner to determine.