asked the Secretary to the Treasury if he is aware that the managing board of the City of Glasgow Friendly Society undertook in writing, as a condition of becoming an approved society under the Insurance Act, to comply with the recommendations of an inspector approved by the Chief Registrar; is he aware that the management has received further recommendations from the Registrar, which so far have been ignored; and will he see that new rules are at once drawn up so that the society is put in compliance with the conditions of approval?
An undertaking was given to the National Health Insurance Joint Committee, on behalf of the City of Glasgow Friendly Society, when the question of that society's approval was under discussion, that certain specific requirements should be complied with. Protracted discussions have taken place between the representatives of the society and the Assistant Registrar for Scotland on the rules necessary to carry out these requirements, and on the complete amendment of the society's rules in general. The rules embodying these requirements have been settled and the large majority of the recommendations of the Assistant Registrar made in the course of those discussions have been accepted on behalf of the society and embodied in the proposed complete amendment of rules. The society is now in process of summoning a meeting of the delegates to which the proposed complete amendment will be submitted for adoption.