asked the First Lord of the Admiralty whether, in view of the fact that there have been vacancies in the positions of constructor and chief constructor at Malta Yard and at the Admiralty for some time, he will take steps to have vacancies of this nature in the Royal Corps of Naval Constructors filled up quickly; when the appointments to complete the revised establishment for this corps promulgated last year will be made, more particularly the appointment of the five constructors to receive an allowance and the three constructors on the Director of Dockyard's staff; and whether, as it has been decided to give payment of £75 a year to a constructor for discharging certain duties as from November last, he will now make payment to the officers who have discharged those duties for four months and continue payment until they or others are permanently appointed?
The positions of Constructor and Chief Constructor at Malta are not vacant at the present time. Except for the selection of five officers, who will be eligible to receive allowances of £75 a year, all the appointments required to complete the revised establishment of the Royal Corps have been made. When the selection of these five officers is settled, the question of granting the allowance for the intervening period referred to will be considered.