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Small Holdings (Scotland)

Volume 50: debated on Tuesday 25 March 1913

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asked the Secretary for Scotland if he is aware that disappointment and dissatisfaction have been created in the North of Scotland by the delay of the Board of Agriculture in forming small holdings under the Small Landholders (Scotland) Act; if he is able to give any explanation of this delay; and if he can hold out any hope that the formation of holdings under the Act will begin at an early date?


asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he is aware that, although the Small Landholders (Scotland) Act has been in force for nearly fifteen months and many thousand applications have been lodged for the creation and enlargement of holdings, not a single case has yet been dealt with; whether he is aware that, in consequence, dissatisfaction exists in Scotland; will he say what the reasons for the delay are; and whether he will take steps to expedite the action of the Board?

The Act came into force on 1st April, 1912, when the Commissioners commenced their work. I would remind my hon. Friends that a great deal of time was necessarily occupied in setting up the establishment and in preliminary work. The Board of Agriculture has been very actively engaged in working out a number of schemes and in negotiating with landlords in various parts of the country, and I hope soon to present a Report which will give information about the large amount of work which has been clone by the Board. They have in view land which will accommodate over three hundred small landholders.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that emigration is steadily increasing in the North of Scotland, and that it is highly important that this Act should be brought into force?

I am not aware that emigration is increasing. I would rather not express an opinion upon that without notice.

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the Commissioners have got hold of any land in Scotland?

Oh, yes; they have got hold of some land, and there is a good deal of land that will have to be brought before the Land Court.

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware of the great importance of giving access to these small holdings while the spring time is on, so that work on the land can be proceeded with? If access is not given until after May it will be another year before anything can be done.

I quite appreciate that point, and every effort is being made to get the small holders on to the land for the May term.