Private Bills (Standing Orders not previously inquired into complied with). Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER laid upon the Table Report from one of the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, that, in the case of the following Bills, referred on
the Second Reading thereof, the Standing Orders not previously inquired into, which are applicable thereto, have been complied with, namely:—
- Harrow and Stanmore Gas Bill.
- Manchester Royal Exchange Bill.
- Dover Graving Dock Bill.
- Rhondda Tramways (Railless Traction) Bill.
- Titchfield District Gas Bill.
- Tottenham and Edmonton Gas Bill.
- Ordered, that the Bills be committed.
Provisional Order Bills (Standing Orders applicable thereto complied with). Mr. DEPUTY-SPEAKER laid upon the Table Report from one of the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills, that, in the case of the following Bill, referred on the First Reading thereof, the Standing Orders which are applicable thereto have been complied with, namely:—
Local Government Provisional Orders (No. 1) Bill.
Ordered, that the Bill be read a second time To-morrow.
Heathfield and District Water Bill (by Order),
Read a second time, and referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills.
Humber Commercial Railway and Dock Bill (by Order),
Second Reading deferred till Tuesday next.
Pontypridd and Rhondda Joint Water Board Bill (by Order),
Second Reading deferred till To-morrow.
Hull and Barnsley Railway Bill (by Order),
Second Reading deferred till Thursday.
Mid-Kent and East Kent District Water Bill (by Order),
Second Reading deferred till To-morrow.
London County Council (General Powers),
Petition for additional Provision; referred to the Examiners of Petitions for Private Bills.