asked the amount of money lent by the Public Works Loan Commissioners under the Housing Acts in the last two years, distinguishing the amounts lent to local authorities, public utility societies, and private individuals, respectively; and whether the total amount which may be lent for all purposes by the Public Works Loan Commissioners in any one year is limited; and, if so, what is the limit?
With the hon. Member's permission I will circulate the figures in answer to the first part of this question. The amount of money which may be lent by the Public Works Loan Commissioners in any one year for all purposes (including Housing) is fixed by the annual Public Works Loan Act. In 1912 the amount so fixed was £6,000,000. [See Written Answers this date.]
Is the amount fixed annually according to the needs of each year, or is there a permanent statutory limit?
It is fixed annually by an Act brought forward each year, which we have to submit to the House of Commons.