asked whether the right hon. Gentleman is aware of the difficulty experienced by school clinics in that children attending at them during school hours cannot be marked as making the attendance required by the Code; and whether, with a view of encouraging parents and teachers to send children to school clinics, he will direct that attendance at such shall count as attendance at school?
Attendance at clinics for special examination are allowed by the Board to be registered and counted for grant, provided that satisfactory arrangements are made for registration. But, owing to the difficulties which at present exist in connection with the registration of attendances by children for medical treatment at school clinics, hospitals, private surgeries, and elsewhere, I am not able to amend the Code in order to allow attendances at clinics for the purpose of treatment to be reckoned for grant.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that a great deal of difficulty has been foreseen, and has actually been experienced, in connection with the development of school clinics by reason of the impossibility of counting attendances in the way suggested?
Yes, I am aware that that has been stated, but I believe those difficulties will be got over very soon.
Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that attendances at an oculist are allowed?
Yes, but that is generally by arrangement for immediate attendance. The difficulty is connected with the hospitals, and often the children who attend are not able to be seen owing to the inadequate staff at the hospital, and consequently the children are called upon to attend day after day. I believe those difficulties will also be got over very soon.
Do the children already attend the medical clinic in the school itself or somewhere adjacent to the school?
I would rather have notice of that question.