asked the right hon. Gentleman if he would state the nature of the alterations that have been made to the steamship "Olympic"?
The alterations include the provision of an inner skin, the carrying of certain bulkheads to a greater height than before, and alterations in boat stowage, so as to comply with the new Life-Saving Appliances Rules.
Will the hon. Member state whether his reference to the provision of a new inner skin is intended to convey the idea that there will be a complete inner skin from one end of the vessel to the other?
I believe it is not complete. It extends from the forward end of the forward permanent bunker to the after end of the turbine engine-room, and up to the first deck above the load water line. But the hon. Gentleman will find an adequate description of the changes in the ship in the "Journal of Commerce" of Monday last.
Will the provisions contemplated include one for the safety of all the passengers?
The new life-saving rules are designed to that end, and the alterations have been made to comply with those rules.
Will the hon. Member say which, if any, of those changes were recommended by the Board of Trade surveyor during the construction of the vessel?
I should require notice of that question.