asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to cases of alleged evasion in Manchester of the Trade Boards Act; whether he has caused inquiries to be made; and with what result?
I have seen the reports which my hon. Friend has been good enough to forward to me on the subject of the wages paid to women homeworkers engaged in the making of patchwork quilts, shirts, and coir mats in Manchester. These trades, however, are not within the Schedule of the Trade Boards Act, and therefore the question of evasion does not arise.
Has the hon. Gentleman seen the conclusions of the report on married women out-workers, to the effect that trades cannot stand this accumulation of legislation?
That does not arise out of the question.
But has the hon. Gentleman seen the report?
I am not sure that I have.
asked the number and names of the trades which have been brought under the Trade Boards Act, 1909?
The four trades to which the Trade Boards Act at present applies are set out in the Schedule to the Act, of which I am sending my hon. Friend a copy.
Will the hon. Gentleman see that the Act will be extended?
My right hon. Friend the President of the Board of Trade has already announced that extension is in contemplation, and the matter is now under consideration. I cannot give any further undertaking.