asked the President of the Board of Trade whether his attention has been called to adverse criticisms of the system of colour and form vision-test that it is proposed to adopt for the mercantile marine; whether he is aware that Dr. Eldridge-Green's lamp and system are in use in testing for colour-vision in the British Navy and in Germany and is used by the principal railway companies of Great Britain; whether he is aware that Dr. Eldridge-Green's system has the approval of all the members of the Ophthalmological Society with the exception of a minute minority; and whether he still favours tests for the British mercantile marine which will be at variance with those adopted in the Royal Navy, by the railway companies, and by the most progressive and scientific Continental nations?
I am quite aware that differing views as to vision-tests are held, and that no one system of test has been universally adopted. As the hon. Member has already been informed, the question of suitable sight tests for persons serving in the mercantile marine has recently been considered by a very strong Committee whose recommendations the Board of Trade propose to adopt.