asked whether any, and, if so, how many white slave traders, as distinct from souteneurs or bullies, have been convicted and sentenced under Section 1 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of last year in England and Scotland, respectively?
Proceedings under the Act are not reported to the Home Office, and I am unable to give my hon. Friend the information he desires. I would point out that Section 1 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act of last near creates no new offence, but merely amends the procedure for bringing to justice offenders against the Act of 1885.
Are we to understand nobody has been brought to justice?
No. If my hon. Friend reads the answer he will see he would not be justified in coming to such a conclusion.
Can the right hon. Gentleman inform me whether any single white-slaver was arrested under the Act?
The first part of my answer must have escaped the attention of my hon. Friend.