asked whether the right hon. Gentleman has been informed of the number of schemes for providing cottages for agricultural labourers in Ireland which, though conforming in every respect with the requirements of the Labourers (Ireland) Acts, have been held in suspense during the last two years for want of money on the same terms on which money is being advanced for land purchase; and, having regard to the necessity of labour for agriculture and to the urgency caused by the emigration of labourers for want of suitable homes, whether he will provide a loan for this purpose without further delay?
The answer to the first part of the hon. Member's question is in the negative; the second does not therefore arise.
Does the Chancellor of the Exchequer propose to make any provision for this important and urgent purpose?
My information does not coincide with that contained in the hon. Member's question.
Is it not a fact that quite a number of these schemes have been suspended for two years, and is not that a very serious matter?
That is the very question I have answered.