asked the Chief Secretary if he is now in a position to say if the salary of a first-class principal in an amalgamated school is automatically reduced if the average falls below 35, while the salary of the first-class privileged assistant is not reduced no matter how low the average falls; and, if so, if there is any precedent for this rule?
I would refer the hon. Member to the reply given to his question on this subject on the 13th instant, to which I have nothing to add.
also asked whether contributions in augmentation of teachers' salaries voted by unions in Ireland were discontinued at the instance of the National Board; and if these contributions will be taken into consideration in any scheme for assisting primary education in connection with the Finance Bill?
The Commissioners of National Education inform me that the contributions from the unions were in augmentation of results fees, and when the results fee system of payments to national teachers was abolished in 1900 no further contributions under the National Teachers (Ireland) Act, 1875, were made by the Poor Law Unions. The contributions of the unions have already been taken into consideration in fixing consolidated salaries.
next asked the Chief Secretary whether any circular has been issued to lieutenants of counties by the Education Board with reference to the appointment of teachers to the commission of the peace; are teachers eligible in England for the magistracy; are they considered ineligible in Ireland for the position of county magistracies; and, if so, will he state the grounds?
The Commissioners of National Education inform me that no such circular has been issued by them. I am informed that teachers in England are eligible for appointments to the commission of the peace. The Commissioners have made no special rule on the subject.