asked the President of the Board of Agriculture if he is now in a position to state who will be the successor of Mr. V. F. Leese as deputy-surveyor of the Forest of Dean; what are his qualifications for the post; and when he will take up his duties in the district?
Subject to the final adjustments of arrangements with the Government of India for securing the loan of his services, it is proposed to appoint Mr. A. D. Blascheck to succeed Mr. Leese as deputy-surveyor of the Forest of Dean, and director of the proposed Forestry Demonstration Area there. Mr. Blascheck is a Deputy-Conservator of Forests in India with thirteen and a half years' service, and has held a post as instructor at Dehra Dun College. He will take up his duties in the district on 1st October next.
May I ask whether this Indian gentleman will have the same duties and the same salary as the present deputy-surveyor?
I would like to have notice of that, but so far as the duties are concerned the responsibilities will not be less.
Will He be able to reduce the price of land for building in the Forest of Dean?