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Small Holdings

Volume 65: debated on Monday 20 July 1914

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asked what sum of money in the current financial year it is proposed to spend in the payment of salaries, or salaries and expenses, to the advisers as to small holdings?

I cannot add anything at present to the answer which I gave to the hon. Gentleman's question on this subject on the 25th June.


asked how many of the occupants of small holdings at the 31st December, 1913, or at any other period, obtained in Norfolk under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1908, were agricultural labourers?

On the 31st December, 1912, the number of small holders, tenants of the county council, in Norfolk was 848, of whom 361 were agricultural labourers. Later figures are not at present available.


asked if it is the intention of the Government to refund or to cause to be refunded to the tenants of small holdings under the Small Holdings and Allotments Act, 1908, the amount of the sinking fund charged in the rents pay able by the tenants; whether £4,074,885 is the sum paid or to be paid for the purchase of small holdings under the Act by county councils in England and Wales up to the 31st December, 1913; and whether this amount is being paid by the small holders in their rents, except in the case of Glamorgan and the West Riding?

If the hon. Gentleman refers to the sinking fund on land only, the answer to the first and second parts of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the last part, I am informed that the answer which I gave to a similar question addressed to me on this subject on the 25th June last was incorrect, and that the rents now charged to small holders in the two counties named are sufficient to provide for the payment of the sinking fund. I would take this opportunity of thanking the hon. Gentleman for enabling me to correct my reply.

How is the right hon. Gentleman going to refund the money paid to the Sinking Fund on the land—through the local authorities or otherwise?

Obviously any financial transactions out of the Small Holdings Account must be done through the local authorities.

Will the right hon. Gentleman call upon the local authorities to refund the amounts they have received, or is he going to provide further money?

Anything that is done in this way will be provided for out of the Small Holdings Account.