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National Health (Port Of London Casual Labour)

Volume 65: debated on Monday 20 July 1914

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asked whether the Insurance Commissioners propose to take any steps to explain to waterside labourers the provisions of the proposed National Health (Port of London Casual Labour) Order, 1914?

Yes, Sir. Before the Order comes into operation appropriate steps will be taken to make known its provisions to all persons who will be affected by it.


asked the hon. Member for St. George's-in-the-East whether he has consulted any, and, if so, what representative organisations of waterside labourers in the Port of London as to the scheme for the payment of insurance contributions in respect of casual labour in the Port of London; and whether the scheme has been approved by such organisation?

The Insurance Commissioners called a conference last winter of representatives of all the principal trade unions concerned to discuss the scheme. As a result of this conference a small committee of the trade unions was appointed, with whom the commissioners have been in frequent consultation, and from whom they received a number of suggestions, some of which it was found possible to adopt.

Would the hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of having someone in the vicinity of the port to give to these men information regarding this Section of the Act?

Oh, yes, Sir; if the special Order is upheld, proper steps will taken to ensure that the provisions are made known to all concerned.

Does the hon. Gentleman say that this scheme has been approved by representatives of the trade unions?

I said that it had been prepared in consultation with the representatives of the principal trade unions.

Has it ever been submitted to them since it was completed, and has it been approved by them?

I do not think it is part of the duty of the Commissioners to submit schemes for approval by outside bodies.