(1) No person shall be sentenced to imprisonment by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction for a period of less than five days.
(2) Where a person is liable to be sentenced to imprisonment by a Court of Summary Jurisdiction, the Court may, if any suitable places provided and certified in manner hereinafter appearing are available for the purpose, order the person to be detained therein for such period not exceeding four days as the Court thinks fit, and the Order shall be delivered with the offender to the person in charge of the place where the offender is to be detained, and shall be a sufficient authority for his detention in that place in accordance with the tenour thereof.
(3) The expenses of the maintenance of persons detained under this Section shall be defrayed in like manner as the expenses of the maintenance of prisoners in prisons to which the Prison Act. 1877, applies.
(4) The Secretary of State may, on the application of any police authority, certify any police cells, bridewells, or other similar places provided by the authority to be suitable places for the detention of persons sentenced to detention under this Section, and may make regulations for the inspection of places so provided, the treatment of persons detained therein, and generally for carrying this Section into effect.
(5) For the purposes of any enactment conferring a right of appeal an order of detention under this Section without the option of a fine shall be treated as though it were a sentence of imprisonment without the option of a fine.
(6) For the purposes of this Section the expression "police authority," with respect to the City of London, means the Commissioner of City Police, and with respect to other places has the same meaning as in the Police Act, 1890.
Amendments made: At the end of Subsection (4), insert the words "Provided that no place shall be certified unless provision is made for the supervision of
female prisoners by female officers."—[ Mr. Dickinson.]
Leave out Sub-section (5).—[ Mr. McKenna.]