asked the Postmaster-General whether the Board of Trade figures upon which the cost of living in the various towns is settled for the purpose of classification of Post Office wages remain those of 1908; whether more recent figures show increases of cost of living in places like Leicester; and whether he proposes to reclassify towns according to the more recent figures?
The figures adopted in 1908 are still in use. I am aware that figures which have since been obtained indicate an increase in cost of living at Leicester and elsewhere, and the question of adjusting the existing scheme of classification is under consideration.
I beg to ask the Postmaster-General a question, of which I have given him private notice, namely: Whether the Chairman of the Committee which is to examine the recommendations of the Holt Committee has yet been selected?
I understand that on the nomination of the President of the Board of Trade, Sir George Gibb has been offered and has accepted the post of Chairman.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say when the Committee will begin to sit?
So far as it lies with me, I shall certainly ask them to sit at the earliest possible moment.