asked whether the First Commissioner has consulted with any Scottish Members on the Holmes Report as regards the proposed changes in the Scottish Office of Works; if so, whom; and on what date.
Yes, Sir. The First Commissioner consulted informally with the hon. Member for East Edinburgh, who put a question. He was accompanied by the Chairman and Secretary of the Scottish Liberal Members' Committee.
Was a decision come to on the part of the Scottish Office of Works or of the English Office of Works to call a meeting?
No such decision was come to at any time.
Has the hon. Gentleman proposed a formal conference of Liberal and Unionist Members?
And Labour Members?
The Commissioners would be very glad to have the opinion of any Member representing a Scottish constituency.
Are we to understand that Members of one side and not of the other were consulted?
I said that they were consulted informally, and I think properly, on certain matters.