asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury why, in estimating the revenue yield from Motor Spirit Duties and motor-car licences, no allowance was made for the probable growth in the number of cars in use?
The hon. Member is no doubt referring to the Estimate given in House of Commons Paper, No. 316, of 1909. At the time this Paper was issued the Treasury were aware that the number of cars would largely increase, but they had not sufficient data on which to form anything like a reliable Estimate of the increased yield of these two taxes which might result in future years from such increase.
May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if the figures that were given then have not more than trebled in the case of motor-car licences and more than doubled in the case of motor spirits since the Return was applied for, and is the House to understand that they are the Estimates placed before the House by the Chancellor of the Exchequer?
That may be so, but in the Debate in 1909 there were no data on which to form a more accurate estimate.
Is any reliability to be placed upon the figures given?