asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether his attention has been drawn to the effect of the issue of Army Orders, dated 26th January, 1918, containing Amendments to the Royal Warrant for pay of the Army in matters of daily rates of pay to certain commissioned officers, whereby quartermasters holding the honorary rank of captain are, until they attain five years' commissioned service, now being paid the same rate of daily pay as a second-lieutenant and 1s. a day less than a lieutenant; and if any steps will be taken to pay this class of officer in accordance with their rank and with due regard to the responsible work expected of and performed by them?
The Army Order in question conveyed the decision of the War Cabinet, reached after very full consideration of the whole question.
Would the hon. Gentleman consider the advisability of putting these deserving officers on the same footing as an ordinary second-lieutenant, who gets an increase of pay after eighteen months' service: these officers are really doing more work than the ordinary officers, and they feel this treatment to be a grievance?
All these questions were very fully considered.