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asked the Home Secretary (1) whether Litvinoff was concerned in the bank robbery at Tiflis; whether he has held a German passport in the name of Gustav Graf; and what is the real name of this person who describes himself as Litvinoff; and (2) whether he can now state whether inquiries have been made with regard to a person describing himself as Maximovitch Litvinoff; and whether he has passed under the various names of Gustav Graf, Bakkah, Buchman, Harrison, Vallach, and A. Finkelstein Litvinoff?
I am informed that M. Maxim Litvinoff's original name was David Mordeovitch Finkelstein, and that he has at different times used the names of Buchman and Harrison, and probably those of Graf and Vallach. As to the remainder of the question, my inquiries are not yet complete.
May I ask the right hon. and learned Gentleman whether it is not the fact that the gentleman named is not Finkelstein, but actually Murdoch Nordkovich Buchman; may I also ask whether his attention has been called to the fact that this man was here fn London until quite recently, when he was described as Finkelstein; and, having regard to the fact that he is evidently a rolling stone, a dangerous character—seeing that he changes his name from day to day—will he see that he is sent back to Russia at the earliest possible moment?
My information is the man's name is Finkelstein. In his later years in London he took the name of Buchman. He is not the same man as the one referred to by the hon. and gallant Gentleman.
Can the right hon. Gentleman say whence this man received his passport, and who signed it; and how a German Jew was able to be a citizen of Russia ; and whether any German Jews are allowed to be—
The hon. Member must give notice of that question.