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National Shell Factory, Dublin

Volume 103: debated on Monday 25 February 1918

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asked the Minister of Munitions if he is aware of the discontent in the National Shell Factory, Dublin; if he is aware that on Friday, 15th February, two carpenters were dismissed without notice for applying for the bonuses which they believed they were entitled to and is being paid to other men in the same employment for similar work; if he will cause inquiries as to why these men were ordered out of their employment and told to be outside the door in ten minutes; and if he will see that the bonuses shall be paid to them from April, 1917, as awarded by the Committee of Production?

The hon. Member has been misinformed. Carpenters in the Dublin National Shell Factory are receiving, and will continue to receive, all the bonuses to which they are entitled. No carpenters have been dismissed without notice. One carpenter received a week's notice on Friday, the 15th instant, as his work was considered unsatisfactory.