asked the Secretary for Scotland whether his attention has been called to the case of John Poison, a conscientious objector imprisoned in Calton Gaol, who is at present suffering from kidney trouble and is otherwise ill; and, if so, whether he proposes to release this man under the new concessions, or whether it is intended to detain him until something serious happens, as in the two cases in English prisons where the men were suffering from bronchial pneumonia, but their release was refused until death ensued?
My right hon. Friend's attention has been called to this case. The reports of the medical examination of the prisoner by the medical officer of the prison and by the medical advisers of the Prison Commissioners negative the suggestions contained in the first part of the question, and the remainder of the question does not, therefore, arise.
Does the hon. and learned Gentleman maintain that this man is in quite good health, judging from the medical reports he has received?
I think that follows from the answer I have read.