( by Private Notice)
asked the Minister of Munitions whether it is the intention of his Department to pay the fares of the munition female workers discharged from Southampton controlled establishments and from factories in other districts to their homes in Scotland and elsewhere, in view of the facts that these women have not funds to pay the fares themselves, and were induced by advertisements of his Departments and otherwise to leave their homes and help the country in its need for munitions?
This matter has been submitted to the Treasury, and it has now been agreed that the women who left their homes to undertake munitions work, and who have been thrown out of employment In consequence of a reduction in the munitions programme, shall be provided with free railway warrants to return to their homes. In making this announcement I would earnestly appeal to these women, whose work in the munitions factories has been of great value to the State, readily to undertake one of the other forms of National Service now open to them, and in which there is most urgent need for labour.
Does that include all the workers who wish to return home?
I think my answer is quite definite. It refers to those women who left their homes to undertake munitions work and who have been thrown out of the work owing to termination of contracts.
Will the communication be made to the women appealing to them to give their services in other directions?
I have no doubt the question and answer will give the necessary publicity. If anything more is necessary, we will do that.