asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that a British medical officer just returned from Westphalia, who has been attending to British prisoners sent back from the coal mines and factories in that district because they are unable to work any longer on account of being starved, ill-treated, and beaten till their flesh is like pulp, has. stated and. is prepared, to give evidence that no bandages are provided for their wounds, that the medicine is known as being a complete sham and having no value, and that they are treated worse than slaves and no neutrals allowed to visit them; and what steps the Government intend to take in the matter?
Before I can give a satisfactory answer to this question, I must ask the hon. Member to communicate to me in confidence the name of the medical officer to whom he refers, in order that inquiries may be made,
I will do so.
Inasmuch as the medical officer appears to have seen such things, will the hon. Gentleman have this statement published, so that the people of this country may understand what they are up against?
I cannot authorise the publication; I think it must depend upon the exact nature of the statement. I would not really give a promise in the matter now.