asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that persons convicted as ordinary criminals in Ireland and not able to put forward the plea that they are suffering imprisonment as adherents of the Irish Republic are now able to claim the privileges of the Temporary Discharge of Prisoners Act; whether a man sentenced on the 14th instant to a year's imprisonment for a theft of £8 10s. at the Cork Assizes has been already released in consequence of his going on hunger-strike ; and will he consult the Law Officers of the Crown as to whether the Temporary Discharge of Prisoners Act can be used in this way to defeat the ends of justice?
The answer to the first, second and third inquiries in this question is in the negative. The man referred to did not go on hunger strike, and was not released under the Act mentioned. He was found, after conviction, to be suffering from disease which needed treatment unobtainable in prison, and was discharged to a hospital in order that he might undergo such treatment.
asked the Home Secretary if he will state the condition of Joseph Robinson, now in Duke Street Prison, Glasgow; if he is being forcibly fed; and if he will allow a medical expert to visit him and report on his treatment?
My right hon. Friend the Secretary for Scotland is advised that there is nothing in the state of Robinson's health to cause any anxiety. Robinson has not been, and is not being, forcibly fed. If the necessity arises, the usual medical experts of the Prison Commissioners are available, and will be consulted.