asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Shipping Controller whether the latest and best davits and tackle are always used for British shipping at the present time; and whether any loss of life has been sustained in cases where vessels have been torpedoed owing to defective provisions in this behalf?
My hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. Constant improvements are being made in davits and tackle, and it is not possible to require the latest invention at any particular moment to be adopted compulsorily on every ship, but all boat-lowering gear on board British ships must comply with certain definite conditions, and must be fit for the service for which it is intended. Loss of life has occurred through defective gear, but such accidents as occur in connection with boat-lowering gear are generally due to the conditions under which it has to be used and not to inherent defects in the gear itself.
Would the hon. Member consider the advisability of insisting that on all ships there should be deck rafts that float off when the vessel sinks?
All these matters are being constantly considered, and every effort is made to save life.